Employees of the Department of Turbine Aerodynamics are investigators, sub-coordinators, leaders and coordinators of several research projects, including:
- Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region (LowTEMP) - European Regional Development Fund & European Neighbourhood Instrument, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020, Cenian A. (project head), J. Mikielewicz.
- Universal Gas Turbine Microcogeneration System, VoltAeris, Kardaś D. (project head), Klonowicz P., Żywica G., Polesek-Karczewska S., POIR.04.01.04-00-0014/17.
- New eco-energy technologies for sustainable development of rural areas and low-emission agricultural production, Kiciński J. (project head), Lackowski M., Żywica G., Lampart P., Cenian A., Kardaś D., Bykuć S., BIOSTRATEG3/344128/12/NCBR/2017.
- Oil-free, small and medium power radial refrigeration compressors with an innovative, hermetic design (LIDER), Klonowicz P. (project head).
- „Advanced Technologies of Energy Production. Task 4 – Elaboration of integrated Technologies of production of fuels and energy from biomass, agricultural waste and other wastes” Strategic research and development programme of NCBiR, 2010-2015 (project coordinator - Jan Kiciński).
- „Bioenergy Promotion”, INTERREG project, 2009-2012 (project coordinator at IMP PAN - Adam Cenian)
- „Science2Business – Innovation incubator”, projekt PARP, POIG 3.1, 2009-2012, (project coordinator - Fundacja Nowe Media, project head at IMP PAN – Piotr Lampart).
- „Rozwój Energetyczny Gmin zgodny z Naturą”, Norway grant, 2009-2011 (project coordinator - Fundacja Poszanowania Energii w Gdańsku, project head at IMP PAN – Piotr Lampart).
- „Complex investigation of the influence on the extraction geometry on the structure and efficiency of flow in the last turbine stages”, MNiSzW grant, 2008-2011, project head – Mariusz Szymaniak.
- „Model agroenergy complexes as an example of distributed cogeneration based on local and renewable energy resources”, POIG Key Project, POIG.01.01.02-00-016/08, 2008-2013 (project coordinator - Jan Kiciński).
- „Supercritical coal units”, MEiN commissioned research project, PBZ-MEiN-4/2/2006, 2007-2010 (project coordinator - Tadeusz Chmielniak, Technical University of Silesia).
- “Numerical 3D analysis of interaction of coherent vortex structures in a turbine stage rotor”, MNiSzW grant, 2007-2010, project head – Jerzy Świrydczuk.
- MNiSzW grant, 2006-2009, project head – Andrzej Gardzilewicz.
- „Numerical optimisation of turbine flow systems”, KBN grant (section T10B), 2003-2006 – project head Piotr Lampart.
- „Modelling and diagnosis of mechanical aerodynamic and magnetic interactions in large power units”, KBN commissioned research project, PBZ K015/T10/2001, 2001-2004 (project coordinator - Jan Kiciński).
- “Numerical analysis of steady and unsteady flows in turbine stages”, KBN grant (section T10B), 2000-2002, project head – Andrzej Gardzilewicz.
- „Numerical analysis of losses in 3D-shaped turbine blading”, KBN grant (section T07C), 2000-2002, project head - Piotr Lampart.
- “Expert systems in thermal diagnostics of turbines and power systems”, KBN grant, 1999-2001, project head - Jerzy Krzyżanowski.
- “Thermal diagnostics relations of power cycles and equipment”, KBN grant, 1996-1999, project head - Jerzy Krzyżanowski.
We also carry out research investigations ordered by our industrial partners under the IMP PAN programme C2.