The Department of Photophysics carries research on new materials mainly for the sector of renewable energies. Processes of materials synthesis and nano-structuration using interaction of the coherent photon beams (lasers) are investigated. The research aims on production of scalable, functionalized nanomaterials and development of the dedicated technologies for industrial (PV, photocatalysis) and also ultra-sensitive biosensing applications. Moreover, activities such as the laser surface cleaning and complex, non-invasive analysis of historical materials and also 3D-object scanning are performed for the Cultural Heritage sector in collaboration with museums and conservator's enterprises.
Gold Medal for portable XRF spectrometer at the Innovations - Technologies - Machines Poland 2009 Fair, Poznań International Fair.
Gdansk University of Technology Rector's Cup and an award in the in the competition for Mercurius Gedanensis Medal for the portable XRF spectrometer at the 6th Fair of Industrial Technology, Science and Innovation TECHNICON - INNOVATION 2010, Gdansk International Fair.