- 04.03.2025 - PhD position in OPUS project: "Study of elastic wave mode sensing and separation using FBG sensors for structural health monitoring", UMO-2020/39/B/ST8/01753 funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
Job offer
- 19.11.2024 - Offer for PhD stipend position in the frame of double degree program in cooperation between Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Science (IMP PAN) and University of Lleida (UdL). Scholarship from the IMP PAN side will be financed from mTSDPAN STER project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
Deadline for applications: 29.11.2024
Job offer
- 30.09.2024 - Offer for PhD stipend position in the Sonata 16 project (5 months)
"Guided waves based reference-free structural health monitoring using fiber Bragg grating sensors (REF-FREE)"
funded by National Science Center, Poland (Project number: 2020/39/D/ST8/00188)
Deadline for applications: 13.10.2024
Job offer
- 17.07.2024 - Offer for PhD stipend position in the frame of double degree program in cooperation between Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). Scholarship from the IMP PAN side will be financed from mTSDPAN STER project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
Deadline for applications: 30.07.2024
Job offer
Recruitment result: Mr Muhammad Abuzar Khan was selected for the position by the decision of the Recruitment Committee on 31th of July, 2024.
- 24.04.2024 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidate Position DC5 on “Metamaterial enhanced ultrasonic guided wave monitoring for osseointegrated implants and fractured bone healing” as a part of a European-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (DN) on Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications (MetacMed), GRANT-101119738, see
Submission deadline: 31.07.2024
Job offer
- 24.04.2024 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidate Position DC11 on “AI-aided topology optimization of phononic crystals” as a part of a European-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (DN) on Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications (MetacMed), GRANT-101119738, see
Submission deadline: 31.07.2024
Job offer
- 24.04.2024 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidate Position DC12 on “Additively-manufactured metamaterial with embedded FBG sensors for human joints monitoring and rehabilitation” as a part of a European-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (DN) on Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications (MetacMed), GRANT-101119738, see
Submission deadline: 31.07.2024
Job offer
- 14.03.2024 - Post-doc position in OPUS project: "Study of elastic wave mode sensing and separation using FBG sensors for structural health monitoring", UMO-2020/39/B/ST8/01753 funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
Job offer
Recruitment result: Dr. Ganggang Sha was selected for the position by the decision of the Recruitment Committee on 24th of May, 2024.
- 19.01.2024 - Sonata project: “Guided waves based reference-free structural health monitoring using fiber Bragg grating sensors (REF-FREE)”, 2020/39/D/ST8/00188 funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
Job offer
- 18.01.2024 - Post-doc position in OPUS project: “Study of elastic wave mode sensing and separation using FBG sensors for structural health monitoring”, UMO-2020/39/B/ST8/01753 funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
Job offer
Competition was unresolved due to lack of offers and will be announced again - decision of the Recruitment Committee, March 6, 2024.
- 11.01.2024 - Post-doc position in OPUS 18 project "Health monitoring of additively manufactured structures", funded by National Science Centre, Poland (project no: 2019/35/B/ST8/00691)
Submission deadline: 19.04.2024.
Job offer
Recruitment result: Dr. Paresh Mirgal was selected for the position by the decision of the selection committee on 6th of May, 2024.
- 25.04.2023 - Offer for PhD stipend position in the Opus 17 project: "Investigating the use of optical fiber sensors guided waves based structural health monitoring" funded by National Science Center, Poland (Project number: 2019/33/B/ST8/01699)
Deadline for applications: 10.05.2023
Job offer
- 26.05.2022 - Scholarship in the frame of OPUS LAP project entitled "Solar Reduction of CO2 at Nano-Architectured Photoelectrodes Featuring Advanced Photon Management" (no 2020/39/I/ST5/01781) financed by the National Center for Science (NCN)
Job offer
- 11.04.2022 - Post-doctoral position in the research project SHENG of the National Science Centre:
Numerical modeling of dispersed turbulent flows considering particle-scale interactions
Application deadline: 15.05.2022
Job offer
- 25.03.2022 - Post-doctoral position in the research project OPUS entitled "Study of elastic wave mode sensing and separation using FBG sensors for structural health monitoring", UMO-2020/39/B/ST8/01753 funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
Job offer
Recruitment: Mr. Maciej Radzieński was selected for the position by the decision of the selection board
- 31.01.2022 - Position for PhD candidate in the frame of OPUS project entitled "Smart photon management in a photonic structure fabricated via laser irradiation" (no 2021/41/B/ST8/01849) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)
Job offer
- 30.11.2021 - Job offer in research project No. 2020/39/I/ST5/01781 entitled "Solar Reduction of CO2 at Nano-Architectured Photoelectrodes Featuring Advanced Photon Management”
Job offer
- 29.07.2021 - Position for PhD candidate in the frame of Sonata 16 project titled "Guided waves based reference-free structural health monitoring using fiber Bragg grating sensors (REF-FREE)" financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) (project number: 2020/39/D/ST8/00188)
Deadline for application: 10.10.2021
Job offer
Recruitment: Ms Sara Sarbaz was selected for the position by the decision of the selection board
- 25.03.2021 - Post-doctoral position in the research project SHENG of the National Science Centre:
Numerical modeling of dispersed turbulent flows considering particle-scale interactions
Application deadline: 31.05.2021
Job offer
- 25.01.2021 - Post-doc open position in Sonata-BIS project: "Towards superior photoactivity of TiO2 nanotubes modified by pulsed laser nanostructuring" financed from National Science Centre (project number: 2017/26/E/ST5/00416) .
Deadline for submission of application - 22.02.2021
Job offer
- 25.01.2021 - PhD student/scholar - job offer in the international CEUS-UNISONO project: "Semitransparent titania nanostructures on complex geometry surfaces for enhanced light harvesting and sensing (no 2020/02/Y/ST8/00030)", financed by the National Science Centre.
Application deadline: 1.06.2021
Job offer
- 01.09.2020 - PhD student candidate in the frame of ALPHORN project entitled "Fusion of Models and Data for Enriched Evaluation of Structural Health" funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (project no. 2019/01/Y/ST8/00060)
Application deadline: 11.09.2020
Job offer
Rescheduling of the announcement of the competition results
- 17.07.2020 - The job offer concerning post-doc position in NCN Sonata-BIS project no 2017/26/E/ST5/00416: "Towards superior photoactivity of TiO2 nanotubes modified by pulsed laser nanostructuring"
Job offer
- 29.01.2020 - Job offer in application project No. POIR.04.01.04-00-0014/17 entitled "A versatile gas turbine micro CHP system"
Job offer