PlasTEP, “Plasma Assisted Reduction Technology on Stationary Emission Sources in the Baltic Region”,
Project Interreg IVb, Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, Coordinator: BalticNet – PlasmaTec e.V., Greifswald, Germany.
PlasmAero, „Plasmas for Aeronautics”,
Project FP7, Transport (incl. Aeronautics), Call: FP7-AAT-2008-RTD-1, Coordinator: Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales, Toulouse, France.
National projects:
„Application of electrical discharges to drinking water clearing from organic and microbial contaminants",
PB 3547/B/T02/2009/36, Project Head: Dr. M. Dors.
"Studies of flow structures in electrostatic precipitators and their influence on fine dust collection efficiency",
Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, PB 327/T02/2010/70 - Iuventus plus, Project Head: dr. J. Podliński.
„Experimental studies of flow structures and submicron dust particles collection efficiency in models of narrow electrostatic precipitators”,
Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, PB 328/T02/2010/70 - Iuventus plus, Project Head: mgr A. Niewulis.
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