
Paweł Malinowski
Paweł Malinowski
  • Job Info
    C4/D1 - Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Dept.
    Position Title:
    D.Sc., Ph.D.
    Position Description:
    Associate Professor of IMP PAN
    Contact Info
    +48 58 5225 174
    F 304
    Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
  • Personal Info

    Mr Paweł Malinowski studied computational physics at the University of Gdansk in years 2000-2005.

    In 2005 he obtained M.Sc. degree in Physics from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics.

    In November 2005 he joined the Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department group at the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery in Gdansk.

    In 2011 he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Mechanics from the same Institute.

    In 2017 he obtained a D.Sc. degree in Mechanics from the same Institute.

    His current scientific interests are mainly focused on:

    • Damage assessment for additively manufactured structural elements,
    • Guided wave-based damage localisation in aircraft components,
    • Signal processing algorithms for damage detection and localisation,
    • Phased arrays techniques for Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM),
    • Nondestructive testing (NDT) methods for assessment of adhesive bonds of composites,
    • Active thermography,
    • Electromechanical impedance technique,
    • Terahertz NDT technique,
    • Damage detection methods for wind turbines
    • Sensor networks

    He is:

    • Member of the Polish Young Academy ( at the Polish Academy of Sciences
    • Member of the Committee on Mechanics ( of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    • Member of the Experimental Methods of Mechanics section of the Mechanics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
    • Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Sensors, HINDAWI
    • Editorial Board Member of Vibration, MDPI
    • Expert at the Advisory Board for the scholarships of the Minister of Education and Science

    He served as:

    • Guest Editor of special issue: ‘Health Monitoring and Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structures’, Vibration, MDPI, 2020-2021
    • Guest Editor of special issue: ‘Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring’, Journal of Sensors, HINDAWI, 2019-2020
    • Member, EASN "European Aeronautics Science Network", 2016-2017
    • Member of the Scientific Committee of International Workshop « Dynamic behaviour of green composites », ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France, 27-29 September 2016.
    • Member, "The Italian Association of LAser VElocimetry and non-invasive diagnostics", 2010-2011

    Paweł Malinowski is a co-author of two Polish patents (‘Method and the device for location of defects in the structure elements’ - PAT.211916, ‘System for location defects in the structural elements’ - PAT.223854) and one utility model (‘Fault location template’ - RWU.068485).

    In years 2012-2013 he was a Principal Investigator in a research project (Iuventus Plus programme) funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

    In years 2014-2017 he was coordinating a research project ‘External influences on electromechanical impedance’ funded by National Science Centre (SONATA programme).

    In years 2017-2021 he has been coordinating a research project ‘Study of piezoelectric sensors placement and their interaction with structural elements’ funded by National Science Centre (SONATA BIS programme).

    In years 2020-2024 he has been coordinating a research project ‘Health monitoring of additively manufactured structures’ funded by National Science Centre (OPUS programme).

    Dr Malinowski has been involved in investigations for 15 international and 16 national research projects.

    He is a lecturer at the Tricity Doctoral School, Polish Academy of Sciences and in 2010/2011 winter semester he was teaching "Technical mechanics" at Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

    He reviews articles for Journal of Sound and Vibration, Smart Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, Sensors journal, Composite Structures, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

    He attended 50 international scientific meeting, workshops and conferences. He had 33 presentations at international conferences and workshops.

    International research/scientific visits:

    1. 3 days, Research visit, Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Germany, 2017.
    2. 1 week, Scientific visit, CNRS institute in Poitiers, France, 2016.
    3. 1 week, Scientific visit, CNRS institutes in Poitiers and Paris, France, 2014.
    4. 2 weeks, Scientific visit at Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 2013.
    5. 1 week, Scientific visit at University of Glasgow and Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK, 2007


    Google Scholar


    • 2009 Scholarship from Pomorskie Voivodeship "Innodoktorant"
    • 2011 Award for the Ph.D. thesis from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
    • 2011 Scholarship for young researcher, START Programme, Foundation for Polish Science
    • 2012 Scholarship for young researcher, START Programme, Foundation for Polish Science
    • 2012 Additionally to scholarship START a scholarship for scientific visit for 2 weeks at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea
    • 2013 Award from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery for exceptional research results in 2012
    • 2015 Award from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery for the exceptional scientific achievements in 2015
    • 2016 Bronze Cross of Merit
    • 2016 One year scholarship from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
    • 2017 Individual research grant from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
    • Guided wave-based damage localisation in aircraft components,
    • Signal processing algorithms for damage detection and localisation,
    • Phased arrays techniques for Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM),
    • NDT methods for surface contamination detection,
    • NDT methods for assessment of adhesive bonds of composites,
    • Active thermography,
    • Electromechanical impedance technique,
    • Terahertz NDT technique,
    • Damage detection methods for wind turbines


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