13-15.06.2023, Gdańsk/Kashubian region

Conference Fee

The conference fee amounts to 300 EUR**.

A special, reduced fee for students and PhD candidates is 210 EUR.

The conference fee includes full accommodation, conference materials and social events.

**) single room supplement: 35 EUR, upon request
    (on a first-come, first-served basis)

Bank details for conference fee payment:

The owner of a bank account:
Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Fiszera 14,
80-231 Gdańsk; NIP: 584-035-78-82

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
ul. Kowalska 10
80-846 Gdańsk

SWIFT: GOSKPLPW (only for foreign transfers)

Account No.: 28 1130 1121 0006 5498 9520 0011

The payment title should state: Warsztaty Wielofazowe, Name and Surname of the Participant

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  1. abstract submission - 10.03.2023
  2. abstract acceptance - 20.03.2023
  3. 2nd Announcement - 04.04.2023
  4. registration and payment - 11.04.2023


e-mail: ww21(at)imp.gda(.)pl
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN)
Fiszera 14
80-231 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 52 25 240