- R. Bogdanowicz, M. Sawczak, P. Niedzialkowski, P. Zieba, B. Finke, J. Ryl, T. Ossowski,
Direct amination of boron-doped diamond by plasma polymerized allylamine film,
Phys. Status Solidi A 211 (2014) pp. 2319-2327, doi: 10.1002/pssa.201431242
- R. Bogdanowicz, M. Sawczak, P. Niedzialkowski, P. Zieba, B. Finke, J. Ryl, J. Karczewski, T. Ossowski,
Novel Functionalization of Boron-Doped Diamond by Microwave Pulsed-Plasma Polymerized Allylamine Film,
J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) pp. 8014-8025, doi: 10.1021/jp5003947
- P.A. Atanasov, N.N. Nedyalkov, E.I. Valova, Z.S. Georgieva, S.A. Armyanov, K.N. Kolev, S. Amoruso, X. Wang, R. Bruzzese, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
Fs-Laser Processing of Polydimethyl Siloxane,
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (2014) 023104, doi: 10.1063/1.4887812
- K. Lukaszuk, B. Ludwikowska, J. Liss, M. Kunicki, M. Sawczak, A. Lukaszuk, L. Plociennik, G. Jakiel, T. Wasniewski, I. Woclawek-Potocka, D. Bialobrzeska,
Decreasing Quality of the New Generations of Anti-Müllerian Hormone Assays,
BioMed Research International, Vol. 2014 (2014) article ID 165352, doi: 10.1155/2014/165352
- K. Grochowska, K. Siuzdak, P.A. Atanasov, C. Bittencourt, A. Dikovska, N.N. Nedyalkov, G. Śliwiński,
Properties of plasmonic arrays produced by pulsed-laser nanostructuring of thin Au films,
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 5 (2014) pp. 2102-2112, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.219
- K. Grochowska, K. Siuzdak, G. Śliwiński,
Properties of an Indium Tin Oxide electrode modified by a laser nanostructured thin Au film for biosensing,
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, doi: 10.1002/ejic.201402485 (in print)
- I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, M. Wachowiak, A. Klisińska-Kopacz, G. Trykowski, G. Śliwiński,
Raman spectroscopic signatures of the yellow and ochre paints from artist palette of J. Matejko (1838-1893),
Spectrochim. Acta A, doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.09.096 (in print)
- K. Trzciński, A. Borowska-Centkowska, M. Sawczak, A. Lisowska-Oleksiak,
Photoelectrochemical properties of BIMEVOX (ME = Cu, Zn, Mn) electrodes in contact with aqueous electrolyte,
Solid State Ionics, doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2014.10.008 (in print)
- I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, G. Śliwiński,
LIBS and Raman spectroscopic investigation of historical copper alloy objects,
Proc. of SPIE (in print)
- K. Grochowska, S. Majumdar, P. Laukkanen, H. S. Majumdar, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
Pulsed laser deposition of organic semicoductor Rubrene thin films,
Proc. of SPIE (in print)
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński,
Laser dispersing of WC and TiC powders in light metal alloys for wear resistance enhancement,
Proc. of SPIE (in print)
- K. Grochowska, G. Śliwiński, A. Iwulska, M. Sawczak, N. Nedyalkov, P. Atanasov, G. Obara, M. Obara,
Engineering Au nanoparticle arrays on SiO2 glass by pulsed UV laser irradiation,
Plasmonics 8 (2013) pp. 105-113, doi: 10.1007/s/11468-012-9428-3
- R. Jendrzejewski,
Laser dispersing of carbide powders in Ti-6Al-4V alloy,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8703 (2013) pp. 87030K-1-4
- Ru.G. Nikov, N.N. Nedyalkov, P.A. Atanasov, K. Grochowska, A. Iwulska, G. Śliwiński,
Laser nanostructuring of Au/Ag and Au/Ni films for application in SERS,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8770 (2013) pp. 87700D-1-7
- I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, M. Sawczak, P. Siozos, D. Anglos, O. Kokkinaki, G. Śliwiński,
Time-resolved LIPS of molecular bands for reliable identification of calcite in historical materials,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8770 (2013) pp. 87700B-1-7
- A. Białous, M. Gazda, G. Śliwiński,
Structure and optical properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition,
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8770 (2013) pp. 877008-1-8
- J. Reszczynska, A. Iwulska, G. Śliwinski, A. Zaleska,
Characterization and photocatalytic activity of rare earth metal-doped titanium dioxide,
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 48 (2012) pp. 201-208
- K. Grochowska, G. Śliwiński,
Quality investigation of Au nanoarrays for biosensing application,
Solid State Phenomena 183 (2012) pp. 81-88
- A. Iwulska, G. Śliwiński,
Preparation and characterization of TiO2 nanostructures for catalytic CO2 photoconversion,
Solid State Phenomena 183 (2012) pp. 89-94
- I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, A. Fietkiewicz, G. Śliwiński,
Indoor atmospheric degradation of historical metal objects studied by spectroscopic techniques,
Solid State Phenomena 183 (2012) pp. 233-240
- K. Grochowska, N. Nedyalkov, P. Atanasov, G. Śliwiński,
"Nanostructuring of the thin Au films by means of short UV laser pulses",
Opto-Electronics Review 19 (2011) pp. 327-332
- K. Grochowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Optical properties of Au nanostructures obtained by puled UV laser irradiation of thin films",
Photonics Letters of Poland 3 (2011) pp. 101-103
- A. Iwulska, G. Śliwiński,
"Preparation of porous TiO2 films by means of pulsed laser deposition for photocatalytic applications",
Photonics Letters of Poland 3 (2011) pp. 98-100
- I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska and G. Śliwiński,
"Surface layers analysis of bronze artifacts by means of laser spectroscopy techniques",
Photonics Letters of Poland 3 (2011) pp. 79-81
- S. Imamova, N. Nedyalkov, A. Dikovska, P. Atanasov, M. Sawczak, R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Obara,
"Near field properties of nanoparticle array fabricated by laser annealing of thin Au and Ag films"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257, Issue 3 (2010), pp. 1075-1079
- S. Imamova, A. Dikovska, N. Nedyalkov, P. Atanasov, M. Sawczak, R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Obara,
"Laser nanostructuring of thin Au films for application in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 12, Issue 3 (2010), pp. 500-504
- A. Iwulska, R. Jendrzejewski, M. Sawczak, I. Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Pomerania Laboratory - a solution for the cultural heritage research and conservation",
Proc. of the International Conference LACONA VIII, R. Radvan ed., CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group (2010) pp. 161-166
- M. Sawczak, G. Rabczuk, A. Kamińska, G. Śliwiński,
"Study of the effect of relative humidity on the identification conditions of paper soiling by means of the NIR technique",
Proc. of the International Conference LACONA VIII, R. Radvan ed., CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group (2010) pp. 177-182
- M. Wachowiak, M, Sawczak,
Nieinwazyjna metoda identyfikacji pigmentów i situ - badania przenośnym spektroskopem XRF obrazów olejnych Józefa Pankiewicza,
Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Zabytkoznawstwo i konserwatorstwo XXXIX, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń (2010) 15-37
- M. Sawczak, A. Kamińska, G. Rabczuk, M. Ferretti, R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński,
"Complementary use of the Raman and XRF techniques for non-destructive analysis of historical paint layers"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 255, Issue 10 (2009), pp. 5542-5545
- R. Jendrzejewski, K. Van Acker, D. Vanhoyweghen, G. Śliwiński,
"Metal matrix composite production by means of laser dispersing of SiC and WC powder in Al alloy"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 255, Issue 10 (2009), pp. 5584-5587
- M. Jankowska, A. Nowak, J.W. Łukaszewicz, G. Śliwiński,
"Colour changes of a historical Gotland sandstone caused by the laser surface cleaning in the ambient air and N2 flow"
Applied Physics A, Vol. 92, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 211-215
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, C. Navas, A. Conde, J. de Damborenea,
"Properties of laser-cladded stellite coatings prepared on preheated chromium steel"
Materials&Design, Vol. 29, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 187-192
- N. Nedialkov, M. Sawczak, R. Jendrzejewski, P. Atanasov, M. Martin, G. Śliwiński,
"Analysis of surface and material modyfications caused by laser drilling of AlN ceramics"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, Issue 4 (2007), pp. 893-897
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński,
"Investigation of temperature and stress field in laser cladding coatings"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, Issue 4 (2007), pp. 921-925
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, K. Komar, G. Śliwiński,
"Application of the laser ablation for conservation of historical paper documents"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 253, Issue 19 (2007), pp. 7860-7864
- M. Jadraque, M. Martin, M. Santos, L. Diaz, M. Sawczak, A. Cenian, G. Śliwiński,
"Plume investigations of the mechanisms of SiO laser ablation at 266 nm"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 59, Issue 1 (2007), pp. 293-296
- K. Komar, G. Śliwiński,
"Non-destructive observation of the laser treatment effect on historical paper via the laser-induced fluorescence spectra"
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Springer Proc. in Physics, Vol. 116 (2007), pp. 361-366
- M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński, A. Kamińska, M. Oujja, M. Castillejo, C. Domingo, M. Klossowska,
"Pigment identification on a XIV/XV c. wooden crucifix using Raman and LIBS techniques"
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Springer Proc. in Physics, Vol. 116 (2007), pp. 445-452
- A. Cenian, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
"Langmuir probe diagnostic of plasma generated by means of pulsed Nd:YAG laser interaction with Si-based targets"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6598 (2007), pp. 65980Z 1-4
- R. Jendrzejewski, K. Van Acker, D. Vanhoyweghen,
"Laser dispersing of ceramic powders into Al-alloys"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6598 (2007), pp. 65980D 1-4
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz,
"Temperature and stress fields during laser cladding of stellite protective coatings"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6598 (2007), pp. 65980E 1-5
- M. Sawczak, G. Rabczuk,
"Method for the CO2 laser beam wavefront control"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6599 (2007), pp. 65990M 1-5
- G. Rabczuk,
"Use of adaptive optics elements in the industrial cw CO2 laser for control of the output beam characteristics"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6599 (2007), pp. 65990L 1-10
- G. Śliwiński, M. Jasińska, J. Bredal-Jorgensen, A. Kamińska, K. Komar, M. Sawczak,
"Laser techniques for cultural heritage research - case studies"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6604 (2007), pp. 66040T- 1-11
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak,
"Study on the possibilities of controlling the laser output beam properties by an intracavity deformable mirror"
Opto-Electronics Review, Vol. 14, Issue 2 (2006), pp. 141-147
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz,
"Temperature and stress during laser cladding of double-layer coatings"
Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 201, Issue 6 (2006), pp. 3328-3334
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, M. Oujja, C. Domingo, M. Castillejo, G. Śliwiński,
"Pigment identification of a XIV/XV c. wooden crucifix by means of the Raman spectroscopic technique"
J. Raman Spectroscopy 37 (2006), pp. 1125-1130
- M. Jasińska, J. Bredal-Jorgensen G. Śliwiński,
"Observation of the laser cleaning effect on the Gotland sandstone elemental composition"
Laser Chemistry, Vol. 2006, Article ID 84781, doi:10.1155/2006/84781
- K. Ochocińska, A. Kamińska, M. Martin, G. Śliwiński,
"Observation of the post-processing effects due to laser cleaning of paper"
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Springer Proc. in Physics, Vol. 100 (2005), pp. 29-34
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, M. Ciepliński, G. Śliwiński,
"The post-processing effects due to pulsed laser ablation of paper"
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Springer Proc. in Physics, Vol. 100 (2005), pp. 35-41
- M. Jankowska, K. Ochocińska, G. Śliwiński,
"Laser cleaning monitored by a spectroscopic technique - experimental data on the Gotlandic sandstone case"
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Springer Proc. in Physics, Vol. 100 (2005), pp. 411-418
- N.N. Nedialkov, M. Sawczak, M. Jadraque, P.A. Atanasov, M. Martin, G. Śliwiński,
"Effect of laser drilling on surface and material properties of AIN ceramics"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5958 (2005), pp. 595836-1 - 595836-7
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Laser cleaning of historical sandstone and the surface discoloration due to gas shielding"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5958 (2005), pp. 59583A-1 - 59583A-8 (795-802)
- K. Komar, G. Śliwiński,
"Application of the laser spectroscopy techniques for analysis of pigments on paper"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5958 (2005), pp. 595839-1 - 595839-8 (787-794)
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Experimental investigation of the laser cleaning effect on Gotlandic sandstone"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5830 (2005), pp. 85-89
- M. Sawczk, G. Rabczuk, W. Warszawski,
"Curvature sensor for a laser beam wavefront control"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5830 (2005), pp. 516-520 
- G. Rabczuk , M. Sawczak,
"Control of a high-power cw CO2 laser output beam properties by using an adaptive intracavity mirror"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 733-736 
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, C. Navas, J. de Damborenea,
"Direct laser cladding of stellite coatings and selection of process parameters"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 921-924
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz,
"Laser cladding of protective coatings of limited cracking susceptibility"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 925-928
- N. Niedialkov, P. Atanasov, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
"Laser drilling of AlN ceramics using nanosecond laser pulses"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 850-853
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Investigation of the laser cleaning effect on Gotlandic sandstone by means of colorimetric and surface analysis"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 946-950
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
"Investigation of the laser cleaning effect on historical wood-pulp paper documents"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5777 (2005), pp. 951-954 
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz,
"Temperature and stress fields induced during laser cladding"
Computers&Structures, Vol. 82 (2004), pp. 653-658 
- R. Jendrzejewski, I. Kreja, G. Śliwiński,
"Temperature distribution in laser-clad multilayers"
Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 379 (2004), pp. 313-320 
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, M. Ciepliński, G. Śliwiński, B. Kosmowski,
"Colorimetric study of the post-processing effect due to pulsed laser cleaning of paper"
Optica Applicata, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1 (2004), pp. 121-132
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, C. Navas, J. de Damborenea,
"Experimental investigations of the laser cladding of protective coatings on preheated base material"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5449 (2004), pp. 443-448
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak,
"High power cw CO2 laser beam properties in a system with a variable focal length mirror"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5481 (2004), pp. 37-42
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak,
"Condition for the dynamic control of the focusing properties of a high power cw CO2 laser beam in a system with an adaptive mirror"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5449 (2004), pp. 149-154 
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Acoustic monitoring for the laser cleaning of sandstone"
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 4, Suppl. 1 (2003), pp. 65s-71s 
- K. Ochocińska, A. Kamińska, G. Śliwiński,
"Experimental investigations of stained paper documents cleaned by the Nd:YAG laser pulses"
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 4, Suppl. 1 (2003), pp. 188s-193s 
- G. Śliwiński, M. Frankowski, N. Schwentner,
"Luminescence and formation of alkalihalide ionic excimers in solid Ne and Ar"
Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 29, Issue 9 (2003), pp. 848-851
- K. Ochocińska, M. Sawczak, M. Martin, J. Bredal-Jorgensen, A. Kamińska, G. Śliwiński,
"LIPS spectroscopy for contamination analysis and the laser cleaning diagnostics of historical paper documents"
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 68 (2003), pp. 227-232 
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Spectroscopic and surface analysis of the laser ablation of the crust on historic sandstone elements"
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 68 (2003), pp. 147-152 
- B. G. Gireń, R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, I. Wardach, M. Szkodo,
"Cavitation erosion of heterogenous thin coatings by means of laser cladding"
Advances in Materials Science, Vol. 3 (2003), pp. 18-26
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak,
"Output characteristics of a high-power cw CO2 laser with a dynamic control of the optical cavity configuration"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5230 (2003), pp. 183-188
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, J.J. de Damborenea,
"Laser cladding of Ni- and Co-based coatings for turbine industry applications"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5229 (2003), pp. 233-238
- K. Ochocińska, M. Martin, J. Bredal-Jorgensen, A. Kamińska, G. Śliwiński,
"Laser cleaning of historical paper documents and diagnostics by means of LIF technique"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5229 (2003), pp. 296-300
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, J.J. de Damborenea,
"Laser cladding of Co-based protective coatings on Cr-steel"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5226 (2003), pp. 377-381
- A. Kamińska, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwinski,
"The effect of wavelength and fluence on the cellulose degradation of laser-cleaned paper"
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5226 (2003), pp. 382-386
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, J.J. de Damborenea,
"Influence of the base preheating on cracking of the laser-cladded coatings"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5121 (2003), pp. 356-361
- G. Rabczuk, S. Labuda, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
"Influence of the intracavity perturbations on the laser output beam characteristics"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5120 (2003), pp. 122-127
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, A. Conde, J.J. de Damborenea,
"Direct laser cladding of Ni-based alloy powder for industrial applications"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5120 (2003), pp. 688-691
- M. Sawczak, G. Rabczuk,
"Experimental tests of an intracavity deformable mirror designed for a cw CO2 laser"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5120 (2003), pp. 196-201 
- N. Nedialkov, P. A. Atanasov, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwinski,
"Ablation of ceramics with ultraviolet, visible, and infrared nanosecond laser pulses"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5120 (2003), pp. 703-708 
- M. Jankowska, G. Śliwiński,
"Is the laser cleaning of historical stone cost-effective?"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5120 (2003), pp. 679-683
- R. Jendrzejewski, A. Conde, J. de Damborenea, G. Śliwiński,
"Characterisation of the laser-clad stellite layers for protective coatings"
Materials & Design, Vol. 23 (2002), pp. 83-88 
- M. Frankowski, G. Śliwiński, N. Schwentner,
"Investigation of doped inert gas solids for cryogenic lasers"
J. Low Temp. Phys., Vol. 122, Issue 3/4 (2001), pp. 443-449
- S. Labuda, G. Rabczuk,
"Polarization state measurements of the industrial 1.2kW cw CO2 laser beam"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4184 (2001), pp. 295-298
- G. Śliwiński, M. Sawczak, N. Schwentner,
"Harmonics generation in 4HeII by femtosecond laser excitation"
J. Low Temp. Phys. , Vol. 122, Issue 3/4 (2001), pp. 485-491
- R. Jendrzejewski, A. Conde, J. de Damborenea G. Śliwiński,
"Experimental study of a laser processing head with integrated jet of metal powder for rapid prototyping and production of protective coatings"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4184 (2001), pp. 603-606
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak, G.Śliwiński,
"Spatial and temporal characteristics of an industrial cw CO2 laser beam"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4184 (2001), pp. 457-460
- M. Frankowski, G. Śliwiński, N. Schwentner,
"Investigation of the luminescence and lasing potential of Mo in solid Ar films"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4397 (2001), pp. 104-108
- M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński, M. Grinberg, B. Kukliński,
"Investigation of a copper doped sol-gel glass for laser applications"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4397 (2001), pp. 119-123
- G. Rabczuk, S. Labuda, M. Sawczak,
"Experimental study of the high power CO2 laser"
Proc. SPIE, Vol 4237 (2000), pp. 206-211
- M. Frankowski, G. Sliwiński, N. Schwentner,
"Investigation of the lasing potential of solidified gas mixtures"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4237 (2000), pp. 39-44
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński,
"Diagnostic instrument for measurements of a high power CO2 laser beam"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4237 (2000), pp. 212-218
- G. Śliwiński, M. Sawczak, N. Schwentner,
"Femtosecond laser preparation of He2* excimers and third harmonic generation in suprefluid He"
Proc. German Phys. Soc., Vol. 5 (2000), p. 1074
- M. Sawczak, G. Śliwiński, B. Kukliński, M. Grinberg,
"Luminescence of copper doped sol-gel matricies for laser applications"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4237 (2000), pp. 45-51
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Śliwiński, I. Martev, N. Nedialkov, P. Atanasov,
"Laser treatment of the 38HMJ steel surface in a liquid nitrogen environment"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4238 (2000), pp. 149-154
- S. Labuda, G. Rabczuk, G Śliwiński,
"Intracavity modulation of cw, CO2 laser by periodic gas"
J. of Techn. Phys., Vol XL, No.3 (1999), pp. 225-229
- G. Śliwiński, S.A. Labuda,
"Gas-dynamic Q-switching of a CO2 laser by a pulsed absorber jet"
J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol 32 (1999), pp. 30-33
- M. Frankowski, G. Śliwiński, N. Schwentner,
"Doped inert gas crystalline media for cryogenic lasers"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3724 (1999), pp. 362-367
- R. Jendrzejewski, T. Klimczuk, W. Sadowski, G. Śliwiński,
"Multilayer laser cladding of metal powders for fast prototyping"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3571, pp. 383-387
- G. Rabczuk, P. Kukiełło, R. Zaremba, G.Śliwiński,
"Experimental analysis of the industrial 1kW CO2 laser beam properties"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3571 (1999), pp. 102-106
- R. Jendrzejewski, G. Rabczuk, R. Zaremba, G. Śliwiński,
"Laser stereolithography by multilayer cladding of metal powders"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3423 (1998), pp. 348-352
- G. Rabczuk, R. Jendrzejewski, P. Kukiełło, R. Zaremba, G. Śliwiński,
"Spatial distribution of a high power CO2 laser beam-experimental study"
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3423 (1998), pp. 160-164
- A. Cenian, A. Chernukho, P. Kukiełło, R. Zaremba, V. Borodin, G. Śliwiński,
"Improvement of self-regeneration of gas mixtures in a convection-cooled 1.2kW CO2 laser"
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 30 (1997), pp. 1103-1110