IMP PAN has achieved the highest scientific category A+
Added: 18.01.2023

We are pleased to announce that as part of the quality assessment of scientific activities for 2017-2021, based on the decision of the Minister of Education and Science, the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk has achieved an A+ category in the discipline of mechanical engineering. The evaluation was carried out by the Commission for the Evaluation of Science, taking into account three criteria: the scientific level, the financial effects of the research and development work and the impact of scientific activity on society and the economy. The A+ category has been assigned for the period 2022-2025 and will remain in place until the next evaluation of scientific activities is completed.

The awarding of the highest scientific category confirms the very high level of research and development work carried out at IMP PAN and the commitment of employees to solving contemporary socio-economic problems. The A+ category obtained in the discipline of mechanical engineering confirms the position of the Institute among the leading institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the country and the international significance of its scientific achievements.


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