Cavitation phenomenon
High values of dynamic pressures in the flow systems of hydraulic machines and the effect of reducing the static pressure to a level at which the unequal (explosive) the development of steam-gas bubble in the water and released from the pores or solid surfaces are formed quasistable areas (cavities) filled with a mixture of steam and gas. The growth of both tracks and steam raised from the gas flow, and connected to solid surfaces is limited by inhomogeneous distribution of pressure. In the case of raised-flow tracks (bubbles, and whirls the kernel), under high pressure can occur to their equilibrium decay (implosion). Phenomenon is accompanied by generation of shock waves, in the case of implosion near the surface of the solid - the defragmentation blistering stream preceded by a generation of cumulative in the direction of the moving wall at a speed of several hundred m / s. Pressure impulses affecting the surface of constant amplitude are often the order of GPa, and a significant threat to its integrity. Destructive effects of the above-described phenomenon was first observed in the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenties of the last century, this phenomenon began to define the term "cavitation" (from Latin cavus - the emptiness, the niche).