
Current projects:

since 2024 – Polish-Bulgarian bilateral project: “Laser processing in liquids: efficient method for surface functionalization”, no 19, financed by Polish Academy of Sciences and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Polish coordinator: Katarzyna Grochowska, Bulgarian coordinator: Nikolay Nedyalkov

since 2024 – project financed from IDUB Argentum Triggering Research Grants at Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at Gdańsk University of Technology: “Toward high efficiency and stability of semitransparent perovskite solar cells for 4-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells” 4T-PSCs/Si. Principal investigator: Damian Głowienka, investigators: Katarzyna Grochowska and Katarzyna Siuzdak

since 2021 – OPUS project: “Smart photon management in a photonic structure fabricated via laser irradiation”, no 2021/41/B/ST8/01849, budget: 1 816 600 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Katarzyna Grochowska

since 2020 – OPUS-LAP project: “Solar Reduction of CO2 at Nano-Architectured Photoelectrodes Featuring Advanced Photon Management”, no 2020/39/I/ST5/01781, international project realized with University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany (German team coordinator: Ryan Crisp), budget: 1 042 000 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, Polish team coordinator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

Realized projects:

2023-2024 – Preludium project: “Structure and photoelectrochemistry of the laser – graphitized polydopamine on TiO2 nanotubes”, no 2022/45/N/ST5/00192, budget: 69 620 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Adrian Olejnik, supervisor: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2022-2023 – Polish-Bulgarian bilateral project: “Laser micro- and nanostructuring for applications in sensors and bioactive surfaces”, financed by Polish Academy of Sciences and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Polish coordinator: Katarzyna Grochowska, Bulgarian coordinator: Nikolay Nedyalkov

2022-2024 – Miniatura project: “Determination of the local growth characteristics of cylindrical titanium(IV) oxide microstructures with gradient changing photo(electro)catalytic properties”, no 2022/06/X/ST5/00321, budget: 49 500 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Zuzanna Bielan

2021-2022 – project financed by IMP PAN Research Fund, no FBW-67, “Popularization of research work conducted at the Laboratory of Functional Materials of IMP PAN”, budget: 10 080 PLN, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2020-2024 – CEUS-UNISONO project: “Semitransparent titania nanostructures on complex geometry surfaces for enhanced light harvesting and sensing”, no 2020/02/Y/ST8/00030, Polish team budget: 839 880 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, international project realized within Polish-Czech consortium including Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at Warsaw University of Technology (coordinator: Mateusz Śmietana), Charles University and University of South Bohemia. Czech coordinator: Vítězslav Straňák

2020-2024 – Diamond grant: “Preparation of poly(zwitterionic) brushes on TiO2 nanotubes for use in supercapacitors and characterization of the structure and electrochemical and nanomechanical properties of heterojunctions”, no DI2019 017649, budget: 217 800 PLN, financed by Ministry of Science and Education, principal investigator: Adrian Olejnik, supervisor: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2020-2021 – project financed by IMP PAN Research Fund, no FBW-56, “Fabrication and characterization of ordered metamaterials with unique geometry”, budget: 13 000 PLN, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2019-2024 – Preludium project: “Ordered mosaic of the bimetallic Au-Cu nanoparticles onto the conductive substrate - fabrication and properties”, no 2019/35/N/ST5/02604, budget: 209 520 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Wiktoria Lipińska, supervisor: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2019-2021 – Polish-Romanian bilateral project: “Modification of metal oxide substrates for applications in photoconversion systems”, no 20, financed by Polish Academy of Sciences and Romanian Academy of Sciences. Polish coordinator: Katarzyna Siuzdak, Romanian coordinator: Florian Dumitrache

2018-2023 – Sonata-BIS project: “Towards superior photoactivity of TiO2 nanotubes modified by pulsed laser nanostructuring”, no 2017/26/E/ST5/00416, budget: 1 907 800 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2018-2021 – Lider project: “Innovative biocompatible sensor for noninvasive determination of glucose level”, no LIDER/2/0003/L-8/16/NCBR/2017, budget: 1 195 000 PLN, financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, principal investigator: Katarzyna Grochowska

2018-2019 – project financed by IMP PAN Research Fund, no FBW-9, “Highly ordered substrates modified with selected transition metals characterized by high photoactivity”, budget: 50 000 PLN, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak, investigator: Katarzyna Grochowska

2015-2016 – Sonata-BIS project: “Conductive photonic structures for multiparametric bio-chemical diagnostics”, no 2014/14/E/ST7/00104, budget: 1 476 400 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Mateusz Śmietana, post-doc: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2012-2017 – Sonata project: “Tuning of energy bands positions of organic-inorganic p-n junction elements and its influence on the photoconversion efficiency”, no 2012/07/D/ST5/02269, budget: 492 200 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2014-2015 – “Grants for grants - support for Polish coordinators in European Union research programs”, no 3274/GG Horizon 2020/2015/0 (budget: 30 000 PLN, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education) for preparation project: “Space dedicated Energy Storage Systems based on Polymer-Carbon composite materials” (SESPOC, no 687309) in H2020-LEIT-Space-Competitiveness of the European Space Sector-2015 program, Call: H2020-COMPET-2015, Topic: Bottom-up space technologies at low TRL, COMPET-03-2015, principal investigator: Katarzyna Siuzdak

2013-2016 – Preludium project: “Investigation of the properties of semi-regular Au nanostructures prepared by UV laser irradiation”, no 2012/07/N/ST5/02139, budget: 124 700 PLN, financed by National Science Centre, principal investigator: Katarzyna Grochowska, supervisor: Gerard Śliwiński


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