Non-destructive analysis and laser techniques for artwork restoration

Selected substrates (e.g. stone, paper) are investigated by means of spectroscopic and surface inspection techniques. Spectroscopic and surface inspection equipment) (LIPS, LIF, DRIFT, colour-metrics, Raman, XRF, and AFM, SEM, TEM) for characterization of museum objects and historical artworks. Results are collected and databases accessible for the international conservator's community are developed. In order to improve the knowledge in objects of cultural heritage the group of natural scientists of the IF-FM works together with art historians and conservators. Also the effect of ablative removal of surface layers, contaminations and crust by means of pulsed laser radiation on museum objects and artworks is studied and compared with respective results of other restoration techniques.

The research is funded by the national and international projects and implemented into the Pan-European EC Programme COST.

See also - Conservation »


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