The Department of Hydrodynamics and Multiphase flows was established in 2007 as a result of fusion of two research groups working in the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery: The Multiphase Flows Group and the Department of Ship Hydrodynamics.
At the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery (IMP PAN), analytical and experimental studies on multiphase flows have been in progress since the Institute's foundation in 1956. Part of the Department of Gas Dynamics (Head: Prof. J. Krzyżanowski, then Assoc. Prof. A. Żabicki) was the Two-Phase Flow Group directed by Prof. R. Puzyrewski. Reaserch interests of the Group included condensation phenomena, dynamics and breakup of liquid droplets in a gas stream; that work also resulted in doctoral dissertations (A. Gardzilewicz, S. Krzeczkowski, W. Studziński, T. Król, K. Namieśnik, J. Pozorski). Since 1987 the Group has been directed by the late Professor Zbigniew Bilicki (until 2002). The major subject of that work were liquid-vapour flows with thermodynamic non-equilibrium and phase changes, and the analysis of wave phenomena in such flows. That research has been inspired by practical needs of efficiency and safety of flow installations in high pressure and temperature regimes, related in particular to flows in nuclear power plants. The Multiphase Flow Group has been reactivated in 2005, and in March 2007 fusioned with the Ship Propeller Department.
Prof. Romuald Puzyrewski |
Prof. Zbigniew Bilicki |
The Department of Ship Propellers existed In the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery since it's establishment. The first head of the department was Professor Lech Kobyliński. Then, until 1992, the departament was lead by Professor Henryk Jarzyna, and by Professor Jan Szanty until 1999. Afterwards, to 2007, the department was lead by Professor Tadeusz Koronowicz. The department's activity has always been based on researching both: theoretical basic and experimental applications (In 1959 the department gained cavitational tunnel). As soon as In the 60's, the department generated models suitable for computer design and analysis of ship propellers working conditions. In the 90's, the deaprtment joined the works heading for creating a virtual model pool. The calculational models created In the department (based on the Navier-Stokes equation and vorticity equation) are used for designing and analyzing various hydraulic machines.
Prof. Lech Kobyliński |
Prof. Henryk Jarzyna |
Prof. Jan Szantyr |
Prof. Tadeusz Koronowicz |