Polish Hydropower Conference RENEXPO Poland
Added: 17.09.2018

For the eighth time already the Polish Hydropower Association (TEW) together with the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) and the Polish Association for Small Hydropower Development (TRMEW) are organisers of a hydropower event in the RENEXPO Poland sequence of conferences.

Only few days have been left to launching the Eighth Polish Hydropower Conference RENEXPO Poland, co-organised by the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This year event is linked with the jubilee of the XXth anniversary of establishing the Polish Association for Small Hydropower Development and a study visit at the Porąbka-Żar pumped storage power plant. The detailed Conference Programme and some logistic information are to found in our Bulletin no 2. It is still possible to register. We encourage all persons interested and not registered so far to complete the enclosed registration form and send it electronically at the Polish Hydropower Association Office address. The bulletin and the registration form are available below:


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