- H2020 – SMS - Smart Morphing and Sensing for aeronautical configurations,
IMFT Toulouse
- Cooperative Research for Next Generation High Efficiency LP Turbine,
Coordinator AVIO Aero Poland
- 7th FP Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction (TFAST),
Coordinator IMP PAN
- 7th FP Full Aerothermal Combustor-Turbine Interactions Research (FACTOR),
Coordinator Snecma Moteurs
- 7th FP Engine Representative Internal Cooling Knowledge and Applications (ERICKA),
Coordinator Rolls-Royce plc.
- Impinging jet cooling - LuFo-4 Robusturb cooperation with Rolls-Royce Deutschland
- Aerodynamic and aero-acoustic analysis of W-3A Falcon helicopter main rotor,
Institute of Aviation, PZL-Świdnik
- 6th FP Towards Lean Combustion (TLC),
Coordinator Snecma
- 6th FP Unsteady effects of shock wave induced separation (UFAST),
Coordinator IMP PAN
- 6th FP Flight Reynolds Testing Number (FLIRET),
Coordinator Airbus
- 6th FP Aerothermal Investigation of Turbine Endwalls and Blades – 2 (AITEB-2)
- 5th FP Aerothermal Investigation of Turbine Endwalls and Blades (AITEB),
Coordinator Rolls-Royce Deutschland
- 5th FP Innovative Aerodynamic High-Lift Concepts (HELIX) (subcontractor)
- EUROSHOCK I and II (1994-1999,DLR) - shock wave boundary layer interaction and its passive and active control.
- H2020-MSCA-ITN (2020 – 2024) – Innovative Training Networks - Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications (TEAMAero), Coordinator
- H2020-MSCA-ITN (2019 – 2023) – Innovative Training Networks - Towards a more efficient exploitation of on-shore and urban wind energy resources (zEPHYR)
- H2020-MSCA-ITN (2017 – 2020) – Innovative Training Networks Smart Mitigation of Flow-Induced Acoustic Radiation and Transmission for Reduced Aircraft, Surface Transport, Workplaces and Wind Energy Noise (SmartAnswer)
- FP7- PEOPLE-2012 Initial Training Networks New Materials and Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbines Technology (MARE-WINT) Coordinator
- FP7- PEOPLE-2010 Initial Training Networks Innovative Methods of Separated Flow Control in Aeronautics (IMESCON) – Coordinator
- STAtic and DYnamic piezo-driven StreamWIse vortex generators for active flow Control, (STADYWICO) (IMP PAN - LMS Belgium)
- FP7-PEOPLE-2009 Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways