The Department of Transonic Flows is part of the Centre of Thermomechanics of Fluids, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk, Poland.
- Experimental investigation of flow in boundary layer
- natural and induced transition in boundary layer,
- unsteady phenomena in boundary layer,
- thermal boundary on a flat plate,
- heat transfer in heated boundary layer,
- modeling of boundary layer transition induced by wakes.
- Experimental techniques for flow measurements
- thermoanemometry,
- simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity fluctuations,
- heat transfer measurements,
- pressure and velocity measurements.
- Wake generation and its investigation
- wake interaction in turbomachinery,
- interception of wakes, clocking effect and its modeling,
- squirrel cage generator,
- single cylinder in motion.
- Engineering applications
- axial fan design, development and investigation,
- probes calibration for industry.
1. Shock wave configuration at triple point at low Mach number.

2. Flow control for noise and drag reduction.

3. Gas turbine cooling (AITEB).