Bulletin of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery


ISSN 0239-9091  (print version)

The serial publication devoted to publication of more extensive dissertations and scientific reports issued in the form of separate volumes from the areas represented at the Institute, hence fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, tribology and diagnostics of power engineering machinery, hydrodynamics of marine vessels, plasma and gaseous lasers physics.

The article must obtain a positive appraisal of one referee, who's name is placed on the cover sheet.

The publication appears irregularly, since 1956 by the year 2013 there appeared 1518 titles. The publishing language is in 90% Polish.

Table of contents are available since 1997 (no. 479/1428).

Bulletin of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery is registered in a bibliographic database containing citations from the Polish technical journals - The "Polish Technical Journal Contents" BazTech.


Editorial Board Statement

The basic edition of the Bulletin of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery is printed, and should be considered as primary – reference one.  All online publications are reproductions.

Terms of subscription outside Poland

Subscription order and payment should be directly sent to the Publisher:

Attn. Mr. Jarosław Frączak , e-mail: jfrk(at)imp.gda(.)pl

Subscription rate is $30 (including postage outside Poland).


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