Our Publications


A1. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Cao M., Xu W.: Novel Techniques for Damage Detection Based on Mode Shape Analysis, Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, [w] Ali S Nobari, M H Ferri Aliabadi, Vibration- Based Techniques for Damage Detection and Lokalization in Engineering Structures, World Scientific Europe, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78634-496-0, Nr Arch. 454/2018

A2. Ostachowicz M.W., Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T.: Degradation Detection in Composite Structures with Piezoelectric Transducers, [w] M H Ferri Aliabadi, Z Sharif Khodaei, Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures: Volume 8, Structural Health Monitoring for Advanced Composite Structures, 125-151, World Scientific, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78634-392-5, Nr Arch. 62/2018

A3.  Zboiński G.: Adaptive Modeling and Simulation of Elastic, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Problems, [w] R Pacurar, Finite Element Method. Simulation, Numerical Analysis and Solution Techniques, 157-192, InTech, 2018, ISBN 978- 953-51-3949-5, Nr Arch. 786/2018




B1.  Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Wave propagation modeling in composites reinforced by randomly oriented fibers, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 414, 110-125, 2018, Nr Arch. 74/2018

B2.  Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W., Yang Z.: Structural Health Monitoring system based on a concept of Lamb wave focusing by the piezoelectric array, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 21-32, 2018, 2018, Nr Arch. 73/2018

B3. Fiborek P., Malinowski P., Kudela P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.: Time-domain spectral element method for modelling of the electromechanical impedance of disbonded composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29, 3214-3221, 2018, Nr Arch. 97/2018

B4. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparison of Lamb wave focusing performance using wave dispersion-compensated actuation and plano-concave lenses, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 094901, 2018, Nr Arch. 481/2018

B5.  Sikdar S, Ostachowicz W, Pal J.: Damage-induced Acoustic Emission Source Identification in an Advanced Sandwich Composite Structure, Composite Structures, 202, 860-866, 2018, Nr Arch. 219/2018

B6.  Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: Ultrasonic Lamb Wave based Debonding Monitoring of Advanced Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Structures, Strain, e12302(15pp), 2018, Nr Arch. 589/2018

B7.  Malinowski P.H., Ostachowicz W.M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Chocinski-Arnault L., Gonzales P.P., Berthe L., Silva de Vasconcellos D., Sorrentino L.: Study of plant fibre composites with damage induced by laser and mechanical impacts, Composites Part B: Engineering, 152, 209-219, 2018, Nr Arch. 697/2018

B8. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Localisation of embedded water drop in glass composite using THz spectroscopy, Smart Structures and Systems, 6, 751-759, 2018, Nr Arch. 275/2018

B9. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy application for detection and localisation of water inclusion in glass composite, Composite Structures, 192, 537-544, 2018, Nr Arch. 149/2018

B10. Soman R., Ostachowicz W.: Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking for damage detection in composites structures under changing axial loading conditions, Composite Structures, 206, 517-525, 2018, Nr Arch. 989/2018

B11. Soman R., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: A two-step damage assessment method based on frequency spectrum change in a scaled wind turbine tripod with strain rosettes, Marine Structures 61, 419-433, 2018, Nr Arch. 357/2018

B12. Soman R., Malinowski P., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking in composites under changing operating conditions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 110, 485-498, 2018, Nr Arch. 144/2018


C1.       Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W, Kudela P, Radzieńskia M.: Barely visible impact damage identification in a 3D core sandwich structure, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 24(4), 259-68, Nr Arch. 690/2018

C2.       Zielińska M., Zboiński G.: Adaptacyjna analiza struktur o złożonym opisie geometrycznym i mechanicznym z wykorzystaniem przejściowych elementów skończonych, Mechanik, 7, 570-572, 2018, Nr Arch. 787/2018C3.       Soman R., Ostachowicz, W.: Modeling of delamination in composite shells under different temperature conditions.

Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 24 (2), 127-135, 2018, Nr Arch. 145/2018


D1. Miniaci M., Mazzotti M., Radzieński M., Kherraz N., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Morvan B., Bosia F., Pugno N.: Experimental Observation of a Large Low-Frequency Band Gap in a Polymer Waveguide, Frontiers in Materials, 5, 2018, Nr. Arch. 724/2018

D2.  Malinowski P.H., Tserpes K.I., Ecault R., Ostachowicz W.M.: Mechanical and non-destructive study of CFRP adhesive bonds subjected to pre-bond thermal treatment and de-icing fluid contamination, Aerospace, 5(2), article no. 36, 2018, Nr Arch. 699/2018


E1.  Malinowski P., Sawczak M., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.: Effect of Thermal Treatment on CFRP Parts Before and After Adhesive Bonding, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 35(2), 256-263, Nr Arch. 698/2018

E2. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Full Wavefield Analysis for Damage Assessment in Composite Materials, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 35(2), 264-274, Nr Arch. 669/2018
E3. Soman R., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Damage Assessment in Composite Beam Using Infrared Thermography, Optical Sensors, and Terahertz Technique, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 1(3), 031001-19, Nr Arch. 1016/2018




F1. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Radzieński M., Opoka S., Ostachowicz W.: Methods for Assessment of Composite Aerospace Structures [w] Selected Papers from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, vol. 43, Springer, 2016, ISBN:978-3-319-44505-2, Nr Arch. 118/2018 (I rej. 793/2016)
F2.  Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy for inspection and evaluation of internal structure of sandwich samples, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 9(6), 793-803, 2018, Nr Arch. 864/2018

F3. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Active thermography as a tool for internal composite structure observation and evaluation, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 9(6), 779-792, 2018, Nr Arch. 863/2018

F4. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.: Solid-to-shell transition elements in adaptive analysis of model structures of a complex mechanical description, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1922, 040004-1-040004-10, 2018, toc/apc/1922/1, Nr Arch. 788/2018




G1.  Kudela P., Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Numerical simulations of Lamb waves for optimization of sensor placement in SHM system, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 11–15.06.2018, Glasgow, Wielka Brytania, 1-12, 2018, Nr Arch. 660/2018
G2. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Lamb wave focusing by a plano-concave aspherical lens: numerical studies , 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06–01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 641/2018
G3.  Jurek M., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Non-contact Guided Wave Excitation in Composite Plate by the Ultrasound Transmitter, 9th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 10-13.07.2018, Budapeszt, Węgry, 2018, Nr Arch. 782/2018

G4.  Fiborek P., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Elastic Wave propagation for SHM – Interface elements, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Earopean Aeronautics Research, Poland 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 29-36, Nr Arch. 10/2018

G5. Fiborek P., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: 2D-3D coupled spectral element method for modeliling of guided waves propagation in a composite plate, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 774/2018
G6. Radzieński M., Kudela P., Jurek M., Ostachowicz W.: Air-coupled ultrasound manipulation and laser vibrometry for damage detection in plate-like structures, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, 1-2, 2018, Nr Arch. 783/2018

G7. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Advanced Composite Structures, 11th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 27-31.05.2018, Kreta, Grecja, Nr Arch. 779/2018

G8.  Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: A Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Adhesive Bond Effect on Lamb Wave Propagation in Sandwich Structure, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 780/2018

G9. Sikdar S., Banerjee S., Ostachowicz W.: A Robust Health Monitoring Framework for Rapid Inspection of a Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Panel with Stiff Core-inserts, 4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, 9-12.07.2018, Madryt, Hiszpania, Nr Arch. 778/2018
G10. Sikdar S., Mirgal P., Banerjee S., Ostachowicz W.: Acoustic Emission Waveform Propagation and Source Localization in Advanced Sandwich Composite Structure, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, E-Journal of NDT, Nr Arch. 691/2018
G11. Kundu A., Sikdar S., Eaton A., Navaratne R.: Probabilistic method for damage identification in multi-layered composite structures, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, E- Journal of NDT, Nr Arch. 692/2018

G12. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M., Christopoulos A., Koulalis I., Kitsianos K., Kanterakis G., Ecault R., Stoessel R., Segur D., Berthe L., Sagnard M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Cavalcanti W.L., Brune K.: Study of CFRP adhesive bonds influenced by manufacturing-related contaminations, Proc. SPIE 10598, 105980B, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA, 13 stron, 2018, Nr Arch. 805/2018
G13. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M., Christopoulos A., Koulalis I., Kitsianos K., Kanterakis G., Ecault R., Stoessel R., Segur D., Berthe L., Sagnard M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Cavalcanti W.L., Brune K.: Study of CFRP adhesive bonds influenced by factors encountered during aircraft operations, Proc. SPIE 10598, 105980C, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA,14 stron, 2018, Nr Arch. 804/2018

G14. Malinowski P.H., Ostachowicz W.M., Kai, B.: Influence of repair-related modification of adhesive bonds on electromechanical impedance characteristics, 6th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 18-21.10.2016, Porto, Portugalia, 516-520, 2017, Nr Arch. 63/2018

G15. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M.: Influence of adhesive bonds state on electromechanical impedance characteristics, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017 Warszawa, Polska, 33-39, 2017, Nr Arch. 64/2018
G16. Malinowski P.H., Sawczak M., Wandowski T., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.M.: Pre- and post-bond inspection for assuring quality of adhesive bonds of composites after thermal treatment, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.02, 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2018, Nr Arch. 700/2018

G17. Balasubramaniam K., Singh S.K., Soman R., Malinowski P.H.: Various health measurement techniques in structural engineering, International Sopot Youth Conference, 25.05.2018, Sopot, Polska, 17, 2018, Nr Arch. 710/2018
G18. Soman R., Ostachowicz W.: Monitoring of Infrastructure in the era of big data, International Sopot Youth Conference, 25.05.2018, Sopot, Polska, 17, 2018, Nr Arch. 1018/2018

G19. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:                 Optimal use sensor data for reliable and efficient structural health monitoring, MCAA Annual Conference, Leuven, Belgia, 2-3.02.2018, Nr Arch. 1017/2018

G20. Malinowski P.H., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.M.: Study of CFRP subjected to moisture and thermal treatment with the scanning laser vibrometry, 10th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 24-26.10.2018, Drezno, Niemcy, 2018, Nr Arch. 711/2018

G21. Wandowski T., Moll J., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:. Damage detection in submerged composite materials using electromechanical impedance spectroscopy, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.12, 2018. Nr Arch. 676/2018

G22. Simon J., Moll J., Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Experimental Analysis of Ultrasonic Guided wave based Damage Localisation in a Tapered Composite Plate, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.12, 2018. Nr Arch. 677/2018

G23. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Damage assessment in composite materials using full wavefield analysis, The 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.02, 2018. Nr Arch. 672/2018
G24. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Analysis of S0/A0 elastic wave mode conversion phenomenon in glass fibre reinforced polymers, 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, 20-22.06.2018, Chios, Grecja, 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 188, 01009, 2018. Nr Arch. 673/2018

G25. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Analysis of S0/A0 guided wave mode conversion phenomenon. SPIE Smart Strucutres/NDE, Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 1060028, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA, 2018. Nr Arch. 838/2018
G26. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Composite samples with different contaminations analysed with THz spectrometry, Proc. SPIE 10600, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04-08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), 106001R (12 pp), Nr Arch. 866/2018

G27. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Multi-rosettes sensing analysis for an impact assessment in composite plate-like structure, Proc. SPIE 10600, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04-08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), 106001R (17 pp), Nr Arch. 865/2018

G28. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W., Kudela P., Fiborek P.: Study of disbond effects in a jointed composite structure under variable ambient temperatures, Proc. SPIE 10598, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04- 08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), Nr Arch. 910/2018
G29. Zboiński G.: Hierarchical 3D-based and conventional higher-order models and approximations for symmetric- thickness domains, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 18-22.06.2018, Kraków, Polska, 126, 2018,, Nr Arch. 790/2018

G30.  Zboiński G.: Challenges of hp-adaptive FEM for coupled problems of piezoelectricity, First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 21-24.06.2018, Turyn, Włochy, 1, 2018, icmams2018/index.php/conference/proceedings, Nr Arch. 791/2018
G31. Zboiński G.: A unified approach to adaptive modeling and simulation of the coupled and solid mechanics problems, 41st Solid Mechanics Conference, 27-31.08.2018, Warszawa, Polska, 142-143, Nr Arch. 789/2018

G32. Zmitrowicz A.: Sliding directions, sliding path curvatures and complex microstructures included in friction models of polymers, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 18-22.06.2018, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Book of Abstracts, p. 110, 2018, Nr Arch. 1013/2018

G33. Soman R., Malinowski P., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Analytical, Numerical and Experimental formulation of the sensor placement optimization problem for guided waves, Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 9-13.06.2018, Nr Arch. 888/2018
G34. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparative study of deterioration of composite due to ice formation using strain, electromechanical impedance and guided waves, Proceedings of the 5th ICEAF conference, Chios, Grecja, 20-22.07.2018, Nr Arch. 887/2018
G35. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparative study of deterioration of composite due to moisture using strain, electro-mechanical impedence, and guided waves, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 879/2018

G36. Soman R., Wandowski T., Malinowski P, Ostachowicz W.: Preliminary studies for the optimization of sensor placement for electro-mechanical impedance based damage detection, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 880/2018
G37. Xi W., Cao M., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: A damage index for identifying incipient delamination in CFRP laminated plates relying on 2D multi-resolution modal Teager-Kaiser energy, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 842/2018

G38. Mieloszyk M., Jurek M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors as a tool for structural health monitoring of complex composite structures, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 877/2018
G39. Majewska K., Jurek M., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Temperature and humidity influence on glass fibre reinforced polymer samples under NDT and SHM studies, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 876/2018

G40. Jurek M., Kaczmarczyk T., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W., Żywica G.: Fibre Bragg grating sensors application for structural health monitoring of an organic Rankine cycle microturbine components, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 875/2018

G41. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Active thermography method for observation and evaluation of an internal composite structure with discontinuities, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Nr Arch. 284/2018
G42. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz Spectrometry Method for Observation and Evaluation of an Internal Composite Structure with Discontinuities, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Nr Arch. 285/2018


  1. Sikdar S. , Banerjee S.: Structural Health Monitoring of Advanced Composites Using Guided Waves, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-620-2-02697-0, Nr Arch. 720/2017.
  2. Zboiński G.: Problems of hierarchical modelling and adaptive finite element analysis in elasticity, dielectricity and piezoelectricity, [w:] Perusal of the finite element method, InTech, 2016, pp. 1-29, ISBN 978-953-51-2819-9, Nr Arch. 952/2016.
  3. Codrut D., Kudela P.: Temperature Compensation Methods for Elastic Wave Based SHM, [w:] Recent Progress in Flow Control for Practical Flows, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-50567-1, 978-3-319-50568-8 (ebook), Nr Arch. 442/2017.



  1. Soman R., Kyriakides M., Onoufriou T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Numerical Evaluation of Multi-Metric Data Fusion based Structural Health Monitoring of Long Span Bridge Structures,
    Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-12, 2017, Nr Arch. 543/2017.
  2. Soman R., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Application of Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking for damage detection in composite structures,
    Composite Structures, 184, 66-77, 2017, Nr Arch. 545/2017.
  3. Bonilla Mora V., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Model of moisture absorption by adhesive joint,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 99C, 534–549, 2018, Nr Arch. 292/2017.
  4. Zmitrowicz A.:
    An analysis of wear processes of materials based on variational methods,
    Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, DOI:10.1177/1081286517734895, 2017, Nr Arch. 670/2017.
  5. Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W., Brune K., Schlag M.:
    Study of electromechanical impedance changes caused by modifications of CFRP adhesive bonds.
    Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 40(10), 1592–1600, 2017, Nr Arch. 850/2017.
  6. Yang Z., Chen X.F., Radzieński M., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Xie Y.:
    Damage localization for beams based on the wavelet correlation operator,
    Science China–Technological Sciences, 60(10), 1505–1517, 2017, Nr Arch. 669/2017.
  7. Xu W., Cao M., Li X., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W., Bai R.:
    Delamination monitoring in CFRP laminated plates under noisy conditions using complex–wavelet 2D curvature mode shapes,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 26(10), Article No. 104008, 2017, Nr Arch. 666/2017.
  8. Yang Z., Chen X.F., Radzieński, M., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.:
    A Fourier spectrum–based strain energy damage detection method for beam–like structures in noisy conditions,
    Science China–Technological Sciences, 60 (8), 1188–1196, 2017, Nr Arch. 289/2017.
  9. De Marchi L. Marzani A., Moll J., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.:
    A pulse coding and decoding strategy to perform Lamb wave inspections using simultaneously multiple actuators, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 91, 111–121, 2017, Nr Arch. 13/2017.
  10. Xu W., Cao M., Ding K., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Crack identification in CFRP laminated beams using multi–resolution modal Teager–Kaiser energy under noisy environments,
    Materials, 10(6), Article No. 656, 2017. Nr Arch. 667/2017.
  11. Yang Z., Radzieński M., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Damage detection in beam–like composite structures via Chebyshev pseudo spectral modal curvature,
    Composite Structures, 168, 1–12, 2017, Nr Arch. 99/2017.
  12. Yang Z., Radzieński M., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Two–dimensional Chebyshev pseudo spectral modal curvature and its application in damage detection for composite plates,
    Composite Structures, 168, 372–383, 2017, Nr Arch. 100/2017.
  13. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Impact induced damage assessment by means of Lamb wave image processing,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 102, 23–36, 2018, Nr Arch. 441/2017.
  14. Sikdar S. , Kudela P., Radzieński M., Kundu A., Ostachowicz W.:
    Online Detection of Barely Visible Low-speed Impact Damage in 3D-core Sandwich Composite structure,
    Composite Structures (on-line), 2017, Nr Arch. 908/2017.
  15. Jurek M., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W., Ziemiański L.,
    Analiza połączenia płyta GFRP – usztywnienie z wykorzystaniem wibrotermografii,
    Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury. Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture, t. XXXIV, z. 64 (2/I/17), 271-279, 2017, Nr Arch. 213/2017.
  16. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.:
    Problemy adaptacyjnej analizy struktur złożonych z uwzględnieniem elementów przejściowych,
    Przegląd Mechaniczny, LXXVI (9), 28-31, 2017, Nr Arch. 779/2017.
  17. Touchard F., Boustie M., Chocinski-Arnault L., Gonzalez P.P., Berthe L., de Vasconcellos D., Sorrentino L., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Mechanical and laser impact effects on woven composites with hemp or glass fibres,
    International Journal of Structural Integrity, 8, 286-307, Nr Arch. 841/2017.
  18. Kundu A., Eaton M.J., Al-Jumali S., Sikdar S., Pullin R.:
    Acoustic emission based damage localization in composites structures using Bayesian identification,
    Journal of Physics Conference Series, 842, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/842/1/012081, Nr Arch. 721/2017.



  1. Majewska K., Soman R., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Assessment of delamination in composite beam using infrared thermography, optical sensors and terahertz technique,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, 2017, Nr Arch. 622/2017.
  2. Mieloszyk M., Soman R., Bonilla V., Ostachowicz W.:
    Moisture contamination detection in adhesive layer using embedded Fibre Bragg grating sensors,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, 2017, Nr Arch. 621/2017.
  3. Soman R., Majewska K., Razdzienski M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Performing Modal Analysis for Multi-metric measurements: A discussion, Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 20-24.03.2016, Las Vegas, USA, 2016, Nr Arch. 20/2017.
  4. Ostachowicz W., Malinowski P., Soman R., Wandowski T.:
    Damage Assessment in Wind Turbine Technology,
    Proceedings of the Energy and Fuels Conference 2016, 21-23.09. 2016, Krakow, Polska, 2016, Nr Arch. 844/2017.
  5. Malinowski P., Ecault R., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Evaluation of adhesively bonded composites by nondestructive techniques,
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, Nr Arch. 845/2017.
  6. Wandowski T., Kudela P., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Guided wave attenuation in composite materials,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, Nr Arch. 846/2017.
  7. Malinowski P., Touchard F., Boustie M., Chocinski-Arnault L., Gonzales P.P., Berthe L., De Vasconcellos D., Sorrentino L., Ostachowicz W.:
    Assessment of damage in 'green' composites,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, Nr Arch. 840/2017.
  8. Wandowski T., Kudela P., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Defect induced guided waves mode conversion,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 20-24.06.2016, Las Vegas, USA, Nr Arch. 15/2017.
  9. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Study on electromechanical impedance ction and Localisation of Fibre Optics Embedded into Glass Fibre Reinforced Composite Samples Using Infrared Thermography,
    Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, SMART, 5-8.06.2017, Madryt, Hiszpania, 561-570, 2017, Nr Arch.619/2017.
  10. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Numerical and experimental studies of delamination detection in short fiber reinforced composites using Lamb waves,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 20-24.03.2016, Las Vegas, USA, Nr Arch. 16/2017.
  11. Kudela P., Wandowski T., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Spectral element method implementation on GPU for Lamb wave simulation,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, Nr Arch. 708/2017.
  12. Radzieński M., Kudela P., Cao M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Combined vibration and guided wave–based approach for composite panels health assessment,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures/NDE conference, 25-29.03.2017, Portland, USA, Nr Arch. 668/2017.
  13. Soman R., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking for damage detection in composite structures,
    Proceedings of the IPM conference 2017, 28-31.05.2017, Krasiczyn, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 544/2017.
  14. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Detection and Localisation of Fibre Optics Embedded into Glass Fibre Reinforced Composite Samples Using Infrared Thermography,
    Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, SMART, 5-8.06.2017, Madryt, Hiszpania, 561-570, 2017, Nr Arch.619/2017.
  15. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.,
    Detection and Localisation of Water Intrusion in Glass Fibre Reinforced Composite using THz Spectroscopy,
    Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, SMART, 5-8.06.2017, Madryt, Hiszpania, 445-451, 2017, Nr Arch. 620/2017.
  16. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Elasto-acoustic Wave Source Localization in Composite Plate-like Structure Using Muti-rosetts Sensing,
    Proceedings of 11th IWSHM 2017, 12-14.09.2017, Stanford, USA, 731-738, 2017, Nr Arch. 818/2017.
  17. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.,
    Glass Fibre Reinforced Composite Samples Inspected Using THz Spectroscopy,
    Proceedings of 11th IWSHM 2017, 12-14.09.2017, Stanford, USA, 731-738, 2017, Nr Arch. 819/2017.
  18. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.,
    THz Spectrometry Method For Observation and Evaluation of an Internal Composite Structure with Discontinuities,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 821/2017.
  19. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Active thermography method for observation and evaluation of an internal composite structure with discontinuities,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 820/2017.
  20. Zboiński G.:
    Convergence, error estimation and adaptivity in non-elliptic, coupled electro-mechanical problems,
    Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 13-16.09.2017, Lublin, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 785/2017.
  21. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.:
    Solid-to-shell transition elements in adaptive analysis of model structures of complex mechanical description,
    Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 13-16.09.2017, Lublin, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 786/2017
  22. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.:
    Problemy adaptacyjnej analizy struktur złożonych z uwzglednieniem elementów przejściowych,
    XXI Międzynarodowa Szkoła Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania, Wytwarzania i Eksploatacji, 8-12.05.2017, Jurata, Polska, t. 2, 291-302, 2017, Nr Arch. 776/2017.
  23. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Electromechanical impedance method for assessment of adhesive bonds of CFRP at the production and repair stage,
    The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 22(1), ISSN 1435-4934, Nr Arch. 838/2017.
  24. Malinowski P., Tserpes K.I., Ecault R., Ostachowicz W.:
    Study of adhesive bonds by mechanical tests, ultrasounds and electromechanical impedance method,
    Proceedings of 11th IWSHM 2017, 12-14.09.2017, Stanford, USA, 2017, Nr Arch. 847/2017.
  25. Malinowski P., Moll J., Wandowski T., Golub M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Study of guided wave propagation in water immersed samples with protective coating,
    Proceedings of 11th IWSHM 2017, 12-14.09.2017, Stanford, USA, 2017, Nr Arch. 848/2017.
  26. Ostachowicz W., Malinowski P., Wandowski T.:
    Highlights and challenges in damage assessment of composite structures,
    Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, SMART, 5-8.06.2017, Madryt, Hiszpania, Nr Arch. 843/2017.
  27. Golub M.V., Moll J., Shpak A.N., Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M.:
    Theoretical and experimental studies of guided waves propagation in dry and one-side immersed waveguides with surface inhomogeneities, Proceedings of 14th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non-Destructive Testing ‘Application of Contemporary Non-Destructive Testing in Engineering’, 4-6.09.2017, Portoroz, Słowenia, Nr Arch. 842/2017.
  28. Malinowski P., Sawczak M., Wandowski T., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.M.:
    Pre- and post-bond inspection for assuring quality of adhesive bonds of composites after thermal treatment,
    Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2017, Nr Arch. 837/2017.
  29. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.M.:
    Damage assessment in composite materials using full wavefield analysis,
    Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2017, Nr Arch. 836/2017.
  30. Fiborek P., Malinowski P., Kudela P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Investigations of the electromechanical impedance changes related to the state of the investigated structures,
    Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, SMART, 5-8.06.2017, Madryt, Hiszpania, 1804-1812, 2017, Nr Arch. 523/2017.
  31. Ostachowicz W.M., Wandowski T., Malinowski P.H., Kudela P.:
    Damage identification and assessment in composite structures,
    Proceedings of 6th Asia Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, APWSHM, Procedia Engineering 188, 241-247, 2017, Nr Arch. 839/2017.
  32. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.:
    Impact induced delaminations by application of full wavefield analysis,
    Proceedings of 11th IWSHM 2017, 12-14.09.2017, Stanford, USA, 2017, Nr Arch. 673/2017.
  33. Fiborek P., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Elastic wave propagation models for SHM – interface elements,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 522/2017.
  34. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W., Kudela P., Radzieński M.:
    Multi-level Debonding Identification in an Aramid Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Panel Using Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation,
    Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS20, 04-07.09.2017, Paryż, Francja, ISBN 978-889-385-041-4, ISSN 2421-2822, Nr Arch. 704/2017.
  35. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W., Pal J., Kudela P., Radzieński M.:
    Debonding Growth Induced Acoustic Emission Source Identification in an Aramid Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Structure,
    Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS20, 04-07.09.2017, Paryż, Francja, ISBN 978-889-385-041-4, ISSN 2421-2822, Nr Arch. 705/2017.
  36. Sikdar S., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.:
    Assessment of barely visible impact damage in a 3D core sandwich composite structure,
    Proceedings of the IPM conference 2017, 28-31.05.2017, Krasiczyn, Polska, 2017, 53-54, Nr Arch. 706/2017.
  37. Kudela P., Yang Z., Radzienski M., Ostachowicz W.:
    Lamb wave focusing by piezoelectric array,
    Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META, 25-28.07.2017, Incheon, Korea, Nr Arch. 707/2017.
  38. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.:
    Influence of repair–related modification of adhesive bonds on electromechanical impedance characteristics,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017.
  39. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W., Yang Z.:
    Potentials of lamb wave focusing for damage detection in aerospace structures,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017.
  40. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:
    The comparative study of deterioration of composite due to temperature using strain, electromechanical impedance and guided waves,
    Proceedings of 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 2017.
  41. Zboiński G.:
    Algorytmy sterowania adaptacją w analizie problemów dielektryków i piezoelektryków metodą elementów skończonych,
    56. Sympozjon ‘Modelowanie w mechanice’, 25.02-01.03, Ustroń, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 777/2017.
  42. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.:
    Bryłowo-powłokowe elementy przejściowe w adaptacyjnej analizie struktur o złożonym modelu geometrycznym i mechanicznym,
    56. Sympozjon ‘Modelowanie w mechanice’, 25.02-01.03, Ustroń, Polska, 2017, Nr Arch. 778/2017.



  1. Soman R.:
    Opracowanie sposobu badań eksperymentalnych na potrzeby badania wpływu temperatury i wilgoci na próbki GFRP oraz opracowanie metody monitorowania stanu technicznego wykorzystując położenie osi obojętnej w obecności zmian temperatur, Nr Arch. 910/2016.
  2. Soman, R.:
    Opracowanie metody monitowania stanu technicznego opartej na śledzeniu położenia osi obojętnej dla konstrukcji kompozytowych w obecności zmian temperatury. Określenie poziomów referencyjnych dla metod impedancji elektromechanicznej oraz propagacji fal sprężystych, i metody opartej na śledzeniu położenia osi obojętnej, Nr Arch. 277/2017.
  3. Ostachowicz W., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M.:
    Opracowanie wstępnego projektu systemu monitorowania podzespołów turbogeneratora domowej mikrosiłowni kogeneracyjnej ORC z wykorzystaniem czujników światłowodowych typu FBG i spektrometrii terahercowej, Nr Arch. 302/2017.
  4. Ostachowicz W., Wandowski T., Radzieński M., Mieloszyk M., Malinowski P., Majewska K., Kudela P., Jurek M,:
    Opracowanie wstępnego projektu systemu monitorowania podzespołów turbogeneratora domowej mikrosiłowni kogeneracyjnej ORC - kontynuacja badań, Nr Arch. 888/2017.
  5. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.:
    Badania delaminacji indukowanej uderzeniem w próbkach z materiałem samo-naprawialnym w postaci mikrokapsułek z wykorzystaniem wibrometru laserowego, Nr Arch. 79/2017.
  6. Kudela P.:
    Analiza numeryczna zjawiska propagacji fal sprężystych w materiałach kompozytowych z uwzględnieniem tłumienia, Nr Arch. 69/2017.
  7. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.,
    Badania numeryczne i eksperymentalne interakcji fal sprężystych z delaminacją indukowaną uderzeniem w kompozycie wzmacnianym włóknami węglowymi, Nr Arch. 178/2017.
  8. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Wandowski T.,
    Równoległe obliczenia numeryczne zjawiska propagacji fal Lamba w kompozytach warstwowych z uwzględnieniem tłumienia, Nr Arch. 181/2017.
  9. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.:
    Nieniszczące badania procesu samozaleczania delaminacji indukowanej uderzeniem w materiale z mikrokapsułkami z wykorzystaniem wibrometrii laserowej Nr Arch. 384/2017.
  10. Wandowski T.:
    Pomiary i analiza zjawiska konwersji modów w panelu kompozytowym z delaminacją, Nr Arch. 565/2017.
  11. Wandowski T.:
    Badania i analiza wpływu zanurzenia w wodzie oraz temperatury na impedancję elektromechaniczną próbek aluminiowych, Nr Arch. 293/2017.

Books & Chapteres

  1. Ostachowicz, W., McGugan, M., Schroder-Hinrichs, J., Luczak, M. (Eds.): MARE-WINT - New Materials and Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbine Technology, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-39094-9, Nr Arch. 738/2016.
  2. Ostachowicz W.M., Wandowski T., Malinowski P.H.: Structural Health Monitoring Methods for Composite Materials [w] Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Fiber Optic Methods, CRC Press, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-4987-3317-5, Nr Arch. 745/2016.
  3. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Detection of damage in metallic structures for offshore applications [w] MARE-WINT: New Materials and Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbine Technology, Eds: Ostachowicz, W., McGugan, M., Schroder-Hinrichs, J., Luczak, M., 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-39094-9, Nr Arch. 753/2016.
  4. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Radzieński M., Opoka S., Ostachowicz W.: Methods for Assessment of Composite Aerospace Structures [w] Selected Papers from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, vol. 43, Springer, 2016, ISBN:978-3-319-44505-2, Nr Arch. 793/2016.

Publications with JCR (Thomson Reuters) Impact Factor

  1. Kudela P., Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Application of scanning laser Doppler vibrometry for delamination detection in composite structures, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, online November 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2016.10.022, Nr Arch. 794/2016.
  2. Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: An application of Structural Health Monitoring system based on FBG sensors to offshore wind turbine support structure model, Marine Structures, 51, 65–86, 2017, Nr Arch. 656/2016.
  3. Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Moisture contamination detection in adhesive bond using embedded FBG sensors, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 84, 1–14, 2017, Nr Arch. 354/2016.
  4. Opoka S., Soman R., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Damage detection and localization method based on a frequency spectrum change in a scaled tripod model with strain rosettes, Marine Structures, 49, 163-179, 2016, Nr Arch. 341/2016.
  5. Park, B., Sohn, H., Malinowski, P., Ostachowicz, W.: Delamination localization in wind turbine blades based on adaptive time-of-flight analysis of noncontact laser ultrasonic signals, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 20 stron, online, 2016, Nr Arch. 746/2016.
  6. Wandowski T., Malinowski P.H., Ostachowicz: Temperature and damage influence on electromechanical impedance method used for carbon fibre–reinforced polymer panels, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, July 12, 2016, Nr Arch. 747/2016.
  7. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Delamination detection in CFRP panels using EMI method with temperature compensation, Composite Structures, 151, 99–107, 2016, Nr Arch. 748/2016.
  8. Yang Z., Radzieński M., Kudela P. Ostachowicz W.: Two-dimensional modal curvature estimation via Fourier spectra method for damage detection, Composite Structures, 148, 155-167, 2016, Nr Arch. 295/2016.
  9. Yang Z., Radzieński M., Kudela P. Ostachowicz W.: Scale-Wavenumber Domain Filtering Method for Curvature Modal Damage Detection, Composite Structures, 154, 396-409, 2016, Nr Arch. 294/2016.
  10. Yang Z., Radzieński M., Kudela P. Ostachowicz W.: Fourier spectral-based model curvature analysis and its application to damage detection in beams, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 84, 763-781, 2016, Nr Arch. 296/2016.
  11. Cao M., Xu W., Ren W., Ostachowicz W, Sha G., Pan L.: A concept of complex-wavelet modal curvature for detecting multiple cracks in beams under noisy conditions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 76-77, 755-775, 2016, Nr Arch. 193/2016.

Publications without JCR (Thomson Reuters) Impact Factor

  1. Ostachowicz, W., Wandowski, T., Malinowski, P.: Principles of piezo-based machinery health monitoring, Transactions of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery ,127, 117-136, 2015, Nr Arch. 749/2016.
  2. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Neutral axis tracking for crack detection in wind turbine towers, Task Quarterly Journal, 19(3), 223-235, 2015, Nr Arch. 19/2016.
  3. Miazio Ł., Zboiński G.: Analiza adaptacyjna struktur sprężystych z warstwą brzegową na przykładzie płyty o zmiennej grubości, Modelowanie Inżynierskie, 26(57), 34-39, 2015, Nr Arch. 513/2016.

Conference proceedings in Web of Science Database

  1. Ostachowicz W., Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Kudela P.: Highlights and challenges in nondestructive evaluation for metallic and composite structures, Smart Materials and Nondestructive Evaluation for Energy Systems 2016, Marzec 20-24 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, Paper No. 98060F, 2016, Nr Arch. 536/2016.
  2. Malinowski, P., Wandowski, T., Ostachowicz, W.: Study on adhesive bonds influence on EMI signatures, Structural Health Monitoring 2015: System Reliability for Verification and Implementation - Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2015, 213-220, 2015, Nr Arch. 13/2016.
  3. Soman, R., Malinowski, P., Schmidt Paulsen, U., Ostachowicz, W.: Kalman filter based data fusion for Bi-Axial neutral axis tracking in wind turbine towers, Structural Health Monitoring 2015: System Reliability for Verification and Implementation - Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2015, 2785-2792, 2015, Nr Arch. 18/2016.
  4. Zmitrowicz A.: Development of friction constitutive relations for polymers, In:  Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues, Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (PCM-CMM 2015), September 8-11, 2015, Gdańsk, Poland, (eds. M. Kleiber, T. Burczyński, K. Wilde, J. Górski, K. Winkelmann, L. Smakosz), CRC Press/Balkema (Taylor & Francis Group), London 2016, pp. 623-626. Również jako eBook ISBN 9781315645063. Nr Arch. 198 /2016.
  5. Miazio Ł., Zboiński G.: Stress convergence in adaptive resolutionj of boundary layers in the case of 3D-based first- and higher-order shell models, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 8-11 September, Gdańsk (Poland), 397-400, 2015, Nr Arch. 877/2016.
  6. Opoka S., Majewska K., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Impact Location Procedure for Composite Structure Using Rosette with 25 Degree Angles Between Sensors, Proc. of 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, SEP 01-03, 2015, Nr Arch. 59/2016.
  7. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Numerical and experimental studies of delamination detection in short fiber reinforced composites using Lamb waves, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2016, Marzec 20-24 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, Paper No. 980503, 2016, Nr Arch. 16/2017.
  8. Wandowski T., Kudela P., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Defect induced guided waves mode conversion, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2016, Marzec 20-24 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, Paper No. 98050O, 2016, Nr Arch. 15/2017.
  9. Soman R., Majewska K., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Performing modal analysis for multimetric measurements: a discusion, Proc. of SPIE, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2016, Marzec 20-24 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2016, Nr Arch. 20/2017.

Other conference proceedings

  1. Fiborek P., Kudela P., Radzienski M., Ostachowicz W.: Wave propagation in periodic structures and focusing of the ultrasound waves, The 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystal and Plasmonics, Meta’16, 25-28 Lipiec 2016,Malaga Hiszpania, 2370-2374, 2016, Nr arch. 365/2016.
  2. Radzieński M., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Assessment of honeycomb core condition in composite sandwich panels by means of guided waves, e-journal of NDT, 2016, Nr Arch. 892/2016.
  3. Wandowski T., Kudela P., Malinowski P., Sarniak Ł., Karczewski R., Ostachowicz W.: Damage detection in composite materials, 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM 2016, 5-8 lipca 2016, Bilbao, Hiszpania, 2016, Nr Arch. 795/2016.
  4. Ostachowicz W., Malinowski P.H., Soman R., Wandowski T.: Damage Assessment in Wind Turbine Technology, 21-23 września 2016, Kraków, Polska, 2016, Nr Arch. 786/2016.
  5. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.: Influence of delamination and temperature conditions on electromechanical impedance, 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM 2016, 5-8 lipca 2016, Bilbao, Hiszpania, 2016, Nr Arch. 744/2016.
  6. Mieloszyk M., Luczak M., Mucchi E., Telega J., Ostachowicz W.: Damage Detection in Laboratory Scale Model of the Offshore Support Structure Using Two Different Measurement Techniques, e-journal of Non-destructive Testing, ISSN 1435-4934, 2016, Nr Arch. 614/2016.
  7. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Glass fibre composite elements with embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors inspected by THz spectroscopy, e-journal of NDT, ISSN 1435-4934, 2016, Nr Arch. 570/2016.
  8. Soman R., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking under varying temperature conditions, e-journal of NDT, ISSN 1435-4934, 2016, Nr Arch. 659/2016.
  9. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M.,Ostachowicz W.: Glass fibre composite elements with embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors inspected by thermography techniques, e-journal of NDT, ISSN 1435-4934, 2016, Nr Arch. 571/2016.
  10. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy application for determination of embedded fibre optics localisation in composite material, proc. of 7th International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, Kaiserslautern, Niemcy 15-16 marzec 2016, Nr Arch. 251/2016.
  11. Majewska K., Malinowski P., Mieloszyk M., Radzieński M., Wadowski T., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy application for different types of damage in GFRP material elements, proc. of 7th International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, Kaiserslautern, Niemcy 15-16 marzec 2016, Nr Arch. 252/2016.
  12. Zmitrowicz A.:, Modelling of wear of materials in terms of variational methods, In: Book of Abstracts, 8th Contact Mechanics International Symposium, IPPT, May 11-13, 2016, Warszawa, (eds. S. Stupkiewicz, J Lengiewicz, U. Czubacka ), pp. 72-73, Nr Arch. 187 /2016.
  13. Zboiński G.: Algorytm szacowania błędów do adaptacyjnej analizy problemów elektro-mechanicznych metodą elementów skończonych, 55. Sympozjon „Modelowanie w mechanice”, 20-24 lutego, Ustroń, 140-141, 2016, Nr Arch. 878/2016.
  14. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.: Zastosowanie przejściowych elementów skończonych w adaptacyjnej analizie problemów budowy maszyn, 55. Sympozjon „Modelowanie w mechanice”, 20-24 lutego, Ustroń, 141-142, 2016, Nr Arch. 879/2016.
  15. Kwapisz L., Radzieński M., Jakubowski P.: Analysis of sound passing through the window due to laser vibrometer measurements, XLIV Szkoła Zimowa Akustyki Środowiska i Wibroakustyki, Szczyrk, 29.02-04.03.2016, 2016, Nr Arch. 883/2016.

Internal reports

  1. Jurek M., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W., Pawluczy-Majka J.: Badania Próbek Kopozytowych z Wykorzystaniem Metod Termografii, Nr Arch. 16/2016.
  2. Kudela P.: Numeryczne analizy interakcji fal Lamba z delaminacją w płytach kompozytowych z uwzględnieniem zjawiska konwersji modów (Numerical analysis of Lamb wave interaction with delamination in composite plates considering mode conversion phenomenon), Nr Arch. 25/2016.
  3. Kudela P.: Analiza sygnałów pełnego pola propagujących się fal sprężystych w dziedzinie częstotliwości i liczb falowych, Nr Arch. 192/2016.
  4. Opoka, S., Malinowski P.: Wpływ niektórych parametrów zewnętrznych na numeryczne krzywe impedancji elektromechanicznej, Nr Arch. 759/2016.
  5. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.: Przygotowanie stanowiska badawczego i wykonanie badań testowych na reprezentatywnych próbkach bez materiału samonaprawialnego, Nr Arch. 42/2016.
  6. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.: Przeprowadzenie symulacji numerycznych propagacji fal sprężystych w materiałach kompozytowych ze zmodyfikowanymi właściwościami mechanicznymi w rejonie uszkodzenia oraz wykonanie  map uszkodzeń, Nr Arch. 125/2016.
  7. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.: Badania rozwoju uszkodzenia w próbkach kompozytowych, Nr Arch. 250/2016.
  8. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Kudela P.: Badania zmęczeniowe próbek z materiałem samo-naprawialnym z wykorzystaniem wibrometru laserowego, Nr Arch. 895/2016.
  9. Wandowski, T., Malinowski, P.: Pomiary i analiza konwersji modów w dwuwymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych z wykorzystaniem wibrometrii laserowej, Nr Arch. 116/2016.
  10. Wandowski T., Malinowski, P.: Pomiary i analiza konwersji modów w dwuwymiarowych kompozytowych elementach konstrukcyjnych z wykorzystaniem wibrometrii laserowej, Nr Arch. 672/2016.
  11. Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Analiza drgań okna trójskrzydłowego na podstawie badań wibrometrem laserowym, Nr Arch. 222/2016.

Publications with JCR (Thomson Reuters) Impact Factor

  1. P. Kudela:
    Parallel implementation of Spectral Element Method for Lamb wave propagation modeling.
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/nme.5119 (Early view), 2015, Nr arch. 625/2015.
  2. W. Xu, M.S. Cao, M. Radzieński, N. Xia, Z. Su, W. Ostachowicz, S.S. Wang:
    Detecting multiple small-sized damage in beam-type structures by Teager energy of modal curvature shape.
    JVE International Ltd Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 17 (1), pp. 275–286, 2015, Nr arch. 676/2015.
  3. R.B. Bai, W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, M.S. Cao:
    Vibrational damage detection using fractal surface singularities with noncontact laser measurement.
    Journal of Vibration and Control, pp. 1–13, 2014, Nr arch. 675/2015.
  4. M. Cao, H. Xu, R. Bai, W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzienski, L. Chen:
    Damage characterization in plates using singularity of scale mode shapes.
    Applied Physics Letters 106, 2015, Nr arch. 156/2015.
  5. W. Xu, M.Cao, W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, N. Xi:
    Two-dimensional curvature mode shape method based on wavelets and Teager energy for damage detection in plates.
    Journal of Sound and Vibration 347, pp. 266–278, 2015, Nr arch. 155/2015.
  6. J. Moll, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, M. Radzienski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Experimental analysis and prediction of antisymmetric wave motion in a tapered anisotropic waveguide.
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138 (1), 2015, Nr arch. 373/2015.
  7. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, M. Rawski, P. Tomaszewicz, T. Luba and G. Borowik:
    Embedded damage localization subsystem based on elastic wave propagation.
    Computer–Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(8), pp. 654–665, 2015, Nr arch. 381/2015.
  8. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, Ł. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz:
    Moisture detection in carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites using electromechanical impedance technique.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, pp. 1–6, 2015, doi: 10.1177/ 0954406215574239, Nr arch. 372/2015.
  9. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Circular sensing networks for guided waves based structural health monitoring.
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (66–67), pp. 248–267, 2016, Nr arch. 371/2015.
  10. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    The use of electromechanical impedance conductance signatures for detection of weak adhesive bonds of carbon fibre–reinforced polymer.
    Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 14 (4), 2015, pp. 332–344, Nr arch. 374/2015.
  11. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Bi-axial neutral axis tracking for damage detection in wind-turbine towers.
    Wind Energy Journal –WILEY (available online), Nr arch. 632/2015.
  12. M.S. Cao, W. Xu, Z. Su, W. Ostachowicz, N. Xia:
    Local coordinate systems–based method to analyze high–order modes of n–step Timoshenko beam.
    Journal of Vibration and Control, March 23, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1077546315573919, Nr arch. 641/2015.
  13. R. Rimašauskienė, R. Rimašauskas, V. Jūrėnas, W. Ostachowicz, M. Matejka:
    Numerical and experimental analysis of membrane with piezoelectric element used for synthetic jet flow control.
    MECHANIKA, Vol. 21(1), pp. 64−69, 2015, ISSN 1392−1207, Nr arch. 696/2015.

Publications without JCR (Thomson Reuters) Impact Factor

  1. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Algorytm zapewniający ciągłość naprężeń i odkształceń w adaptacyjnym bryłowo-powłokowym elemencie przejściowym.
    Modelowanie Inżynierskie, 22 (53), (2014), 130-136, Nr arch. 725/2015.
  2. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Adaptacyjna analiza powłok zdominowanych giętnie o złożonym opisie mechanicznym.
    Mechanik, (7) (2015), 555 i 987-996 (CD ROM), Nr arch. 710/2015.

Conference proceedings in Web of Science Database

  1. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, J. Moll, M. Radzieński, W. Ostachowicz:
    Analysis of guided wave propagation in a tapered composite panel,
    SPIE 9438 on: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, 09–12.03.2015, San Diego, California, USA, 2015, Nr arch. 449/2015.
  2. M. Radzieński, M. Mieloszyk, E.K. Rahani, T. Kundu, W. Ostachowicz:
    Heat induced damage detection in composite materials by terahertz radiation,
    SPIE 9438 on: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, 09-12.03.2015, San Diego, California, USA, 2015, Nr arch. 610/2015.
  3. W.M. Ostachowicz, P.H. Malinowski, T. Wandowski:
    New trends in non–destructive assessment of aerospace structures,
    Proceedings of SPIE, Conference on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, vol. 9435, article No: 9435–01, doi: 10.1117/12.2178155, San Diego, California, USA, 09-12.2015, 2015, Nr arch. 370/2015.
  4. T. Wandowski, J. Moll, P. Malinowski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Assessment of piezoelectric sensor adhesive bonding,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628 (2015), 012114, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012114, 2015, Nr arch. 597/2015.
  5. A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, P. Malinowski, M. Mieloszyk, S. Opoka, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Influence of support conditions and temperature on the EMI characteristics,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628 (2015), 012112, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012112, 2015, Nr arch. 598/2015.
  6. P. Malinowski, N. Pałka, T. Wandowski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Moisture detection in composites by terahertz spectroscopy,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 628, (2015), 012100, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012100, 2015, Nr arch. 596/2015.
  7. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Investigations on guided wave interaction with various discontinuities,
    Proc. of 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, Porto, Portugalia, 2014, ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4, Nr arch. 806/2015.
  8. M. Mieloszyk, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Frequency Domain Decomposition performed on the strain data obtained from the aluminium model of an offshore support structure,
    Journal of Physics Conference Series 07/2015; 628(1). 2015, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012111, Nr arch. 609/2015.
  9. K. Majewska, S. Opoka, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz:
    Novel FBG rosette for determining impact location in thin plate-like structure,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 628 (2015) 012118, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012118, Nr arch. 627/2015.
  10. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, U. Paulsen:
    Kalman filter based data fusion for neutral axis tracking in wind turbine towers,
    SPIE- Smart Structures/NDE, 08-12.03.2015, San Diego, USA, Nr arch. 633/2015.
  11. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Comparative study of performance of neutral axis tracking based damage detection,
    DAMAS 2015, 24-26.08.2015, Ghent, Belgium, Nr arch. 634/2015.

Other conference proceedings

  1. M. Miniaci, F. Bosia, W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, M. Radzieński, A. Gliozzi, M. Scalerandi, N. Pugno:
    Damage Identification via Time Reversal and Acoustic Metamaterials,
    9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 06-10.06.2015, Madrid, Spain, 2015, Nr arch. 349/2015.
  2. L. Marchi, A. Marzani, J. Moll, P. Kudela, M. Radzieński, W. Ostachowicz:
    Spread spectrum pulse coding in Lamb wave inspections,
    International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring (System Reliability for Verification and Implementation), 01-03.09.2015, Stanford, CA, USA, 1228–1235, 2015, Nr arch. 454/2015.
  3. C. Dan, P. Kudela, M. Radzieński, W. Ostachowicz:
    Temperature Effects Compensation Strategies for Guided Wave Based Structural Health Monitoring,
    6th Symposium for NDT in Aerospace, Vol/ 20 (1), 12-14.11.2014, Madrid, Spain, 2015, Nr arch. 455/2015.
  4. P. Fiborek:
    Modeling of adhesive contacts in composite materials,
    3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 08-11.09.2015, Gdańsk, Poland, Short papers Vol. 1, pp. 115-116, 2015, ISBN 978-83-932107-5-6, Nr arch. 499/2015.
  5. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, M. Radzieński, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Assessment Methods for Composite Aerospace Structures,
    SMART 2015, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Special Session: Mini – Symposium MS02 – Novel methods in SHM Technology organized by Wieslaw Ostachowicz. Book of Abstracts, strona 150,
    03-06.06.2015, 2015, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, ISBN 978–989–96276–7–3, Nr arch. 378/2015.
  6. S. Opoka, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Terahertz spectroscopy for damage assessment in composite materials,
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF IV), 24-26.06.2015, 2015, pp. 538–545, Skiathos, Greece, ISBN: 978–960–88104–5–7, ISSN: 2241–5890, Nr arch. 595/2015.
  7. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz:
    Study on electrical signatures of electromechanical impedance response of lightweight materials,
    CANSMART 2015, the 5th International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 15-17.07.2015, 2015, Vancouver, Canada (p.56), Nr arch. 380/2015.
  8. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Study on adhesive bonds influence on EMI signatures,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Structural Health Monitoring (System Reliability for Verification and Implementation), 213–220, Stanford, CA, USA, 01-03.09.2015, 2015, Nr arch. 448/2015.
  9. T. Wandowski, S. Opoka, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    The performance of three Electromechanical Impedance damage indicators on structural element with bolted joints,
    Proc. of 6th Symposium for NDT in Aerospace, Madrid, Spain, 2014, Nr arch. 422/2015.
  10. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Calibration Problem of AD5933 Device for Electromechanical Impedance Measurements,
    The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.20 No.02, Proceedings of 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8–11, 2014, ISSN: 1435-4934, 2015, Nr arch. 375/2015.
  11. B. Park, H. Sohn, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Damage detection in composites by noncontact laser ultrasonic,
    The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.20 No.02, Proceedings of 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8–11, 2014, ISSN: 1435-4934, Nr arch. 377/2015.
  12. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, A. Stancalie, W. Ostachowicz:
    Application of EMI technique for characterisation of composite adhesive bonds,
    Proc. of 6th Symposium for NDT in Aerospace, Madrid, Spain, 2014, Nr arch. 376/2015.
  13. S. Opoka, M. Mieloszyk, S. Derra ,W. Ostachowicz:
    Comments on structural condition analysis based on strain measurements on tripod model,
    EWSHM 2014 conference, issue Vol.20 No.2, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing – ISSN 1435-4934, Nr arch. 273/2015.
  14. S. Opoka, K. Majewska, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz:
    Impact Location Procedure for Composite Structure Using Rosette with 25 Degree Angles Between Sensors,
    International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2015), 01-0.08.2015, Stanford University, CA, USA, Nr arch. 446/2015.
  15. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Neutral Axis Tracking for damage detection in Wind Turbine Towers,
    EWEA 2014, 10-14.03.2014, Barcelona, Spain, plakat, Nr arch. 636/2015.
  16. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Threshold Determination for Neutral Axis Tracking based Damage Detection in Wind Turbine Towers,
    EWEA offshore 2015, 10-12.03.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, plakat, Nr arch. 635/2015.
  17. R. Soman, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, U. Paulsen:
    Kalman filter based data fusion for Bi-Axial neutral axis tracking in wind turbine towers,
    IWSHM Conference, 01-03.09.2015, Stanford, USA, Nr arch. 447/2015.
  18. E. di Lorenzo, J. Martinez, R. Mehdi, D. Mehta, G. Pereira, R. Soman:
    MARE-WINT: New Materials & Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbines Technology,
    EAWE PhD Seminar, 28-31.10.2014, Orleans, France, Nr arch. 637/2015.
  19. G. Zboiński:
    Application of the element residual methods to dielectric and piezoelectric problems,
    Short Papers of th 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & the 21th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Gdańsk (Poland), Wrzesień 2015, 53-54, Nr arch. 728/2015.
  20. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    Stress convergence in adaptive resolution of boundary layers in the case of 3D-based first- and higher-order shell models,
    Short Papers of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & the 21th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Gdańsk (Poland), Wrzesień 2015, 43-44, Nr arch. 727/2015.
  21. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Adaptacyjna analiza powłok zdominowanych giętnie o złożonym opisie mechanicznym,
    XIX Międzynarodowa Szkoła Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania, Wytwarzania i Eksploatacji, Materiały Konferencyjne, tom 2. Szczyrk (Poland), Maj 2015, 389-396, Nr arch. 709/2015.
  22. A. Zmitrowicz:
    Development of friction constitutive relations for polymers,
    PCM-CMM 2015 Book of Short Papers, 08-11.09.2015, Gdańsk, eds M. Kleiber, T. Burczyński, K. Wilde, J. Górski, K. Winkelmann, L. Smakosz, Wyd. PTMTS, Gdańsk 2015, Vol. 1, pp. 139-140. Nr arch. 458/2015.
  23. P. H. Malinowski, M. Sawczak, T. Wandowski, W. M. Ostachowicz, A. Cenian:
    Composites Surface State Assessment by LIF Method,
    7th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace 2015, 16–18.11.2015, Bremen, Germany, pages 1–8, Tu.1.A.4, ISBN 978–3–940283–76–4, Nr arch. 941/2015.
  24. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, G. Borowik, T. Łuba, K. Kowalski, P. Pecio:
    Implementation of Guided Wave Based Damage Localization Algorithm in Android Os,
    7th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace 2015, 16–18.11.2015, Bremen, Germany, pages 1–8, Tu.2.A.3, pages 1–8, Tu.2.A.3, ISBN 978–3–940283–76–4, Nr arch. 942/2015.
  25. G. Zboiński:
    Algorytm szacowania błędów do adaptacyjnej analizy problemów elektrycznych metodą elementów skończonych,
    54. Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, Zeszyt streszczeń, Ustroń, Luty 2015, 135-136, Nr arch. 714/2015.
  26. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    Analiza adaptacyjna struktur sprężystych z warstwą brzegową na przykładzie płyty o zmiennej grubości,
    54. Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, Zeszyt streszczeń, Ustroń, Luty 2015, 95-96, Nr arch. 713/2015.
  27. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Analiza powłok zdominowanych giętnie z ciągłą zmianą naprężeń i odkształceń w strefach przejściowych,
    54. Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, Zeszyt streszczeń, Ustroń, Luty 2015, 136-137, Nr arch. 715/2013.

Internal reports

  1. W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, P. Kudela:
    Opracowanie metodologii oceny efektywności naprawienia materiału samo-naprawiającego się w kontekście cyklicznych obciążeń niszczących,
    Nr arch. 297/2015.
  2. W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, P. Kudela:
    Opracowanie koncepcji stanowiska badawczego do badania materiałów kompozytowych zdolnych do samonaprawiania,
    Nr arch. 624/2015.
  3. P. Fiborek:
    Analytical analysis of focusing ultrasound waves by a nonlinear acoustic lens,
    Nr arch. 525/2015.
  4. P. Fiborek:
    Signal processing of a wave propagated in the granular chain,
    Nr arch. 526/2015.
  5. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski:
    Pomiary i analiza zjawiska konwersji modów fal sprężystych w elementach konstrukcyjnych z wykorzystaniem wibrometrii laserowej,
    Nr arch. 379/2015.
  6. P. Kudela:
    Numeryczne analizy propagacji fal sprężystych i konwersji modów w metalowym elemencie belkowym z nacięciami,
    Nr arch. 523/2015.
  7. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski:
    Eksperymentalne wyznaczenie krzywych dyspersji dla próbek kompozytowych na podstawie pomiarów czujnikami piezoelektrycznymi,
    Nr arch. 524/2015.
  8. M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz:
    Zastosowanie metody FDD do analizy wyników badań przeprowadzonych na tripodzie – wyznaczanie wskaźników,
    Raport 5 (zad9) z projektu AQUILO, Nr arch. 387/2015.
  9. M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz:
    Zastosowanie metody FDD do analizy wyników badań przeprowadzonych na tripodzie przy wymuszeniu falowym,
    Raport 4 (zad9) z projektu AQUILO, Nr arch. 386/2015.
  10. M. Mieloszyk, K. Majewska, W. Ostachowicz:
    Ocena możliwości wykorzystania promieniowania terahercowego do analizy położenia światłowodów znajdujących się wewnątrz próbki oraz na powierzchni i pod próbką,
    Nr arch. 442/2015.
  11. K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, B. Puchowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Proces laminowania czujników światłowodowych typu FBG w materiale kompozytowym,
    Nr arch. 388/2015.
  12. K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk:
    Zaprojektowanie i utworzenie siatek punktów do modeli numerycznych próbek kompozytowych,
    Nr arch. 522/2015.
  13. S. Opoka; R. Soman; M. Mieloszyk; W. Ostachowicz,
    Raport końcowy z zadania 9 w zakresie badań z czujnikami odkształceń, projekt Aquilo,
    Nr arch 804/2015.
  14. F. Touchard, L. Berthe, P. Malinowski, S. Opoka, M. Boustie,L. Chocinski-Arnault, W. Ostachowicz:
    Comparison of damage behaviour of different plant fibre composites under laser impact loading,
    Mat´eriaux & Techniques 103, 108 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/mattech/2015008, ISSN: 0032-6895, Nr arch. 274/2015.
  15. G. Zboiński:
    Procedury numeryczne sterowania adaptacją modelu i parametrów dyskretyzacji układów elektro-mechanicznych,
    Nr arch. 51/2015.
  16. G. Zboiński:
    Badanie niekorzystnych zjawisk numerycznych w układach elektro-mechanicznych,
    Nr arch. 91/2015.
  17. G. Zboiński:
    Adaptacyjna analiza elementów skończonych do analizy układów elektro-mechanicznych czujnik/wzbudnik piezoektryczny – konstrukcja,
    Raport merytoryczny z PB 5153/B/T02/2011/40, Nr arch. 282/2015.
  18. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Opracowanie zredukowanego numerycznie sformułowania adaptacyjnego, opartego na podejściu trójwymiarowym, bryłowo-powłokowego elementu przejściowego zapewniającego ciągłość pola naprężeń pomiędzy modelami podstawowymi,
    Nr arch. 324/2015.
  19. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Bryłowo-powłokowy element przejściowy umożliwiający ciągłą zmianę naprężeń i odkształceń od stanu trójwymiarowego do powłokowego,
    Nr arch. 325/2015.
  20. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Estymatory residualne do szacowania błędu modelowania i aproksymacji w nowych elementach przejściowych,
    Nr arch. 326/2015.


  1. ...

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych posiadających współczynnik wpływu Impact Factor

  1. M. Cao, W. Xu, W. Ostachowicz, Z. Su:
    Damage identification for beams in noisy conditions based on Teager energy operator–wavelet transform modal curvature.
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333 (6), pp. 1543–1553, MAR 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.11.003.

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych nieposiadających współczynnik wpływu Impact Factor

  1. ...

Publikacje w wydawnictwach pokonferencyjnych znajdujących się w bazie Web of Science 

  1. P. Malinowski, M. Sawczak, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz, A. Cenian:
    Characterisation of CFRP surface contamination by laser induced fluorescence.
    Proc. SPIE  9064, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2014, 90640E (March 9, 2014), doi: 10.1117/12.2042864.
  2. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Characterisation of CFRP adhesive bonds by electromechanical impedance.
    Proc. SPIE 9064, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2014, 906415 (March 9, 2014), doi: 10.1117/12.2042868.
  3. W. Ostachowicz, W. Xu, R. Bai, M. Radzieński, M. Cao:
    Robust modal curvature features for identifying multiple damage in beams.
    Proc. SPIE 9064, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2014, 90640P (March 9, 2014), doi: 10.1117/12.2045316.

Inne publikacje pokonferencyjne

  1. ...


  1. M. Krawczuk, P. Kudela, K. Majewska, P. Malinowski, M. Mieloszyk, L. Murawski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, T. Wandowski, A. Żak:
    Monitorowanie stanu technicznego konstrukcji i ocena jej żywotności.
    Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB, pp. 196, ISBN 978–83–7789–158–2, Gdańsk 2012.
  2. W. Ostachowicz, A. Güemes:
    New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring.
    Vol. 542, Wien, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978–3–7091–1389–9.
  3. W. Ostachowicz, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski,
    Damage localisation using elastic waves propagation methods. Experimental techniques.
    [In] W. Ostachowicz, A. Güemes: New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 317 – 371, Vol. 542, Wien, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978–3–7091–1389–9.

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych posiadających współczynnik wpływu Impact Factor

  1. W. Xu, M. Radzieński, W. Ostachowicz, M.S. Cao:
    Damage detection in plates using two–dimensional directional Gaussian wavelets and laser scanned operating deflection shapes.
    Structural Health Monitoring – An International Journal, Vol. 12 (5–6), pp. 457–468, SEP 2013, doi: 10.1177/1475921713492365.
  2. M.S. Cao, W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, W. Xu:
    Multiscale shear–strain gradient for detecting thermal delamination in composite laminates.
    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103 (10), SEP 2013, doi: 10.1063/1.4820182.
  3. M. Cao, W. Ostachowicz, R. Bai, M. Radzieński:
    Fractal mechanism for characterizing singularity of mode shape for damage detection.
    Applied Physics Letters Vol. 103 (22), NOV 2013, doi: 10.1063/1.4833837.
  4. S. Opoka, L. Murawski, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Static–Strain Level Change Together with Detection of Transient Signal as Damage Indicator for Truss and Frame Structures.
    Strain (2013) 49, 287–298.
  5. G. Zboiński:
    Adaptive hpq finite element methods for the analysis  of  3D–based models of complex structures. Part 2. A posteriori error estimation.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
  6. M. Jasiński, G. Zboiński.
    On some hp–adaptive finite element method for natural vibrations.
    Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 66(11), December 2013, pp. 2376–2399.
  7. A. Król, K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, L. Murawski, W. Ostachowicz, A. Weintrit:
    Fibre Bragg Grating sensor grids for Structural Health Monitoring of the foremast of STS Dar Młodziezy.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2013, Vol. 227(8), pp. 1665–1680, doi 10.1177/0954406212466020.
  8. R. Rimasauskiene, R. P. Bansevicius, M. Rimasauskas, W. Ostachowicz:
    Analysis of the membrane permeability of the microflow control device based on the Moire´effect.
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 36 (2013), pp. 25–35.
  9. M. Radzieński, Ł. Doliński, M. Krawczuk, M. Palacz:
    Damage localisation in a stiffened plate structure using a propagating wave.
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 39 (2013), pp. 388–395, ISSN: 0888–3270.
  10. M. Cao, W. Xu, W. Ostachowicz, Z. Su:
    Damage identification in beams in noisy conditions based on TEO–WT modal curvature.
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, No. JSV–D–13–00497,

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych nieposiadających współczynnik wpływu Impact Factor

  1. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Guided waves for aircraft panel monitoring.
    Key Engineering Materials Vol. 558 (2013), pp. 107–115.
  2. S. Opoka, L. Murawski, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Strain as Damage Indicator for Truss and Frame Structures.
    Key Engineering Materials Vol. 558(2013), pp. 99–106.
  3. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Characterization of CFRP Using Laser Vibrometry.
    Key Engineering Materials Vols. 569–570 (2013), pp. 710–717.
  4. S. Opoka, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski , L. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz:
    Damage Detection using Electromechanical Impedance Technique Combined with Scanning Laser Vibrometry.
    Key Engineering Materials Vols. 569–570 (2013), pp. 687–694.
  5. P. Malinowski, L. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz:
    Application of Piezo Sensors in EMI and Guided Wave Techniques.
    Key Engineering Materials Vols. 569–570 (2013) pp. 702–709.
  6. G. Zboiński, M. Zielińska:
    Zastosowanie adaptacyjnych elementów przejściowych w problemach powłok zdominowanych giętnie.
    Modelowanie Inżynierskie, 13 (44), (2012), pp. 277–284.
  7. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Wpływ zastosowanego modelu na poziom błędu aproksymacji w strefach przejściowych struktur o złożonym opisie mechanicznym.
    Mechanik, (7) (2013), pp. 599 i pp. 867–873 (CD ROM).
  8. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    Ocena a posteriori intensywności efektu brzegu w adaptacyjnej analizie płyt.
    Mechanik, (7) (2013), pp. 596 i pp. 375–382 (CD ROM).

Publikacje w wydawnictwach pokonferencyjnych znajdujących się w bazie Web of Science 

  1. M. Radzieński, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz:
    Visualization of thermally induced delamination by means of guided waves processing.
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2013, Jerome P. Lynch; Chung–Bang Yun; Kon–Well Wang, Vol. 8692, San Diego, California, USA, 10 March 2013, doi:10.1117/12.2009633.
  2. M. Cao, M. Radzieński, W.M. Ostachowicz, W. Xu:
    Multiscale characterization of damage in plates based on 2D Mexican wavelet.
    Proceedings of the SPIE Conference Vol. 8695, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013, doi:10.1117/12.2009432.
  3. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Guided waves–based damage localization in riveted aircraft panel.
    Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8695, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013.
  4. W. Xu, W. Ostachowicz, M.S. Cao, Z.Q. Su:
    Detection of damage in beams using Teager energy operator.
    Proceedings of the SPIE Conference  Vol. 8695, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013, 869539 (April 17, 2013); doi: 10.1117/12.2009425.
  5. P. Malinowski, K. I. Tserpes, T. Wandowski, L. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz:
    Composite bonds assessment using EMI technique.
    Proceedings of  9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 10–12, 2013, Stanford, California, USA, pp. 2407–2414, ISBN: 978–1–60595–115–7.
  6. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz, T. Luba, G. Borowik, M. Rawski, P. Tomaszewicz:
    Signal processing system for guided wave–based SHM technique.
    Proceedings of  9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 10–12, 2013, Stanford, California, USA, pp.964–971, ISBN: 978–1–60595–115–7.
  7. K. Majewska, M. Krawczuk, Ł. Skarbek, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz:
    Intelligent material actuators and their applications for structural dynamic control.
    Proc. of International Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring 2013, IWSHM 2013,10–12.09.2013, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, pp. 1575(8), ISBN 978–1–60595–115–7.

Inne publikacje pokonferencyjne

  1. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela:
    Numerical and experimental studies of temperature and moisture influence on Lamb waves in composite laminates.
    Proceedings of the 15th Asia – Pacific Vibration Conference, 2–6 June 2013, ICC Jeju, Korea.
  2. P. Kudela, M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz:
    Wave propagation based damage assessment and decision making for SHM.
    Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR 2013, New York, NY, USA, June 16–20, 2013, ed.
    G. Deodatis, B.R. Ellingwood, D.M. Frangopol, CRC Press/Balkema, London, 2013, p. 435.
  3. P. Malinowski, Ł. Skarbek, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    CFRP bonds evaluation using piezoelectric transducer.
    Proc. 4th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 13–15 listopad 2012, Augsburg, Niemcy, ISBN 978–3–940283–46–7.
  4. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, L. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz:
    Non–destructive assessment of CFRP composites with elastic waves, vibrothermography and EMI technique.
    Proc. 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF III) 26–28 June 2013, Kos, Greece,
    pp. 613–621, ISBN: 978–960–88104–3–3.
  5. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, T. Luba, G.Borowik, M. Rawski, P. Tomaszewicz:
    Embedded signal processing subsystem for SHM.
    Proc. 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF III) 26–28 June 2013, Kos, Greece, pp. 694–702, ISBN: 978–960–88104–3–3.
  6. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz, B. Ehrhart, U. Netzelmann, G. Walle, B. Valeske, A. Croxford, K. Sapountzi, S. Neild, R. Seyrkammer, R. Galos, B. Reitinger, J. Kasberger, R. Ecault, M. Boustie, L. Berthe, F. Touchard, L. Chocinski–Arnault, G. Heichler, G. Ossiander:
    Extended NDT Methods For Evaluation of CFRP Adhesive Bonds.
    Proceeding of 3rd International EASN Association Workshop on AeroStructures, Milan,  October 8–11, 2013.
  7. P. Malinowski, R. Ecault, M. Boustie, F. Touchard, L. Berthe, W. Ostachowicz:
    Damage detection method for composites based on laser vibrometer.
    Proceeding of 5th International Workshop on NDT in Aerospace, Singapore, November 13–15, 2013.
  8. M. Mieloszyk:
    FBG sensors in Structural Health Monitoring Applications.
    Plakat prezentowany na 5th Technical Meeting COST Action TD1001, 7 – 9 kwietnia 2013, Padwa, Włochy.
  9. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    Ocena a posteriori intensywności efektu brzegu w adaptacyjnej analizie płyt.
    XVII Międzynarodowa Szkoła Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania, Wytwarzania i Eksploatacji. Materiały konferencyjne, Tom 1. Szczyrk (Poland), May 2013, pp. 375–382.
  10. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Wpływ zastosowanego modelu na poziom błędu aproksymacji w strefach przejściowych struktur o złożonym opisie mechanicznym.
    XVII Międzynarodowa Szkoła Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania, Wytwarzania i Eksploatacji. Materiały konferencyjne, Tom 2. Szczyrk (Poland), May 2013, pp. 409–416.
  11. G. Zboiński:
    Effective application of the equilibrated residual method in error estimation of the hp–approximated 3D–based models of complex structures.
    Adaptive Modelling and Simulation. (Red. J.P. Moitinho de Almeida, P. Diez, C. Tiago, N. Pares), Proceeding of the VI International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Lisbon (Portugal), June 2013, pp. 185–186 i pp. 710–722 (CD–Rom).
  12. G. Zboiński:
    Hierarchical models for adaptive modelling and analysis of coupled electromechanical systems.
    Short Papers of the 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Poznań (Poland), August 2013, MS10–07–08.
  13. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    hp–Adaptive finite element analysis of thin–walled structures with use of the numerical tools for detection and range assessment of boundary.
    Short Papers of the 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Poznań (Poland), August 2013, MS10–15–16.
  14. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    hp–Adaptive finite element analysis of thin–walled structures with use of the shell–to–shell transition elements.
    Short Papers of the 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Poznań (Poland), August 2013, MS10–19–20.
  15. A. Zmitrowicz:
    Friction models of polymers at external boundaries of solids and inside the materials.
    Proceedings 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 27–31 August 2013, Poznań University of Technology, eds. T. Łodygowski et al., Poznań 2013, ISBN 978–83–89333–51–3.
  16. M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz:
    Fibre Bragg Grating application for monitoring of shape memory alloy actuator.
    ICEAF 2013, 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, Kos, Grecja, Materiały konferencyjne, CD–ROM pp.658–664, ISBN: 978–960–88104–3–3.
  17. K. Majewska, A. Żak, Ł. Skarbek, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz:
    Optimization of quantity and placement of active (magnetic) elements in a beam–like structure.
    Plakat prezentowany na konferencji Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2013), 25–30.08.2013, Rhodos, Grecja.
  18. W. Ostachowicz:
    New trends in SHM.
    1st IW on Embedded Optical Sensors for Composite Materials. 7–8 Październik 2013, Gent, Belgia.
  19. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz:
    Assessment of CFRP composites using laser vibrometry.
    Joint Conference ISEM–ACEM–SEM–7th ISEM’12, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 8–11, 2012.
  20. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński:
    Badania parametryczne narzędzi do wykrywania i oceny efektu brzegu w analizie cienkościennych struktur sprężystych.
    52 Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, Zeszyt streszczeń, Ustroń, Luty 2013, pp. 196–197.
  21. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński:
    Efektywność residualnych estymatorów błędów w analizie struktur cienkościennych uwzględniającej adaptacyjne elementy przejściowe.
    52 Sympozjon Modelowanie w Mechanice, Zeszyt streszczeń, Ustroń, Luty 2013, pp. 281–282.
  1. W. Ostachowicz, P .Kudela, M. Krawczuk, A. Żak
    Guided Waves in Structures for SHM – The Time–domain Spectral Element Method,
    John Wiley & Sons, February 2012, ISBN 978-0-470-97983-9.

  2. W. Ostachowicz, A. Güemes
    New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring,
    Springer, Vol. 542, ISBN 978–3–7091–1389–9.

  3. W. Ostachowicz, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski
    Damage Localisation Using Elastic Waves Propagation Methods. Experimental Techniques,
    [In] New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring, Springer, Vol. 542, Wien, pp.317 – 371, ISBN 978-3-7091-1389-9.

  4. M. Cartmell, A. Żak, O. Ganilova
    Applications for Shape Memory Alloys in Structural and Machine Dynamics,
    [In] Nonlinear Dynamic Phenomena in Mechanics, pp. 115–158, 2012, ISBN 978-94-007-2472-3.

  5. R. Bai, M. Cao, Z. Su, W. Ostachowicz, H. Xu
    Fractal dimension analysis of higher–order mode shapes for damage identification of beam structures,
    Mathematical Problems in Engineering Vol. 2012, Article ID 454568, 16 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/454568.

  6. A. Żak, M. Krawczuk
    Assessment of flexural beam behaviour theories used for dynamics and wave propagation problems,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration 331 (26), 5715–573, 2012.

  7. A. Żak, M. Radzieński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz
    Damage detection strategies based on propagation of guided elastic waves,
    Smart Materials and Structures 21 (3), 035024, 2012.

  8. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Investigation of sensor placement in Lamb wave–based SHM method,
    Key Engineering Materials Vol. 518 (2012), 174–183.

  9. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński
    Wykrywanie warstwy brzegowej a posteriori w problemach numerycznych powłok zdominowanych giętnie,
    Modelowanie Inżynierskie, 12 (43), (2012), 177–184.

  10. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński
    Zastosowanie narzędzi do wykrywania warstwy brzegowej w adaptacyjnej analizie płyt i powłok,
    Mechanik, 7 (2012), 600 i CD ROM 451–458.

  11. L. Murawski, W. Ostachowicz, S. Opoka, M. Mieloszyk, K. Majewska
    Practical application of monitoring system based on optical sensors for marine constructions,
    Key Engineering Materials 518, pp 261–270, 2012.

  12. C.A.Dan, F. Santos, F. Tejero, S. Moten, B. Pluymers, J. Swevers, W Desmet, R. Rimasauskiene, M. Matejka, M. Kurowski, M.Luczak, W. Ostachowicz, P. Doerffer
    Towards a green future of aeronautics and wind energy generation through innovative research and training,
    "Marie Skłodowska–Curie Actions in Horizon 2020: regional and international impact" People Conference, 5–6 listopad 2012, Place: Nikozja, Cypr.

  13. P. Kudela, M. Radzienski, W. Ostachowicz
    Damage visualization enhancement by the wave field filtering and processing,
    Proc. SPIE 8347, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2012, 83471H (April 26, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.914451;, San Diego, California, USA, 11–15 marzec 2012.

  14. K. Majewska, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz, A. Zak
    Magnetic shape memory actuators and their applications for rotor systems,
    CIMTEC 2012 4th International Conference Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, June 10–14, 2012, Montecatini Terme, Włochy.

  15. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Guided waves–based damage detection in aircraft component,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012, 481–488, ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  16. P. Malinowski, Ł. Skarbek, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    CFRP bonds evaluation using piezoelectric transducer,
    Proc. 4th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 13–15 listopad 2012, Augsburg, Niemcy.

  17. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Assessment of CFRP composites using laser vibrometry,
    Proceedings of ISEM–ACEM–SEM–7th ISEM’12–Taipei, Taiwan, 8–11 listopad 2012.

  18. P. Malinowski, Ł. Skarbek, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Guided waves for aircraft panel monitoring,
    4th Asia–Pacfic Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 5–7 grudzień 2012, Melbourne, Australia.

  19. M. Mieloszyk, M. Krawczuk, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Active thermography method for delamination detection and localisation in composite structures,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012, 1261–1268. ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  20. L. Murawski, W. Ostachowicz, M. Mieloszyk, K. Majewska
    Monitoring Possibility of Sailing Ships’ Masts,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012, 1261–1268. ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  21. S. Opoka, L. Skarbek, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Identification of structural resonance peaks using E/MI method,
    CD–ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 10–14 wrzesień, 2012, Vienna, Austria, Eds.: Eberhardsteiner, J.; Böhm, H.J.; Rammerstorfer, F.G., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN: 978–3–9502481–9–7.

  22. S. Opoka, L. Murawski, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Strain as Damage Indicator for Truss and Frame Structures,
    4th Asia–Pacfic Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 5–7 grudzień 2012, Melbourne, Australia.

  23. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, M. Radzienski
    Guided wavefield images filtering for damage localization,
    4th Asia–Pacfic Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 5–7 grudzień 2012, Melbourne, Australia.

  24. W. Ostachowicz, L. Murawski, S. Opoka, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, M. Mieloszyk, K. Majewska
    Practical application of SHM system based on optical FBG sensors for truss structures,
    Cyfrowe materiały konferencyjne ISBN 978–960–93–3847–9. MEMSCON Workshop: Towards Intelligent Civil Infrastructure, Athens, Greece, marzec 29, 2012.

  25. W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński
    Structural health monitoring by means of elastic wave propagation,
    Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis Conference (MPSVA 2012), Glasgow, UK, 29–31 sierpień 2012, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 382 (2012).

  26. W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, P. Kudela
    Elastic wave field filtering and processing for damage localisation in structures,
    Proceedings of the 14th Asia – Pacific Vibration Conference, 5–8 December 2011, Hong Kong, China, pp. 348–356, ISBN: 978–962–367–731–8.

  27. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, P. Malinowski, S. Opoka, M. Radzieński, L. Skarbek, T. Wandowski
    Structural health monitoring based on piezoelectric sensors,
    CD–ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10–14, 2012, Vienna, Austria, Eds.: Eberhardsteiner, J.; Böhm, H.J.; Rammerstorfer, F.G., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN: 978–3–9502481–9–7.

  28. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, M. Radzieński
    Guided wave propagation filtering for damage detection,
    Proceedings of ISEM–ACEM–SEM–7th ISEM’12–Taipei, Taiwan, 8–11 listopad, 2012.

  29. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, K. Lonkar
    Beam spectral finite elements for modeling of propagating waves in composite laminates under environmental effects,
    Book of Abstracts: 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 8–13 lipiec 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil, p. 139, ISBN 978–85–86686–69–6.

  30. M. Radzieński, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz
    Wavenumber domain filtering of elastic wave propagation for damage localization in composite plates,
    European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), J. Eberhardsteiner et al. (eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10–14 wrzesień, 2012.

  31. R. Rimašauskiene, W. Ostachowicz, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski
    Numerical and experimental investigation of the piezoelectric actuator used for the synthetic jets membrane control,
    CD–ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 10–14 wrzesień, 2012, Vienna, Austria, Eds.: Eberhardsteiner, J.; Böhm, H.J.; Rammerstorfer, F.G., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN: 978–3–9502481–9–7.

  32. R. Rimasauskiene, M. Mieloszyk, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Piezoelectric Actuators,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezden, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012, 224–231. ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  33. D. Sabbatini, R. Rimasauskiene, M. Matejka, M. Kurowski, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, P. Doerffer
    Synthetic jet parameter identification and numerical results validation,
    10th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser And Noncontact Techniques – Aivela 2012. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1457, pp. 329–335 (2012), ISBN: 978–0–7354–1059–6.

  34. Ł. Skarbek, T. Wandowski, S. Opoka, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Electromechanical impedance technique and scanning vibrometry for structure characterization,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012,  179–185. ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  35. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, L. Skarbek, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz
    Characterization of CFRP composites using electromechanical impedance technique,
    CIMTEC 2012 4th International Conference Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, June 10–14, 2012, Montecatini Terme, Włochy

  36. A. Zmitrowicz
    Models of friction and wear of polymers: thermodynamic consideretions,
    Euromech No. 514, New trends in Contact Mechanics, 27–31 marzec, 2012, Cargèse, Francja, Book of Abstracts, Eds. M. Raous, P. Wriggers, Publisher: CNRS Marseille, pp.125–126.

  37. A Żak, M Krawczuk, W Ostachowicz
    Spectral finite element method for propagation of guided elastic waves in wind turbine blades for SHM purposes,
    Proc. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Drezno, Niemcy, 3–6 lipiec 2012, 481–488. ISBN: 978–3–940283–41–2.

  38. A Żak, M Krawczuk
    Static and dynamic analysis of isotropic shell structures by the spectral finite element method,
    Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis Conference (MPSVA 2012), Glasgow, UK, 29–31 August 2012, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 382 (2012).
  1. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Damage detection potential of a triangular piezoelectric configuration,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25, pp.2722–2732, 2011.

  2. M. Mieloszyk, L. Skarbek, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz, A. Zak
    Application of fibre Bragg grating sensors for structural health monitoring of an adaptive wing,
    Smart Materials & Structures 20 (12pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/20/12/125014, 2011.

  3. M. Palacz, M. Radzieński, M. Krawczuk
    Improvement of damage detection methods based on experimental modal parameter,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25(6), pp.2169–2190, 2011.

  4. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Damage detection with concentrated configurations of piezoelectric transducers,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 20, 14pp, 025002, doi: 10.1088/0964–1726/20/2/025002, 2011.

  5. T. Wandowski, P. Kudela, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Lamb waves for damage localisation in panels,
    Strain, 47(5), pp. 449–457, 2011.

  6. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz
    Guided wave–based detection of delamination and matrix cracking in composite laminates,
    Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 25(1), pp. 123–131, 2011.

  7. A. Żak, M. Krawczuk
    Certain numerical issues of wave propagation modelling in rods by the Spectral Finite Element Method,
    Finite Element and Analysis and Design, 47, pp.1036–1046, 2011.

  8. K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz
    Application of FBGs Grids for Damage Detection and Localisation, Applied Mechanics and Materials,
    Advances in Experimental Mechanics VIII, Edited by: R. L. Burguete, M. Lucas, E. A. Patterson, S. Quinn, 70, pp. 375–380, ISBN–13 978–3–03785–202–6. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation, September 7–9, 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011.

  9. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński
    Efektywność przejściowych elementów skończonych w modelowaniu struktur złożonych zdominowanych membranowo,
    Mechanik, 7, CD Rom pp.967–972, 2011.

  10. K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz
    Fibre Bragg grating sensors applications for damage detection and localisation in composite structures,
    Proc. 5th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbruecken, Germany, 6–8 lipca, 2011.

  11. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    The search for optimal sensor network in Lamb wave–based SHM method,
    Proc. of 8th IW on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 13–15 września, pp.2237–2244, 2011.

  12. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Sensor arrays for damage localization using Lamb waves propagation phenomena,
    Proc. of 8th IC on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN–2011, 4–6 lipca, Leuven, Belgia, pp.2127–2133, 2011, ISBN 978–90–760–1931–4.

  13. Ł. Miazio, G. Zboiński
    The numerical tool for a posteriori detection of boundary layers in hp–adaptive analysis,
    Short Papers of 19th IC on Computer  Methods in Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, May 2011, 351–352 and CD Rom 1–6, 2011.

  14. M. Mieloszyk, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Determination of the temperature field using Fibre Bragg Grating sensors and infrared thermography method,
    Proc. 5th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbruecken, Germany, 6–8 lipca, 2011.

  15. M. Mieloszyk, M. Krawczuk, L. Skarbek, W. Ostachowicz
    An application of neural network for Structural Health Monitoring of an adaptive wing with an array of FBG sensors,
    9th IC on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2011) IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305, Oxford, UK, 012066 doi:10.1088/1742–6596/305/1/012066.

  16. L. Murawski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski
    Practical application of SHM system based on FBG sensors for offshore platform,
    Proc. of 8th IC on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN–2011, 4–6 lipca, Leuven, Belgia, pp.2052–2059, 2011, ISBN 978–90–760–1931–4.

  17. L. Murawski, S. Opoka, K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz, A. Weintrit
    Investigations of Marine Safety Improvements by Structural Health Monitoring Systems,
    Miscellaneous Problems in Maritime Navigation, Transport and Shipping. CRC Press, Balkema Book, pp. 83–89, 2011, ISBN 978–0–415–69118–5, 9th International Symposium On Marine Navigation And Safety Of Sea Transportation TransNav 2011, Gdynia, Poland.

  18. S. Opoka, L. Murawski, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W.Ostachowicz
    Damage detection experiment on offshore platform leg model with usage of fibre optic technique based on FBG sensors,
    Proc. 8th IC on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies Cardiff, UK, 20–22 czerwca, 2011.

  19. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela, M. Radzieński
    Experimental validation of algorithms for wave propagation modelling in 2D and 3D structures based on the spectral element method,
    Proc. of 8th IW on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 13–15 września, pp.915–922, 2011.

  20. W. Ostachowicz, M. Radzieński, P. Kudela
    Elastic wave field filtering and processing for damage localisation in structures,
    Proc. of 14th Asia – Pacific Vibration Conference, 5–8 December 2011, Hong Kong, China, pp. 348–356, ISBN: 978–962–367–731–8, 2011.

  21. M. Radzieński, W. Ostachowicz
    Experimental studies of structure inspection and damage detection based on elastic waves energy distribution,
    Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, September 13–15, pp.2245–2251, 2011.

  22. M. Radzieński, Ł. Doliński, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz, A. Żak
    Application of RMS for damage detection by guided elastic waves,
    9th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2011) IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305, Oxford, UK, 012055 doi:10.1088/1742–6596/305/1/012055, 2011.

  23. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Diagnostics using different configurations of sensing networks,
    9th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2011) IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305,, Oxford, UK, 012007 doi:10.1088/1742–6596/305/1/01/2007.

  24. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Influence of defective sensors on damage detection method,
    Proc. 5th ECCOMAS Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Saarbruecken, Germany, 6–8 lipca, 2011.

  25. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński
    An algorithm of the 3D–based adaptive solid–to–shell transition elements accounting for continuous change of the Reissner–Mindlin constraints,
    Short Papers of 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, May 2011, 531–532 and CD Rom 1–5, 2011.

  26. M. Zielińska, G. Zboiński
    Efektywność przejściowych elementów skończonych w modelowaniu struktur złożonych zdominowanych membranowo,
    Materiały konferencyjne XV Międzynarodowej Szkoły Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania, Wytwarzania i Eksploatacji, Jurata, Poland, Maj 2011, t. 2, pp.447–452, 2011.

  27. A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    Propagation of guided elastic waves in aircraft structural elements by the Spectral Finite Element Method,
    Proc. of 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, September 13–15, pp.2245–2251, 2011.

  28. A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz, M. Krawczuk
    Damage detection strategies for aircraft shell–like structures based on propagation guided elastic waves,
    Proc. of 9th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2011) IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305, Oxford, UK, 012055 doi:10.1088/1742–6596/305/1/012055, 2011.
  1. L. Murawski, W. Ostachowicz
    Optimiztion of Marine Propoulsion System’s Alignment for Aged Ships,
    [In] Computer Methods in Mechanics, Springer–Verlag, Berlin 2010, pp. 477–491.

  2. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela
    Elastic Waves for Damage Detection in Structures,
    [In] New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring, Deraemaker A., Worden K. (eds). Springer Wien New York 2010, pp. 247–300, (ISBN 978–3–7091–0398–2).

  3. W. Ostachowicz, M. Krawczuk, A. Żak, P. Kudela
    Wave propagation modeling for structural damage detection
    International Journal of COMADEM, Vol. 13 (1), pages 47–62, January 2010.

  4. A. Deraemaeker, A. Preumont, E. Reynders, G. De Roeck, J. Kullaa, V. Lamsa, K. Worden, G. Manson, R. Barthorpe, E. Papatheou, P. Kudela, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz, T. Wandowski
    Vibration–based structural health monitoring using large sensor networks,
    Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2010.

  5. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz
    Guided wave–based detection of delamination and matrix cracking in composite laminates, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
    Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010.

  6. W. Ostachowicz
    Special Issue on Smart Structures and Materials Preface,
    Smart Structures and Materials, 6 (2), March 2010.

  7. K. Majewska, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    Vibration control of a rotor by magnetic shape memory actuators–an experimental work,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 19 (2010) (8pp).

  8. M. Mieloszyk, M. Krawczuk, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    An adaptive wing for a small–aircraft application with a configuration of fibre Bragg grating sensors,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 19 (2010) (12pp).

  9. W. Ostachowicz, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski
    Damage detection using laser vibrometry,
    Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 22–24 listopad, Radisson Blu, Hamburg Airport, Hamburg, Niemcy, CD–ROM, 2010.

  10. T. Wandowski, P. Kudela, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Lamb waves for damage localisation in panels
    An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics STRAIN, 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1475–1305.2009.00708.

  11. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Active sensor arrays for damage detection,
    Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 24–25, 2010, pp. 51–56.

  12. M. Łuczak, B. Peeters, M. Döhler, L. Mevel, W. Ostachowicz, P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, K. Branner
    Damage Detection in Wind Turbine Blade Panels Using Three Different SHM Techniques,
    IMAC–XXVIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, February 1–4, 2010.

  13. W. Ostachowicz, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski
    Combined distributed and concentrated transducer network for failure indication,
    Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7650, 2010, doi:10.1117/12.846911.

  14. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Phased arrays for damage detection,
    School and Symposium on Smart Structural System Technologies, Porto, Portugalia, 6–9 April 2010.

  15. G. Zboiński
    Adaptive hpq finite element methods for the analysis of 3D–based models of complex structures. Part 1. Hierarchical modeling and approximations,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199, pp.2913–2940, 2010.

  16. A. Zmitrowicz
    Jak poruszają się lodowce?
    Fizyka w Szkole, 6, 311(LVI), pp.8–26, listopad/grudzień 2010.

  17. M. Łuczak, K. Branner, M.Kahsin, K. Martyniuk,B. Peeters, W. Ostachowicz, T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski
    Applying static and dynamic test responses for defect prediction in wind turbine blades using a probabilistic approach,
    European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC), 20–23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland.

  18. A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    An algorithm to model SMA behaviour by the finite element method,
    ECCM–2010 IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, May 16–21, 2010, Paris, France.

  19. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela
    Spectral elements with electro–mechanical coupling for elastic wave modelling in 3D solids,
    ECCM–2010 IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, May 16–21, 2010, Paris, France.

  20. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz
    Laser vibrometry for guided wave propagation phenomena visualisation and damage detection,
    9th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Non–Concact Techniques and Short Course, AIP Conference Proc., Vol. 1253, pp. 140–149, 22–25 June 2010, Ancona, Italy.

  21. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Imaging of Damage Position in Structural Elements,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010.

  22. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Comparison of Distributed and Concentrated Networks of Piezoelectric Transducers,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010.

  23. M. Mieloszyk, K. Majewska, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    A Wing for Small Aircraft Application with an Array of Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010. ISBN No. 978–1–60595–024–2.

  24. K. Majewska, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    Forced Vibration Responses of a Rotor System with a Magnetic Shape Memory Actuator,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010. ISBN No. 978–1–60595–024–2.

  25. K. Majewska, M. Mieloszyk, W. Ostachowicz
    Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors Applications for Damage Detection and Localisation in Isotropic Structures,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010. ISBN No. 978–1–60595–024–2.

  26. A. Żak, M. Krawczuk, W. Ostachowicz
    Propagation of Guided Elastic Waves in Shell–Type Aircraft Structural Elements,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010.

  27. R.M. Rodriguez, P. Kudela, W. Ostachowicz, G. Kawiecki
    Analytical Modelling For Active Rosette Piezotransducers Evaluation,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June – 2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010.

  28. L. Murawski, S. Opoka, W. Ostachowicz
    Estimation of Measurement and Calculation Errors and Analysis of Damage Detection Possibility for SHM System of Offshore Structure,
    Proc. of 5th European Workshop on SHM, 28 June–2 July, Sorrento, Italy 2010.

  29. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela
    Waves propagation numerical models in damage detection,
    9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, 19–23 July 2010, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (WCCM/APCOM 2010), Vol. 10 (2010), paper no 012068.

  30. P. Malinowski, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Active sensor arrays for damage detection,
    7th BSSM International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Liverpool, UK, 7–9 September 2010, pp. 51–56.

  31. M. Mieloszyk, A. Żak, W. Ostachowicz
    An adaptive wing with a configuration of Fibre Bragg Grating sensors,
    International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering including USD2010, 20–22 September, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 3741–3755.

  32. T. Wandowski, P. Malinowski, W. Ostachowicz
    Damage localisation using various signal filtering approaches,
    International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering including USD2010, 20–22 September, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 1135–1149.

  33. W. Ostachowicz, P. Kudela
    Structural health monitoring by means of elastic wave propagation,
    Vibrations in Physical Systems, Vol. XXIV, pp. 15–22, Poznań 2010.
  1. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M.,
    Modeling for Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic and Composite Structures,
    Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring, Boller, C., Chang, F. and Fujino, Y. (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, ISBN 978-0-470-05822-0, pp. 851-866, 2009.

  2. Chu F., Ouyang H., Silberschmidt V.V., Garibaldi L., Surace C., Ostachowicz W., Jiang D.,
    Damage Assessment of Structures, Key Engineering Materials,
    Trans Tech Publications, Zuerich, Switzerland, ISSN 1013-9826, pp. 1-824, 2009.

  3. Opoka S., Pietraszkiewicz W.,
    On modified displacement version of the non-linear theory of thin shells,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (17), pp. 3103-3110, 2009.

  4. Opoka S., Pietraszkiewicz W.,
    On refined analysis of bifurcation buckling for the axially compressed circular cylinder,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (17), pp. 3111-3123, 2009.

  5. Ostachowicz W., Kudela P., Malinowski P., Wandowski T.,
    Damage localisation in plate-like structures based on PZT sensors,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, pp. 1805-1829, 2009.

  6. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.,
    A multilayer delaminated composite beam and plate elements: Reflections of Lamb waves at delamination,
    Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 16 (3), pp. 174-187, 2009.

  7. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Sensor triangulation for damage localisation in composite plates,
    Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 55-62, 2009.

  8. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.,
    Removing the ambiguity in Lamb wave-based damage localization,
    Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 79-86, 2009.

  9. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.,
    Damage localisation in thin panels using elastic wave propagation method,
    Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 87-93, 2009.

  10. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Żak A., Ostachowicz W.,
    Transmission and reflection coefficients for damage identification in 1D elements,
    Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 95-100, 2009.

  11. Radzieński M., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Experimental verification and comparison of mode shape-based damage detection methods,
    Key Engineering Materials, 413-414, pp. 699-706, 2009.

  12. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Trendafilova I., Ostachowicz W.,
    A phase array-based method for damage detection and localization in thin plates,
    An International Journal Structural Health Monitoring, 8 (1), pp. 5-15, 2009.

  13. Zboiński G., Jasiński M.,
    Adaptive analysis of natural frequencies and modes of vibration of simple and complex mechanical systems (in Polish),
    IFFM Publishers, Gdańsk (Poland), 2009.

  14. Israr I., Cartmell M., Manoach E., Trendafilova I., Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Analytical modeling and vibration analysis of partially cracked rectangular plates with different boundary conditions and loading,
    ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 76 (1), pp. U30-U38, 2009.

  15. Żak A.,
    A novel formulation of a spectral plate element for wave propagation in isotopic structures,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 45, pp. 650-658, 2009.
  1. Uhl T., Ostachowicz W., Holnicki-Szulc J.,
    Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Kraków, Poland,
    DEStech Publications, Inc., ISBN 978-1-932078-94-7, pp. 1-1309, 2008.

  2. Ostachowicz W.,
    Damage detection of structures using spectral finite element method,
    Computers & Structures, 86 (3-5), pp. 454-462, 2008.

  3. Grabowska J., Palacz M., Krawczuk M.,
    Wavelet analysis for damage identification,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22, pp. 1623-1635, 2008.

  4. Ostachowicz W., Wandowski T., Malinowski P.,
    Elastic wave phased array for damage localisation,
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 4 (46), pp. 917-932, 2008.

  5. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.,
    Wave propagation modelling in composite plates,
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, 9, pp. 89-104, 2008.

  6. Trendafilova I., Cartmell M.P., Ostachowicz W.,
    Vibration-based damage detection in an aircraft wing scaled model using principal component analysis and pattern recognition,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 313, pp. 560-566, 2008.

  7. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Damage detection in composite plates with embedded PZT transducers,
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22, pp. 1327-1335, 2008.

  8. Besnier F., Jian L., Murawski L., Weryk M.,
    Evaluation of main engine and propeller excitations of ship hull and superstructure vibration,
    International Shipbuilding Progress, 1, 2 (55), pp. 3-27, 2008.
  1. Ostachowicz W., Holnicki-Szulc J., Mota Soares C.,
    Proceedings of the III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, Gdańsk, Poland, July 9-11,
    IFFM Publisher, ISBN 978-83-88237-02-7, pp. 1-96, 2007.

  2. Garibaldi L., Surace C., Holford K., Ostachowicz W.M.,
    Damage Assessment of Structures, Key Engineering Materials,
    Trans Tech Publications, Zuerich, Switzerland ,ISBN 0-87849-444-8, pp. 1-710, 2007.

  3. Majewska K., Żak A., Ostachowicz W.,
    Magnetic shape memory alloys for forced vibration control of beam-like structures,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 16, pp. 2388-2397, 2007.

  4. Kudela P., Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Modelling of wave propagation in composite plates using the time domain spectral element method,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 302, pp. 728-745, 2007.

  5. Kudela P., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Wave propagation modelling in 1D structures using spectral finite elements,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 300, pp. 88-100, 2007.

  6. Malinowski P., Wandowski T., Trendafilova I. Ostachowicz W.,
    Multi-phased array for damage localisation,
    Key Engineering Materials, 347, pp. 77-82, 2007.

  7. Zboinski G., Jasinski M.,
    3D-based hp-adaptive first order shell finite element for modelling and analysis of complex structures. Part 1. The model and the approximation,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70, pp. 1513-1545, 2007.

  8. Zboinski G.,
    3D-based hp-adaptive first order shell finite element for modelling and analysis of complex structures. Part 2. Application to structural analysis,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70, pp. 1546-1580, 2007.

  9. Murawski L., Szmyt M.,
    Stifness characteristics and thermal deformations of the frame of high power marine engine,
    Polish Maritime Research, 1 (51), 14, pp. 16-22, 2007.
  1. Jendrzejewski R., Sliwinski G., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Temperature and stress during laser cladding of double-layer coatings,
    Surface & Coatings Technology, 201 (6), pp. 3328-3334, 2006.

  2. Krawczuk M., Grabowska J., Palacz M.,
    Longitudinal wave propagation. Part I - Comparison of rod theories,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 295, pp. 461-478, 2006.

  3. Israr A., Cartmell M. P., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W. M., Manoach E., Trendafilova I., Shishkina E. V., Palacz M.,
    On approximate anatytical solutions for vibrations in cracked plates,
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6, pp. 315-322, 2006.

  4. Trendafilova I., Manoach E., Cartmel M. P., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W. M., Palacz M.,
    On the problem for damage detection of vibrating cracked plates,
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5-6, pp. 247-254, 2006.

  5. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A., Kudela P.,
    Damage detection in elements of structures by the elastic wave propagation method,
    Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 13, pp. 109-124, 2006.

  6. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Propagation of in-lane waves in an isotropic panel with a crack,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42, pp. 929-941, 2006.

  7. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Propagation of in-plane elastic waves in a composite panel,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43, pp. 145-154, 2006.

  8. Murawski L.,
    Ship structure dynamic analysis - effects of made assumptions on computation results,
    Polish Maritime Research, 2 (48), 13, pp. 3-7, 2006.
  1. Ostachowicz W.M., Dulieu-Barton J.M., Holford K.M., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Damage Assessment of Structures, Key Engineering Materials,
    Trans Tech Publications, Zuerich, Switzerland ,ISBN 0-87849-976-8, pp. 1-800, 2005.

  2. Ostachowicz W.,
    Elastic wave propagation development for structural health monitoring,
    [In] Mechanics of the 21st Century, Springer, pp. 275-286, 2005.

  3. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M.,
    Damage detection of structures using spectral element method,
    [In] Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural Engineering, Springer-Verlag, pp. 69-88, 2004.

  4. Zboinski G.,
    Numerical tools for a posteriori detection and assessment of the improper solution limit, locking and boundary layers in analysis of thin-walled structures,
    [In] Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2005, pp. 321-330, 2005.

  5. Palacz M., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    The spectral finite element model for analysis of flexural-shear coupled wave propagation. Part 1: Laminated multilayer composite beam,
    Composite Structures, 68, pp. 37-44, 2005.

  6. Palacz M., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    The spectral finite element model for analysis of flexural-shear coupled wave propagation. Part 2: Delaminated multilayer composite beam,
    Composite Structures, 68, pp. 45-51, 2005.

  7. Kaczmarek J., Ostachowicz W.,
    A description of damage based on nanoscale modelling of fracture,
    Key Engineering Materials, 293-294, pp. 235-244, 2005.

  8. Grabowska J., Krawczuk M.,
    Identification of discontinuities in composite rods and beams based on Lamb wave propagation,
    Key Engineering Materials, 293-294, pp. 517-524, 2005.

  9. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Palacz M.,
    Experimental and numerical investigation on wave propagation in composite beam with an additional mass,
    Key Engineering Materials, 293-294, pp. 533-540, 2005.

  10. Murawski L.,
    Shaft line whirling vibrations: effects of numerical assumptions on analysis results,
    Marine Technology and SNAME News, 42 (2), pp. 53-61, 2005.

  11. Murawski L.,
    Forces exciting vibrations of ship's hull and superstructure,
    Polish Maritime Research, 4 (46), 12, pp. 15-21, 2005.

  12. Murawski L.,
    Shaft line alignment analysis taking ship construction flexibility and deformations into consideration,
    Marine Structures, 1 (18), pp. 62-84, 2005.

  13. Żak A.,
    Non-linear vibration of a delaminated composite beam,
    Key Engineering Materials, 293-294, pp. 607-614, 2005.
  1. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M.,
    Damage detection of structures using spectral element method,
    [In]: Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural Engineering, Springer-Verlag, pp. 69-88, 2004.

  2. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Genetic algorithm for fatigue crack detection in Timoshenko beams,
    [In]: IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 197-206, 2004.

  3. Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Vibration of a laminated beam with a delamination including contact effects,
    Shock and Vibration, 11, pp. 157-171, 2004.

  4. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Cartmell M., Gilchrist M.,
    Wave propagation in delaminated beam,
    Computers and Structures, 82, pp. 475-483, 2004.

  5. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40, pp. 991-1004, 2004.

  6. Lee B.C., Palacz M., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W., Staszewski W.J.,
    Wave propagation in a sensor/actuator diffusion bond model,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume, 276, pp. 671-687, 2004.

  7. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Flexural-shear wave propagation in cracked composite beam,
    Science and Engieering of Composite Materials, 11, pp. 55-67, 2004.

  8. Jendrzejewski R., Sliwinski G., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Temperature and stress fields induced during laser cladding,
    Computers and Structures, 82, pp. 653-658, 2004.
  1. Żak A., Cartmell M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Static and dynamic behaviour of composite structures with shape memory alloy components,
    Materials Science Forum, 440-441, pp. 345-352, 2003.

  2. Terumichi Y., Kaczmarczyk S., Turner S., Yoshizawa M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Modelling, simulation and analysis techniques in the prediction of non-stationary vibration response of hoist ropes in lift systems,
    Materials Science Forum, 440-441, pp. 497-504, 2003.

  3. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Spectral plate element for crack detection with the use of propagating waves,
    Materials Science Forum, 440-441, pp. 187-194, 2003.

  4. Krawczuk M., Zak A., Ostachowicz W., Cartmell M.,
    Propagation of elastic waves in beams - including damping effects,
    Materials Science Forum, 440-441, pp. 179-186, 2003.

  5. Krawczuk M., Palacz M., Ostachowicz W.,
    The dynamic analysis of a cracked Timoshenko beam by the spectral element method,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 264, pp. 1139-1153, 2003.

  6. Żak A., Cartmell M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Dynamics and control of a rotor using an integrated SMA/composite active bearing actuator,
    Key Engineering Materials, 245-246, pp. 233-240, 2003.

  7. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Palacz M.,
    Detection of delamination in multilayer composite beams,
    Key Engineering Materials, 245-246, pp. 483-490, 2003.

  8. Żak A., Cartmell M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Dynamics of multilayered composite plates with shape memory alloy wires,
    ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70, pp. 313-327, 2003.

  9. Żak A., Cartmell M., Ostachowicz W., Wiercigroch M.,
    One-dimensional SMA models for use with reinforced composite structures,
    Smart Materials and Structures, 12, pp. 338-346, 2003.

  10. Kaczmarczyk, S. and Ostachowicz, W.,
    Transient vibration phenomena in deep mine hoisting cables. Part 1: Mathematical model,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 262, pp. 219-244, 2003.

  11. Kaczmarczyk, S. and Ostachowicz, W.,
    Transient vibration phenomena in deep mine hoisting cables. Part 2: Numerical simulatiin of the dynamic response,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 262, pp. 245-289, 2003.

  12. Żak A., Cartmell M., Ostachowicz W.,
    A sensitivity analysis of the dynamic performance of a composite plate with shape memory alloy wires,
    Composite Structures, 60, pp. 145-157, 2003.

  13. Zboinski G.,
    A posteriori error estimation for hp-approximaiton of 3D-based first order shell model. Part 1. Theoretical aspects,
    Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, 8, pp. 104-125, 2003.

  14. Zboinski G.,
    A posteriori error estimation for hp-approximaiton of 3D-based first order shell model. Part 2. Implementation aspects,
    Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, 8, pp. 58-83, 2003.
  1. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Identification of delamination in composite beams by genetic algorithm,
    Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 10, pp. 147-155, 2002.

  2. Palacz M., Krawczuk M.,
    Analysis of longitudinal wave propagation in a cracked rod by the spectral element method,
    Computers and Structures, 80, pp. 1809-1816, 2002.

  3. Palacz M., Krawczuk M.,
    Vibration Parameters for Damage Detection in Structures,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249, pp. 1011-1015, 2002.

  4. Krawczuk M.,
    Application of spectral beam finite element with a crack and iterative search technique to damage detection,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 38, pp. 537-548, 2002.

  5. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Cartmell M.,
    The location of a concentrated mass on rectangular plates from measurements of natural vibrations,
    Computers and Structures, 80, pp. 1419-1428, 2002.
  1. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Vibration of a laminated composite plate with closing delamination,
    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 12, pp. 545-551, 2001.

  2. Ostachowicz W. M., Kaczmarczyk S.,
    Vibrations of composite plates with SMA fibres in a gas stream with defects of the type of delamination,
    Composite Structures, 54, pp. 305-311, 2001.

  3. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Spectral finite element and genetic algorithm for crack detection in cantilever rod,
    Key Engineering Materials, 204-205, pp. 241-250, 2001.

  4. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M.,
    On modelling of structural stiffness loss due to damage,
    Key Engineering Materials, 204-205, pp. 185-200, 2001.

  5. Krawczuk M., Żak A. Ostachowicz W.,
    Finite element model of plate with elasto-plastic through crack,
    Computers and Structures, 79, pp. 515-532, 2001.

  6. Zboinski G., Ostachowicz W.,
    Three-dimensional elastic and elasto-plastic frictional contact analysis of turbomachinery blade attachments,
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 39, pp. 769-790, 2001.
  1. Zboinski G., Ostachowicz W.,
    An algorithm of a family of 3D-based, solid-to-shell transition, hpq/hp-adaptive finite elements,
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 4, pp. 791-806, 2000.

  2. Kaczmarczyk S., Ostachowicz W.,
    Non-stationary responses of cables with slowly varying length,
    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 5, pp. 117-126, 2000.

  3. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Numerical and experimental investigation of free vibration of multilayer delaminated composite beams and plates,
    Computational Mechanics, 26, pp. 309-315, 2000.

  4. Krawczuk M., Żak A., Ostachowicz W.,
    Elastic beam finite element with a transverse elasto-plastic crack,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 34, pp. 61-73, 2000.

  5. Rytter A., Krawczuk M., Kirkegaard P. H.,
    Experimental and numerical study of damaged cantilever,
    Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 126, pp. 60-65, 2000.

  6. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Dynamics and buckling of a multilayer composite plate with embedded SMA wires,
    Composite Structures, 48, pp. 163-167, 2000.
  1. Kaczmarczyk S., Ostachowicz W.,
    Modelling of vibrations and prediction of failure im mine hoisting cables,
    Key Engineering Materials, 167-168, pp. 281-290, 1999.

  2. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Vibration of a laminated composite plate with closing delamination,
    Key Engineering Materials, 167-168, pp. 17-26, 1999.

  3. Ostachowicz W., Kawiecki G.,
    Vibrational response of aero-excited composite plates subjected to damage growth,
    Structural Health Monitoring, edited by Fu-Kuo Chang, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster-Basel, pp. 1038-1047, 1999.

  4. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Vibration analysis of composite plate with closing delamination,
    Structural Health Monitoring, edited by Fu-Kuo Chang, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster-Basel, pp. 1019-1028, 1999.

  5. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Finite element analysis of the dynamic response of composite plates with embedded shape-memory alloy fibres,
    Smart Structures, edited by J. Holnicki-Szulc and J. Rodellar, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 265-274, 1999.

  6. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Natural frequencies of multilayer composite plate with shape memory alloy wires,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 32, pp. 71-83, 1999.
  1. Ostachowicz W.,
    Investigation of dynamic stability of a linear system,
    Handbook of Computational Solid Mechanics, edited by M. Kleiber. Survey and Comparison of Contemporary Methods. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 140-148, 1998

  2. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Free vibrations of composite plates reinforced with SMA components,
    Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering, edited by S. N. Atluri and P. E. O'Donoghue, Tech Science Press USA, I, pp. 594-599, 1998

  3. Żak A., Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Experimental investigation of free vibration of multilayer delaminated composite beams and plates,
    Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering, edited by S. N. Atluri and P. E. O'Donoghue, Tech Science Press USA, II, pp. 1622-1627, 1998

  4. Ostachowicz W., Krawczuk M., Żak A.,
    Natural frequencies of multi-layer comosite plate with embedded shape memory alloy wires,
    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 9, pp. 232-237, 1998
  1. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Dynamics of cracked composite material structures,
    Computational Mechanics, 20, pp. 79-83, 1997

  2. Zboinski G., Ostachowicz W.,
    A general FE algorithm for 3D incremental analysis of frictional contact problems of elastoplasticity,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 27, pp. 289-305, 1997

  3. Zboinski G., Ostachowicz W.,
    A general FE computer program for 3D incremental analysis of frictional contact problems of elastoplasticity,
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 27, pp. 307-322, 1997

  4. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Modal analysis of cracked, unidirectional composite beam,
    An International Journal Composites Engineering, Part B, 28B, pp. 641-650, 1997

  5. Zboinski G.,
    Application of the three-dimensional triangular-prism hpq adaptive finite element to plate and shell analysis,
    Computers and Structures65, pp. 497-514, 1997

  6. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W.,
    Natural vibrations of a clamped-clamped arch with an open transverse crack,
    ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 119, pp. 145-151, 1997
  1. Ostachowicz W., Cartmell M.,
    Vibration analysis of a rotating beam with variable angular velocity,
    Machine Vibration, 5, pp. 189-198, 1996.

  2. Krawczuk M., Ostachowicz W., Żak A.,
    Analysis of natural frequencies of delaminated composite beams based on finite element method,
    An International Journal Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 4, pp. 243-255, 1996.
  1. Krawczuk M.,Ostachowicz W.,
    Modeling and vibration analysis of a cantilever composite beam with a transverse open crack,
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, 183, pp.69-89, 1995.


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