No. 114, 2003, 177-190
The dynamic behaviour of a rotor consisting of two bladed disc on a solid shaft is considered. The effect of shaft flexibility on the dynamic characteristics of the bladed discs and the coupling effect between the shaft and bladed flexibility show clearly the coupling effects in a bladed disc-shaft system. Calculated natural frequencies obtained from blade, shaft bladed disc and shaft with two discs are checked to discover resonance conditions and the coupling effects. The calculations show the influence of the shaft of the natural frequencies of the blades discs up to one nodal zero nodal diametersmodes of the single bladed discs. The bending modes of the shaft are coupledwith one nodal diameters modes of the bladed discs. It is shown that including the shaft in the bladed discs model is important form the designer's point of view and can change the spectrum of frequencies considerably.
blades, bladed disc, shaft