Mr Tomasz Wandowski was born 1980 in Tczew - a town of Kociewie. In years 2000-2005 he studied at the Gdansk University of Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The title of his M.Sc. thesis was "Modelling dynamics of the working head of an underwater robot for ship hull cleaning". In August 2005 he joined the Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department group at the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery. In 2011 he obtained a Ph.D. title in Mechanics from the same Institute. Tomasz Wandowski is an associated member of the Experimental Methods of Mechanics section of the Mechanics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
His scientific interests primarily are focused on:
- the damage detection, localization and identification in aircraft structures based on elastic wave propagation method,
- development and optimisation of sensor networks for damage detection in structures,
- scanning laser vibrometry for elastic wave propagation analysis,
- electromechanical impedance technique for damage detection,
- development of methods for surface contamination and weak adhesive bonds evaluation for CFRP material,
- terahertz techniques for assessment of composite materials degradation,
- active thermography,
- the use of multi-functional materials for shape and vibration control,
- energy harvesting using piezoelectric materials.
Tomasz Wandowski is a coauthor of a patents:
- "Method and device for damage localisation in structural elements" - PAT. 211916,
- "Method for damage localization in structures" - PAT.223854.
In years 2012-2014 he has coordinated a research project founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project IUVENTUS Plus II, No. IP2011 058971.
In years 2015-2018 he has been coordinating the project founded by National Science Centre, SONATA, No. 2014/13/D/ST8/03167
International research experience:
- 1-week, NATO Project, University of Glasgow and Strathclyde University Glasgow, UK, 2007
- 1-week, Course: Advanced Lecture Series on Structural Health Monitoring, University of Siegen, Institute of Mechatronics, Germany, 2007
- 1-week, Course: New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, 2008
- 7th Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Torino, Italy, 2007
- 4th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Krakow, Poland, 2008
- 8th Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Beijing, China, 2009
- 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, California, USA, 2009
- 9th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Non-Contact Techniques and Short Course, Ancona, Italy, 2010
- 4th European Workshop Structural Health Monitoring, Sorrento, Italy, 2010
- ISMA 2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 2010
- 2nd International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Hamburg, Germany, 2010
- 5th Conference ECCOMAS on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2011
- 8th Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Oxford, UK, 2011
- 4th International Conference Smart Materials Structures Systems, Montecatini Terme, Italy, 2012
- 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, 2012
- 9th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Cardiff, UK, 2013
- 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure ICEAF III, Kos, Greece, 2013
- 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN, Porto, Portugal, 2014
- 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Cambridge, UK, 2014
- 11th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures DAMAS, Ghent, Belgium
- SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2015, San Diego, California, USA, 2015
- 7th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Bremen, Germany, 2015
- SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2016
- 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM, Bilbao, Spain, 2016
- 8th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Bangalore, India, 2016
- SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2017, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2017
He is reviewer of articles for:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part G - Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Part C - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Smart Materials and Structures, International Journal of Structural Integrity, Structural Health Monitoring, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration.
Polish and international awards:
- He has been awarded the Young Researcher Award at the 8th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2009), Beijing, China
- Scholarship from Pomorskie Voivodeship "Innodoktorant", 2009
- Award for scientific achievements from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, 2013
- Scholarship from the Director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, 2016
- Bronze Medal for Long Service granted by President of Poland, 2016