Research projects and grants

  1. Research project H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-EID, No. 813948 “Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes” COMETE (2018-2022). Coordinator: University of Udine (Italy); Partners: TU Wien (Austria), IMP PAN, Euro Heat Pipes (Belgium), ESTECO (Italy)
  2. Research Project PRELUDIUM of National Science Centre  “Fully resolved computations of interfacial flows with the massively parallelised Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method”
  3. Participation in COST Action CM1404 “Chemistry of Smart Energy Carriers and Technologies” SMARTCATs (2015-2019)

Accomplished Projects

  1. Research Project OPUS of National Science Centre “Development of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method for sediment transport in free-surface flows” (2014-2018).
    Consortium of IMP PAN and IBW PAN,
  2. Research project of UE FP7 EURATOM „Development of two-phase SPH approach for refined modelling of turbulent liquid-vapour flows in the near-wall region” , Nugenia Plus (2015-2016). Coordinator: Electricité de France (EDF) R&D, Partners: University of Udine (Italy), IMP PAN
  3. Research Project  of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) “Modelling of agglomeration and deposition of colloidal particles carried by a flow” (2014-2016)
  4. Research Project OPUS of National Science Centre “Modelling the effects of small-scale turbulence in dispersed two-phase flows” (2012-2016)
  5. Participation in  COST Action MP0806 „Particles in Turbulence” (2009-2013)
  6. Research Project  of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) ”Development of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for simulation of wall boiling” (2010-2013)
  7. Participation in Strategic Project NCBiR: "Developing integrated technologies of fuel and energy production from biomass, agricultural waste and other resources", Action 3.9 (2010-2013)
  8. Participation in Action P20 “Large-Eddy Simulation for Advanced Industrial Design” (2006-2009) and in SPB COST 258/06 „Development of rules for effcient LES use in chosen types of turbulent flows”
  9. Research Project of EDF R&D (Chatou, France) ”Near-wall stochastic modelling of physically-complex turbulent flows” (2005-2008)


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