
1. Spectroscopic and ablation studies

The experimental apparatus is used to produce nanostructures and modify them. The system consists of two vacuum chambers and a laser with an optical system.
In the first chamber structures of any solid material can be made. It is evaporated by laser ablation by Nd: YAG pulsed laser of wavelength 266 nm (fourth harmonic).

 lab   lab

Optical system used in PLD and PLA techniques as well as vacuum chamber

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2. Non-destructive analysis

Stands for non-destructive analysis and laser restoration of artworks:

1. Elemental and/or compound analysis


XRF spectrometer

The portable XRF spectrometer enables non-invasive and non-contact determination of the elemental composition of materials and objects.

2. Laser cleaning


  • Laser cleaning stand Laserblast 500 with pulsed Nd:YAG 20 W laser
  • Laser cleaning stand Laserblast 1000 with pulsed Nd:YAG 40 W laser

The laser cleaning systems LaserBlasts are movable and can be used in museum, in open area (on site), also on scaffolds.

3. Digitizing, 3D scanning


Laser 3D scanner Konica Minolta VI-9i

3D digitizer enables non-contact, digital documentation for reconstruction, virtual presentation, reverse engineering etc.

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3. Applying a protective coating

Experimental workstation for deposition of protective coatings and fast prototyping by laser cladding

The stand consists of:

  • the technological CO2 laser MLT 2500 with numerically controlled XY-manipulator and Z-axis feeding control system equipped with infrared pyrometer detector,
  • 3-stream water-cooled nozzle integrated into the laser head, which assures homogenous flow of metal powder, co-axial with the focusing optics. Two additional gas streams serve for shielding of the focusing lens and prevent the production of oxides and contaminations while processing.

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4. Other lab equipment

  • several cw and pulsed laser sources (e.g. 266, 355, 532, 1064, 10600 nm, dye) some equipped with fixed optical trains and manipulators (CNC)
  • experimental set-ups for detection, analysis and visualisation of signals in the X-ray, UV-VIS-NIR-IR spectral domain
  • spectrographs
  • optical instruments and signal storage/processing devices (e.g. optical, CCD, ICCD cameras, IR sensors)
  • real-time imaging interferometer
  • fast pyrometer system for heat source sensing
  • vacuum (10-7 mbar) + cryogenic equipment (10 K)
  • PC-based network for remote data acquisition, processing and storage
  • laser beam diagnostic system for high power cw CO2 lasers »


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