Peer Review process

  • Each manuscript is assigned an individual number that is used in all correspondence regarding the publication process.
  • Each submission is initially screened by Editor-in-Chief for its novelty and correspondence to the journal scope. Manuscripts that don’t suit the journal scope or lacking in originality may be declined by Editor-in-Chief and returned to the authors without review.
  • The journal uses a double-blinded peer review system. Editor-in-Chief appoints a minimum of 2 Reviewers from institutions other than the authors affiliation and handles the review process. In case of Polish submissions at least one referee is selected from abroad. Authors are requested to suggest potential Reviewers of their manuscript. However, final selection of Reviewers is made exclusively by Editor-in-Chief.
  • The Reviewer submits the evaluation sheet to the Editorial System at with a statement proposing either paper rejection or paper acceptance with one of the following options:
    • in the form as submitted,
    • after minor review agreed with the editor,
    • after essential improvements agreed with the reviewer.
  • Following the receipt of the reviews containing a unanimous conclusion with respect to the paper acceptance or rejection the Editor-in-Chief takes up a decision about the paper acceptance or rejection. The Editorial Office releases to Authors part of the review justifying the decision about publication, without information about the Reviewers.
  • The Editorial Office asks Authors of the contribution to introduce relevant correction and enhancements suggested by Reviewers and/or Editorial Office. Based on the obtained recommendations from Reviewers and response of Authors, Editor-in-Chief makes an ultimate decision about acceptance of the manuscript or its rejection for publication.
  • Editor-in-Chief may appoint an Editor with expertise in the relevant field, who is fully responsible for further handling the paper and giving an ultimate decision about its acceptance or rejection.
  • The review process should not exceed the period of 3 months.
  • Once a year the Editorial Office places on the journal website an up-to-date list of collaborating Reviewers.


Review Board 2020-2022

Archives of Thermodynamics relies upon the expert assessment to maintain the high publication standards. All submitted manuscripts have been reviewed by at least two reviewers to  ensuring the quality and relevance of the published papers.

We appreciate their time and efforts in evaluating manuscripts as well as assistance with the improvement of recommend ones, and express our sincere thanks for their completely voluntary and uncompensated work.


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