1983, Zeszyt 85
In the years 1976 - 1980 the Department of Fluid Dynamics was engaged in improving the fundamentals of design and utilization of ceirtrifugal pumps, water turbines and fluid couplings, research of cavitation bubble devel,opment and collapse processes, the methods of cavitation and cavitational erosion prediction, cavitation diagnostics in hydraulic rnachinery, the methods of machinery protection against destructive cavitation effects and the resistance of structural materials to cavitational erosion.
Expertises and technical analysis were elaborated as well as design, technological and experimental works on the construction and utilization of hydraulic machinery and devices for the needs of Power Mining and Shipbuilding Industries, Agriculture, Building Trade, Railways, Chemical and Engineering Industry. Numerous professional advices were given. Implementation of the Department elaborations to the production or utilization technology was supervised by the authors.
Department of Fluid Dynamics, ceirtrifugal pumps, water turbines and fluid couplings