Laboratory facilities

1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM Zeiss EVO-40) to study the topography and material contrast layer.

  • resolution: 3 nm,
  • magnification: 1000000x.



2. X-ray microanalyser (EDS BRUKER AXS Quantax 200) to study the elemental composition of applied layers.

3. Infrared absorption spectrometer FTIR to study the chemical composition of the reaction in the plasma of electrical discharg.

4. Highly stable high-voltage power supply SPELMANN..

  • power: 300 - 600 W,
  • voltage: 40 kV.



5. Highly stable, high-voltage AC and DC power supply TREK - PM04015 with voltage range 20kV/20 kHz and power 300 W.

  • output power: +/-20kVdc + 20 kVac,
  • current: 10 mA



6. High temperature furnace for annealing of samples of materials, temperature up to 1300oC, with programmable temperature profiles, from Nabertherm.



7. Digital oscilloscope, type TDS 3032, manufacturer - TEKTRONIX.

8. Device for spray thin metal and carbon layers, type sputter coating.

9. Double syringe pump - AP22.

  • flow rate: 0,01 - 100 ml/h.


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