EUROSHOCK I and II (1994-1999,DLR) - shock wave boundary layer interaction and its passive and active control.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Projects
H2020-MSCA-ITN (2020 – 2024) – Innovative Training Networks - Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications (TEAMAero), Coordinator
H2020-MSCA-ITN (2019 – 2023) – Innovative Training Networks - Towards a more efficient exploitation of on-shore and urban wind energy resources (zEPHYR)
H2020-MSCA-ITN (2017 – 2020) – Innovative Training Networks Smart Mitigation of Flow-Induced Acoustic Radiation and Transmission for Reduced Aircraft, Surface Transport, Workplaces and Wind Energy Noise (SmartAnswer)
FP7- PEOPLE-2012 Initial Training Networks New Materials and Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbines Technology (MARE-WINT) Coordinator
FP7- PEOPLE-2010 Initial Training Networks Innovative Methods of Separated Flow Control in Aeronautics (IMESCON) – Coordinator
STAtic and DYnamic piezo-driven StreamWIse vortex generators for active flow Control, (STADYWICO) (IMP PAN - LMS Belgium)
FP7-PEOPLE-2009 Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
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