- Research project H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-EID, No. 813948 “Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes” COMETE (2018-2022). Coordinator: University of Udine (Italy); Partners: TU Wien (Austria), IMP PAN, Euro Heat Pipes (Belgium), ESTECO (Italy)
- Research Project PRELUDIUM of National Science Centre “Fully resolved computations of interfacial flows with the massively parallelised Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method”
- Participation in COST Action CM1404 “Chemistry of Smart Energy Carriers and Technologies” SMARTCATs (2015-2019)
- Research Project OPUS of National Science Centre “Development of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method for sediment transport in free-surface flows” (2014-2018).
Consortium of IMP PAN and IBW PAN,
- Research project of UE FP7 EURATOM „Development of two-phase SPH approach for refined modelling of turbulent liquid-vapour flows in the near-wall region” , Nugenia Plus (2015-2016). Coordinator: Electricité de France (EDF) R&D, Partners: University of Udine (Italy), IMP PAN
- Research Project of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) “Modelling of agglomeration and deposition of colloidal particles carried by a flow” (2014-2016)
- Research Project OPUS of National Science Centre “Modelling the effects of small-scale turbulence in dispersed two-phase flows” (2012-2016)
- Participation in COST Action MP0806 „Particles in Turbulence” (2009-2013)
- Research Project of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) ”Development of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for simulation of wall boiling” (2010-2013)
- Participation in Strategic Project NCBiR: "Developing integrated technologies of fuel and energy production from biomass, agricultural waste and other resources", Action 3.9 (2010-2013)
- Participation in Action P20 “Large-Eddy Simulation for Advanced Industrial Design” (2006-2009) and in SPB COST 258/06 „Development of rules for effcient LES use in chosen types of turbulent flows”
- Research Project of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) ”Near-wall stochastic modelling of physically-complex turbulent flows” (2005-2008)