Department of Applications of Plasma and Laser Engineering (Z3) is part of the Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, which is one of five centers of The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk.
The research on gas lasers and their applications has been carried out in the Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk since mid-sixties of the last century, i.e. only several years after the first laser was introduced. The very early research carried out by the Centre concerned physics and technology of He-Ne and CO2 lasers. Then, the research of the Centre was focused on metal vapour lasers (He-Cd+, He-Se+, He-Hg+, CuBr) and electrical discharge related phenomena.
Poznań International Fair Gold Medal in the category: Transfer of scientific research results to the economic practice for “Laser Micromachining System”
J. Mizeraczyk, M. Kocik, R. Barbucha, M. Tański