A1. Ostachowicz W., Radzieński M., Cao M., Xu W.: Novel Techniques for Damage Detection Based on Mode Shape Analysis, Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, [w] Ali S Nobari, M H Ferri Aliabadi, Vibration- Based Techniques for Damage Detection and Lokalization in Engineering Structures, World Scientific Europe, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78634-496-0, Nr Arch. 454/2018
A2. Ostachowicz M.W., Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T.: Degradation Detection in Composite Structures with Piezoelectric Transducers, [w] M H Ferri Aliabadi, Z Sharif Khodaei, Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures: Volume 8, Structural Health Monitoring for Advanced Composite Structures, 125-151, World Scientific, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78634-392-5, Nr Arch. 62/2018
A3. Zboiński G.: Adaptive Modeling and Simulation of Elastic, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Problems, [w] R Pacurar, Finite Element Method. Simulation, Numerical Analysis and Solution Techniques, 157-192, InTech, 2018, ISBN 978- 953-51-3949-5, Nr Arch. 786/2018
B1. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Wave propagation modeling in composites reinforced by randomly oriented fibers, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 414, 110-125, 2018, Nr Arch. 74/2018
B2. Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W., Yang Z.: Structural Health Monitoring system based on a concept of Lamb wave focusing by the piezoelectric array, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 21-32, 2018, 2018, Nr Arch. 73/2018
B3. Fiborek P., Malinowski P., Kudela P., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.: Time-domain spectral element method for modelling of the electromechanical impedance of disbonded composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29, 3214-3221, 2018, Nr Arch. 97/2018
B4. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparison of Lamb wave focusing performance using wave dispersion-compensated actuation and plano-concave lenses, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 094901, 2018, Nr Arch. 481/2018
B5. Sikdar S, Ostachowicz W, Pal J.: Damage-induced Acoustic Emission Source Identification in an Advanced Sandwich Composite Structure, Composite Structures, 202, 860-866, 2018, Nr Arch. 219/2018
B6. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: Ultrasonic Lamb Wave based Debonding Monitoring of Advanced Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Structures, Strain, e12302(15pp), 2018, Nr Arch. 589/2018
B7. Malinowski P.H., Ostachowicz W.M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Chocinski-Arnault L., Gonzales P.P., Berthe L., Silva de Vasconcellos D., Sorrentino L.: Study of plant fibre composites with damage induced by laser and mechanical impacts, Composites Part B: Engineering, 152, 209-219, 2018, Nr Arch. 697/2018
B8. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Localisation of embedded water drop in glass composite using THz spectroscopy, Smart Structures and Systems, 6, 751-759, 2018, Nr Arch. 275/2018
B9. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy application for detection and localisation of water inclusion in glass composite, Composite Structures, 192, 537-544, 2018, Nr Arch. 149/2018
B10. Soman R., Ostachowicz W.: Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking for damage detection in composites structures under changing axial loading conditions, Composite Structures, 206, 517-525, 2018, Nr Arch. 989/2018
B11. Soman R., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: A two-step damage assessment method based on frequency spectrum change in a scaled wind turbine tripod with strain rosettes, Marine Structures 61, 419-433, 2018, Nr Arch. 357/2018
B12. Soman R., Malinowski P., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Kalman Filter based Neutral Axis tracking in composites under changing operating conditions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 110, 485-498, 2018, Nr Arch. 144/2018
C1. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W, Kudela P, Radzieńskia M.: Barely visible impact damage identification in a 3D core sandwich structure, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 24(4), 259-68, Nr Arch. 690/2018
C2. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.: Adaptacyjna analiza struktur o złożonym opisie geometrycznym i mechanicznym z wykorzystaniem przejściowych elementów skończonych, Mechanik, 7, 570-572, 2018, Nr Arch. 787/2018C3. Soman R., Ostachowicz, W.: Modeling of delamination in composite shells under different temperature conditions.
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 24 (2), 127-135, 2018, Nr Arch. 145/2018
D1. Miniaci M., Mazzotti M., Radzieński M., Kherraz N., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Morvan B., Bosia F., Pugno N.: Experimental Observation of a Large Low-Frequency Band Gap in a Polymer Waveguide, Frontiers in Materials, 5, 2018, Nr. Arch. 724/2018
D2. Malinowski P.H., Tserpes K.I., Ecault R., Ostachowicz W.M.: Mechanical and non-destructive study of CFRP adhesive bonds subjected to pre-bond thermal treatment and de-icing fluid contamination, Aerospace, 5(2), article no. 36, 2018, Nr Arch. 699/2018
E1. Malinowski P., Sawczak M., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.: Effect of Thermal Treatment on CFRP Parts Before and After Adhesive Bonding, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 35(2), 256-263, Nr Arch. 698/2018
E2. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Full Wavefield Analysis for Damage Assessment in Composite Materials, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 35(2), 264-274, Nr Arch. 669/2018
E3. Soman R., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Damage Assessment in Composite Beam Using Infrared Thermography, Optical Sensors, and Terahertz Technique, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 1(3), 031001-19, Nr Arch. 1016/2018
F1. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Radzieński M., Opoka S., Ostachowicz W.: Methods for Assessment of Composite Aerospace Structures [w] Selected Papers from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, vol. 43, Springer, 2016, ISBN:978-3-319-44505-2, Nr Arch. 118/2018 (I rej. 793/2016)
F2. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz spectroscopy for inspection and evaluation of internal structure of sandwich samples, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 9(6), 793-803, 2018, Nr Arch. 864/2018
F3. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Active thermography as a tool for internal composite structure observation and evaluation, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 9(6), 779-792, 2018, Nr Arch. 863/2018
F4. Zielińska M., Zboiński G.: Solid-to-shell transition elements in adaptive analysis of model structures of a complex mechanical description, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1922, 040004-1-040004-10, 2018, http://aip.scitation.org/ toc/apc/1922/1, Nr Arch. 788/2018
G1. Kudela P., Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Numerical simulations of Lamb waves for optimization of sensor placement in SHM system, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 11–15.06.2018, Glasgow, Wielka Brytania, 1-12, 2018, Nr Arch. 660/2018
G2. Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Lamb wave focusing by a plano-concave aspherical lens: numerical studies , 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06–01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 641/2018
G3. Jurek M., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Non-contact Guided Wave Excitation in Composite Plate by the Ultrasound Transmitter, 9th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 10-13.07.2018, Budapeszt, Węgry, 2018, Nr Arch. 782/2018
G4. Fiborek P., Kudela P., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: Elastic Wave propagation for SHM – Interface elements, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Earopean Aeronautics Research, Poland 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Polska, 29-36, Nr Arch. 10/2018
G5. Fiborek P., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: 2D-3D coupled spectral element method for modeliling of guided waves propagation in a composite plate, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 774/2018
G6. Radzieński M., Kudela P., Jurek M., Ostachowicz W.: Air-coupled ultrasound manipulation and laser vibrometry for damage detection in plate-like structures, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, 1-2, 2018, Nr Arch. 783/2018
G7. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Advanced Composite Structures, 11th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 27-31.05.2018, Kreta, Grecja, Nr Arch. 779/2018
G8. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W.: A Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Adhesive Bond Effect on Lamb Wave Propagation in Sandwich Structure, 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 24.06-01.07.2018, Marsylia, Francja, Nr Arch. 780/2018
G9. Sikdar S., Banerjee S., Ostachowicz W.: A Robust Health Monitoring Framework for Rapid Inspection of a Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Panel with Stiff Core-inserts, 4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, 9-12.07.2018, Madryt, Hiszpania, Nr Arch. 778/2018
G10. Sikdar S., Mirgal P., Banerjee S., Ostachowicz W.: Acoustic Emission Waveform Propagation and Source Localization in Advanced Sandwich Composite Structure, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, E-Journal of NDT, Nr Arch. 691/2018
G11. Kundu A., Sikdar S., Eaton A., Navaratne R.: Probabilistic method for damage identification in multi-layered composite structures, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, E- Journal of NDT, Nr Arch. 692/2018
G12. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M., Christopoulos A., Koulalis I., Kitsianos K., Kanterakis G., Ecault R., Stoessel R., Segur D., Berthe L., Sagnard M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Cavalcanti W.L., Brune K.: Study of CFRP adhesive bonds influenced by manufacturing-related contaminations, Proc. SPIE 10598, 105980B, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA, 13 stron, 2018, Nr Arch. 805/2018
G13. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M., Christopoulos A., Koulalis I., Kitsianos K., Kanterakis G., Ecault R., Stoessel R., Segur D., Berthe L., Sagnard M., Touchard F., Boustie M., Cavalcanti W.L., Brune K.: Study of CFRP adhesive bonds influenced by factors encountered during aircraft operations, Proc. SPIE 10598, 105980C, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA,14 stron, 2018, Nr Arch. 804/2018
G14. Malinowski P.H., Ostachowicz W.M., Kai, B.: Influence of repair-related modification of adhesive bonds on electromechanical impedance characteristics, 6th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 18-21.10.2016, Porto, Portugalia, 516-520, 2017, Nr Arch. 63/2018
G15. Malinowski P.H., Wandowski T., Ostachowicz W.M.: Influence of adhesive bonds state on electromechanical impedance characteristics, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017 Warszawa, Polska, 33-39, 2017, Nr Arch. 64/2018
G16. Malinowski P.H., Sawczak M., Wandowski T., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.M.: Pre- and post-bond inspection for assuring quality of adhesive bonds of composites after thermal treatment, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.02, 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2018, Nr Arch. 700/2018
G17. Balasubramaniam K., Singh S.K., Soman R., Malinowski P.H.: Various health measurement techniques in structural engineering, International Sopot Youth Conference, 25.05.2018, Sopot, Polska, 17, 2018, Nr Arch. 710/2018
G18. Soman R., Ostachowicz W.: Monitoring of Infrastructure in the era of big data, International Sopot Youth Conference, 25.05.2018, Sopot, Polska, 17, 2018, Nr Arch. 1018/2018
G19. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Optimal use sensor data for reliable and efficient structural health monitoring, MCAA Annual Conference, Leuven, Belgia, 2-3.02.2018, Nr Arch. 1017/2018
G20. Malinowski P.H., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.M.: Study of CFRP subjected to moisture and thermal treatment with the scanning laser vibrometry, 10th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 24-26.10.2018, Drezno, Niemcy, 2018, Nr Arch. 711/2018
G21. Wandowski T., Moll J., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.:. Damage detection in submerged composite materials using electromechanical impedance spectroscopy, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.12, 2018. Nr Arch. 676/2018
G22. Simon J., Moll J., Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Experimental Analysis of Ultrasonic Guided wave based Damage Localisation in a Tapered Composite Plate, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13.07.2018, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.12, 2018. Nr Arch. 677/2018
G23. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Damage assessment in composite materials using full wavefield analysis, The 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10.11.2017, Xiamen, Chiny, 2018, E-Journal on Nondestructive Testing Vol.23 No.02, 2018. Nr Arch. 672/2018
G24. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Analysis of S0/A0 elastic wave mode conversion phenomenon in glass fibre reinforced polymers, 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, 20-22.06.2018, Chios, Grecja, 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 188, 01009, 2018. Nr Arch. 673/2018
G25. Wandowski T., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Analysis of S0/A0 guided wave mode conversion phenomenon. SPIE Smart Strucutres/NDE, Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 1060028, 4-8.03.2018, Denver, Kolorado, USA, 2018. Nr Arch. 838/2018
G26. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Composite samples with different contaminations analysed with THz spectrometry, Proc. SPIE 10600, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04-08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), 106001R (12 pp), Nr Arch. 866/2018
G27. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Multi-rosettes sensing analysis for an impact assessment in composite plate-like structure, Proc. SPIE 10600, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04-08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), 106001R (17 pp), Nr Arch. 865/2018
G28. Sikdar S., Ostachowicz W., Kudela P., Fiborek P.: Study of disbond effects in a jointed composite structure under variable ambient temperatures, Proc. SPIE 10598, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XII, 04- 08.03.2018, Denver (Colorado, USA), Nr Arch. 910/2018
G29. Zboiński G.: Hierarchical 3D-based and conventional higher-order models and approximations for symmetric- thickness domains, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 18-22.06.2018, Kraków, Polska, 126, 2018, https://sites.google.com/view/etamm2/home, Nr Arch. 790/2018
G30. Zboiński G.: Challenges of hp-adaptive FEM for coupled problems of piezoelectricity, First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 21-24.06.2018, Turyn, Włochy, 1, 2018, http://www.mul2.polito.it/ icmams2018/index.php/conference/proceedings, Nr Arch. 791/2018
G31. Zboiński G.: A unified approach to adaptive modeling and simulation of the coupled and solid mechanics problems, 41st Solid Mechanics Conference, 27-31.08.2018, Warszawa, Polska, 142-143, Nr Arch. 789/2018
G32. Zmitrowicz A.: Sliding directions, sliding path curvatures and complex microstructures included in friction models of polymers, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 18-22.06.2018, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Book of Abstracts, p. 110, 2018, Nr Arch. 1013/2018
G33. Soman R., Malinowski P., Kudela P., Ostachowicz W.: Analytical, Numerical and Experimental formulation of the sensor placement optimization problem for guided waves, Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, Wielka Brytania, 9-13.06.2018, Nr Arch. 888/2018
G34. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparative study of deterioration of composite due to ice formation using strain, electromechanical impedance and guided waves, Proceedings of the 5th ICEAF conference, Chios, Grecja, 20-22.07.2018, Nr Arch. 887/2018
G35. Soman R., Malinowski P., Ostachowicz W.: Comparative study of deterioration of composite due to moisture using strain, electro-mechanical impedence, and guided waves, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 879/2018
G36. Soman R., Wandowski T., Malinowski P, Ostachowicz W.: Preliminary studies for the optimization of sensor placement for electro-mechanical impedance based damage detection, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 880/2018
G37. Xi W., Cao M., Radzieński M., Ostachowicz W.: A damage index for identifying incipient delamination in CFRP laminated plates relying on 2D multi-resolution modal Teager-Kaiser energy, Proceedings of the SPIE. Smart Structures/NDE conference, Denver, USA, 04-08.03.2018, Nr Arch. 842/2018
G38. Mieloszyk M., Jurek M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: Embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors as a tool for structural health monitoring of complex composite structures, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 877/2018
G39. Majewska K., Jurek M., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Temperature and humidity influence on glass fibre reinforced polymer samples under NDT and SHM studies, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 876/2018
G40. Jurek M., Kaczmarczyk T., Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W., Żywica G.: Fibre Bragg grating sensors application for structural health monitoring of an organic Rankine cycle microturbine components, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 12-15.11.2018, Hong Kong SAR, China, Nr Arch. 875/2018
G41. Majewska K., Mieloszyk M., Ostachowicz W.: Active thermography method for observation and evaluation of an internal composite structure with discontinuities, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Nr Arch. 284/2018
G42. Mieloszyk M., Majewska K., Ostachowicz W.: THz Spectrometry Method for Observation and Evaluation of an Internal Composite Structure with Discontinuities, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29.09.2017, Warszawa, Nr Arch. 285/2018
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