Submission of manuscript

The manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Office by post or e-mail. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter explaining why the manuscript is considered suitable for publication in the journal. The letter should contain:

  • full title of the paper,
  • full list of authors with affiliations,
  • e-mail of the authors,
  • contact address, telephone/fax numbers of the corresponding author

The cover letter should explicitly state that the manuscript has not been previously published in any language anywhere and that it is not under simultaneous consideration or in press by another journal. If related work has been submitted, then a preprint may be required. Reviewers will be asked to comment on the overlap between the related submissions.

Manuscripts that have been previously rejected, or withdrawn after being returned for modification, may be resubmitted if the major criticisms have been addressed. The cover letter must state that the manuscript is a resubmission, and the former manuscript number should be provided.

All authors of the manuscript are responsible for its content; they must have agreed to its publication and have given the corresponding author the authority to act on their behalf. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the co-authors of the manuscript status throughout the submission, review, and production process.


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