Project title | Pomeranian Digital Innovation Hub (PDIH) (acronym: PDIH) |
Project number | FENG.02.22-IP.02-0010/23-00 |
Implementation period | 2023–2026 |
Total budget | 15,207,444.49 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 58,673.45 EUR |
Project title | Development of technologies for rational management of bovine shavings from leather processing (acronym: MIZDRA 2.0) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0071/20 |
Implementation period | 2021–2023 |
Total budget | 8,289,082.50 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 3,218,125.00 PLN |
Project title | Turbina parowa 1 MW zasilana parą wodną wykorzystująca ciepło odpadowe i procesowe (acronym: POLTUR1) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0116/17 |
Implementation period | 2018–2023 |
Total budget | 5,980,735.37 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 4,495,658.75 PLN |
Project title | Innowacyjne zmiennofazowe magazyny ciepła i chłodu w nowoczesnej instalacji ciepła sieciowego (acronym: INNOSTORAGE) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0100/17 |
Implementation period | 2020–2023 |
Total budget | 2,335,438.60 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 762,812.50 PLN |
Project title | Warstwowy zasobnik wody ciepłej z PCM (acronym: ZASOBNIK CIEPŁA) |
Project number | POIR.01.01.01-00-1519/19 |
Implementation period | 2020–2023 |
Total budget | 4,174,397.53 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 1,164,500.00 PLN |
Project title | Modular system based on reversible solid oxide cells (rSOC) designed for integration with an industrial power plant in order to improve its flexibility, and increase utilization of renewable energy sources in power sector (acronym: HYDROGIN) |
Project number | POIR.01.01.01-00-0335/19 |
Implementation period | 2020–2023 |
Total budget | 5,687,621.77 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 2,509,804.59 PLN |
Project title | Universal, turbogas cogeneration plant (acronym: VOLTAERIS) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0014/17 |
Implementation period | 2018–2022 |
Total budget | 8,499,806.76 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 5,415,105.00 PLN |
Project title | HYBRID system for emission reduction of the acidic compounds and fly ash from flue gases (acronym: HYBRYDA+) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0096/17 |
Implementation period | 2018–2022 |
Total budget | 6,800,475.00 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 1,714,225.00 PLN |
Project title | Trójmodułowy, bezpieczny, cichy i innowacyjny dwu-wirnikowy wiatrak o osi pionowej (acronym: 3-Pio-Wiat) |
Project number | POIR.04.01.04-00-0031/18 |
Implementation period | 2018–2021 |
Total budget | 1,902,403.75 PLN |
IMP PAN budget | 1,543,362.50 PLN |