We invite you to learn more about the offer of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences related to the research and development of hydrogen technologies. Our offer is aimed at both entrepreneurs and scientific entities seeking a scientific partner with which they could develop and implement new solutions for the rational use of this ecological element.
Our offer has been prepared based on years of experience of the IMP PAN scientific teams and includes new topics, taking into account current trends in the use of hydrogen in the power industry and other branches of the low-carbon economy. In accordance with the Polish Hydrogen Strategy for 2030, within the 2024 perspective, the proposed R&D topics have been divided into four groups:
A detailed summary of research and development topics, along with contact details, can be found on our website, under the 'Hydrogen Technologies' subpage: https://www.imp.gda.pl/en/page/hydrogen-technologies/