- Design of cylindrical shell roofs. Confrontation of folded plate methods and Schorer’s approximation (in Polish),
Arch. Inż. Ląd. 9 (1963), 1, 89-105. (with E. Bielewicz)
- The case of axial symmetry of shallow shells (in Polish),
Rozpr. Inż. 14 (1966), 2, 241-262.
- On a solving equation for shallow shells,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Serie sci. techn. 15 (1967), 5, 265-270.
- On the linear theory of shallow shells (in Polish),
Rozpr. Inż. 15 (1967), 2, 349-358.
- On the multivaluedness of solutions of shallow shells,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Serie sci. techn. 15 (1967), 10, 877-881.
- On the multivaluedness of stress functions in the linear theory of shells,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Serie sci. techn. 15 (1967), 10, 871-876.
- Some static problems of shallow shells of revolution (in Polish),
Trans. Inst. Fluid-Flow Mach. 38 (1967), 67-95; 39 (1968), 133-184.
- Multivalued stress functions in the linear theory of shells,
Arch. Mech. Stos. 20 (1968), 1, 37-45.
- Multivalued solutions for shallow shells,
Arch. Mech. Stos. 20 (1968), 1, 3-10.
- Stresses in an isotropic elastic solid after successive superposition of two small deformations (in Polish),
Trans. Inst. Fluid-Flow Mach. 52 (1971), 129-141.
- Material equations of motion for nonlinear theory of shells,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Serie sci techn. 19 (1971), 6, 261-266.
- On the elasticity tensors of deformed isotropic solids,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Serie sci. techn. 19 (1971), 9, 641-646.
- Lagrangean non-linear theory of shells,
Arch. Mech. Stos. 26 (1974), 2, 221-228.
- On the Lagrangean non-linear theory of moving shells,
Trans. Ins. Fluid-Flow Mach. 64 (1974), 91-103.
- Stress in isotropic elastic solid under superposed deformation,
Arch. Mech. Stos. 26 (1974), 5, 871-884.
- Analysis of spatial frame systems with taking into account the effect of axial forces on the bending deformation of rods (in Polish),
Rozpr. Inż. 24 (1976), 3, 559-572. (with J. Wekezer, M. Lidke, A. Zmitrowicz)
- Some exact reduction of the non-linear shell compatibility conditions,
ZAMM 57 (1977), 5, T133-T134.
- Simplified equations for the geometrically non-linear thin elastic shells,
Trans. Inst. Fluid-Flow Mach. 74 (1978), 165-173.
- Non-linear theories of thin elastic shells (in Polish),
In: Shell Structures (in Polish), ed. by J. Orkisz and Z. Waszczyszyn, 1, 27-50; Polish Scientific Publishers, Warszawa 1978.
- Some relations of the non-linear theory of Reissner type shells (in Russian),
Vestnik Leningradskogo Un-ta, Seriia Mat., Mech. Astr. (1979), 1, 115-124.
- Consistent second approximation to the elastic strain energy of a shell,
ZAMM 59 (1979), 5, T206-T208.
- Some problems of the non-linear theory of shells (in Polish),
Mech. Teor. Stos. 18 (1980), 2, 169-192.
- Finite rotations in shells,
In: Theory of Shells, ed. by W.T. Koiter and G.K. Mikhailov, 445-471; North-Holland P.Co., Amsterdam 1980.
- Variational principles in the geometrically non-linear theory of shells undergoing moderate rotations,
Ing. – Archiv 50 (1981), 3, 187-201. (with R. Schmidt)
- Entirely Lagrangian non-linear theory of thin shells,
Arch. Mech. 33 (1981), 2, 273-288. (with M.L. Szwabowicz)
- Three forms of geometrically non-linear bending shell equations,
Trans. Inst. Fluid-Flow Mach. 81 (1981), 79-92.
- On consistent approximations in the geometrically non-linear theory of shells,
Ruhr-Universität, Mitt. Inst. f. Mech. Nr 26, Bochum, Juni 1981.
- Determination of displacements from given strains in the non-linear continuum mechanics,
ZAMM 62 (1982), 3-4, T154-T156.
- Hu - Washizu variational functional for the Lagrangian geometrically non-linear theory of thin elastic shells,
ZAMM 62 (1982), 3-4, T156-T158. (with M.L. Szwabowicz)
- Finite rotations in the description of continuum deformation,
Int. J. Engng Sci. 21 (1983), 9, 1097-1115. (with J. Badur)
- A simplest consistent version of the geometrically non-linear theory of shells undergoing large/small rotations,
ZAMM 63 (1983), 5, T200-T202.
- On non-classical forms of compatibility conditions in continuum mechanics,
In: Trends in Application of Pure Mathematics to Mechanics, ed. by J. Brilla, 4, 197-227;
Pitman Adv. Publ. Pr., Boston 1983. (with J. Badur)
- Incremental formulation of the non-linear theory of thin shells in the total Lagrangian description,
ZAMM 64 (1984), 4, T65-T67. (with J. Makowski)
- Lagrangian description and incremental formulation in the non-linear theory of thin shells,
Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 19 (1984), 2, 115-140.
- On entirely Lagrangian displacemental form of non-linear shell equations, In: Flexible Shells,
ed. by E.L. Axelred and F.A. Emmerling, 106-123; Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1984.
- On geometrically non-linear theory of elastic shells derived from pseudo-Cosserat continuum with constrained micro-rotations,
In: Finite Rotations in Structural Mechanics, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz, 19-32; Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1986. (with J. Badur)
- Work – conjugate boundary conditions in the non-linear theory of thin shells,
Trans. ASME, J. Appl. Mech. 56 (1989), 2, 395-402. (with J. Makowski)
- Theory and numerical analysis of shells undergoing large elastic strains,
Int. J. Solids Str. 29 (1992), 6, 689-709. (with B. Schieck, H. Stumpf)
- Addendum to: Bibliography of monographs and surveys on shells,
Appl. Mech. Revs 45 (1992), 6, 249-250.
- Unified Lagrangian displacement formulation of the non-linear theory of thin shells,
R. BCM – J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. 14 (1992), 4, 327-345.
- Explicit Lagrangian incremental and buckling equations for the non-linear theory of thin shells,
Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 28 (1993), 2, 209-220.
- Work – conjugate boundary conditions associated with the total rotation angle of the shell boundary,
Trans. ASME, J. Appl. Mech. 60 (1993), 3, 785-786.
- On the work – conjugate boundary conditions associated with the total rotation angle of the shell boundary,
Zesz. Nauk. Pol. Gdańskiej, Nr 522, Bud. Ląd. LI (1995), 311-321.
- Closed-form force – elongation relations for the uniaxial viscoelastic behavior of biological soft tissues,
Mech. Res. Comm. 24 (1997), 5, 575-581. (with H. Visarius, L.-P. Nolte)
- On the vector of change of boundary curvature in the non-linear T-R type theory of shells,
Trans. St-Petersburg Acad. Sci. for Strength Prob. 1 (1997), 140-148.
- On deformational boundary quantities in the nonlinear theory of shear-deformable shells,
ZAMM 77 (1997), S1, S265-S266.
- Deformational boundary quantities in the nonlinear theory of shells with transverse shears,
Int. J. Solids Str. 35 (1998), 7-8, 687-699.
- On the general form of jump conditions for thin irregular shells,
Arch. Mech. 50 (1998), 3, 483-495. (with J. Makowski, H. Stumpf)
- Bernoulli numbers and rotational kinematics,
Trans. ASME, J. Appl. Mech. 66 (1999), 2, 576.
- On the non-linear theory of thin shells formulated in rotations (in Polish), In: Problemy Współczesnej Mechaniki,
Zesz. Nauk. Pol. Koszalińskiej, Wydz. BiIŚ No 18 (1999), 105-120.
- Jump conditions in the non-linear theory of thin irregular shells,
J. Elasticity 54(1999), 1, 1-26. (with J. Makowski, H. Stumpf)
- Large overall motion of flexible branched shell structures,
In: Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body Motion, ed. by J. Ambrosio and M. Kleiber, Proc. NATO-ARW, July 2-7, 2000, Pułtusk (Poland), 201-218; IDMEC, Lisboa 2000. (with J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski)
- On the Alumäe type non-linear theory of thin irregular shells,
Izvestiya VUZov, Severo-Kavkazskii Region, Yestestvennye Nauki, Spetzvypusk 2000, 127-136.
- On using rotations as primary variables in the non-linear theory of thin irregular shells,
In: Advances in the Mechanics of Plates and Shells, ed. by D. Durban, D. Givoli and J.G. Simmonds, 245-258; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht et al. 2001.
- On refined intrinsic shell equations in the rotated basis,
In: Applications of Mechanics in Civil and Hydroengineering (in Polish), Ed. by T. Szmidt, 217-231; Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdańsk 2001.
- On determination of displacements from given strains and height function in the non-linear theory of thin shells,
J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 40 (2002), 1, 259-272. (with M.L. Szwabowicz)
- Non-linear dynamics of flexible shell structures,
Comp. Ass. Mechanics & Engng. Sci. 9 (2002), 3, 341-357. (with J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski)
- Determination of the deformed position of a thin shell from surface strains and height function,
Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 39 (2004), 8, 1251-1263. (with M.L. Szwabowicz)
- FEM and time stepping procedures in non-linear dynamics of flexible branched shell structures,
In: Theories of Plates and Shells, Critical Review and New Applications, ed. by R. Kienzler, H. Altenbach and I. Ott, 21-28; Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2004. (with J. Chóścielewski, I. Lubowiecka)
- Intrinsic equations for non-linear deformation and stability of thin elastic shells,
Int. J. Solids and Structures 41 (2004), 11-12, 3275-3292. (with Sz. Opoka)
- The non-linear theory of elastic shells with phase transformations,
J. Elasticity 74 (2004), 1, 67-86. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Continuity conditions in elastic shells with phase transformation,
In: Mechanics of the 21st Century, Proc 21st ICTAM, Warsaw, 15-21 Aug. 2004, ed. by W. Gutkowski and T.A. Kowalewski, CD-ROM, Paper SM19L_10287; Springer, Dordrecht 2005. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Direct determination of the rotation in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient by maximizing a Rayleigh quotient,
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 85 (2005), 3, 155-162. (with C. Bouby, D. Fortuné, C. Vallée)
- On exact dynamic continuity conditions in the theory of branched shells,
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and C. Szymczak, 135-138; Taylor and Francis, London et al. 2005. (with V. Konopińska)
- On dynamically and kinematically exact theory of shells,
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and C. Szymczak, 163-167; Taylor and Francis, London et al. 2005. (with J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski)
- Local symmetry group in the general theory of elastic shells,
J. Elasticity 85 (2006), 125-152.(with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Exact resultant equilibrium conditions in the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 44 (2007), 1, 352-369. (with V. Konopińska)
- Extended non-linear relations of elastic shells undergoing phase transitions,
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 87 (2007), 2, 150-159. (with V. Eremeyev, V. Konopińska)
- On quasi-static propagation of the phase interface in thin-walled inelastic bodies,
In: Multi-Phase and Multi-Component Materials under Dynamic Loading, ed. by W.K. Nowacki and Han Zhao, 99-105; IFTR PASci, Warsaw 2007. (with V. Eremeyev)
- On continuity conditions at the phase interface of two-phase elastic shells,
In: Multi-Phase and Multi-Component Materials under Dynamic Loading, ed. by W.K. Nowacki and Han Zhao, 373-379; IFTR PASci, Warsaw 2007. (with V. Eremeyev and V. Konopińska)
- Determination of the midsurface of a deformed shell from prescribed fields of surface strains and bendings,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 44 (2007), 18-19, 6163-6172. (with M.L. Szwabowicz)
- A method of shell theory in determination of the surface from components of its two fundamental forms,
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 87 (2007), 8-9, 603-615. (with C. Vallée)
- Determination of the midsurface of a deformed shell from prescribed surface strains and bendings via the polar decomposition,
Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 43 (2008), 579-587. (with M.L. Szwabowicz, C. Vallée)
- On natural strain measures of the non-linear micropolar continuum,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 46 (2009), 774-787. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On vectorially parameterized natural strain measures of the Cosserat continuum,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 46 (2009), 11-12, 2477-2480. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Phase transitions in thermoelastic and thermoviscoelastic shells,
Archives of Mechanics 61 (2009), 1, 41-67. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On modified displacement version of the non-linear theory of this shells,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 46 (2009), 17, 3103-3110. (with S. Opoka)
- On refined analysis of bifurcation buckling for the axially compressed circular cylinder,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 46 (2009), 17, 3111-3123. (with S. Opoka)
- On tension of a two-phase elastic tube,
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and I. Kreja, 63-66; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2010. ( with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On exact two-dimensional kinematics for the branching shells,
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and I. Kreja, 75-78; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2010. ( with V. Konopińska)
- On displacemental version of the non-linear theory of thin shells,
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and I. Kreja, 95-98; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2010. ( with Sz. Opoka)
- Refined results on buckling of the axially compressed circular cylinder.
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and I. Kreja, 129-132; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2010. ( with Sz. Opoka)
- Natural Lagrangian strain measures of the non-linear Cosserat continuum,
In: Mechanics of Generalized Continua: One Hundred Years After Cosserats, ed. by G.A. Maugin and A.V. Metrikine, 79-86; Springer, New York et al. 2010. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On shear correction factors in the non-linear theory of elastic shells,
Int. J. Solids & Structures 47 (2010), 3537-3545. (with J. Chróścielewski, W. Witkowski)
- Development of intrinsic formulation of W.-Z. Chien of the geometrically nonlinear theory of thin elastic shells.
CMES 70 (2010), 2, 153-190.
- On unique kinematics for the branching shells.
Int. J. Solids & Structures 49 (2011), 2238-2244. (with V. Konopińska)
- On modeling and non-linear elasto-plastic analysis of thin shells with deformable junctions.
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 91(2011), 6, 477-484. (with J. Chróścielewski, V. Konopińska)
- Thermomechanics of shells undergoing phase transition.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59 (2011), 1395-1412. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Refined resultant thermomechanics of shells.
Int. J. Engng Sci.49 (2011), 1112-1124.
- On the nonlinear theory of two-phase shells.
In: Shell-Like Structures, ed. By H. Altenbach and V.A. Eremeyev, 219-232; Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2011. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On elasto-plastic analysis of thin shells with deformable junctions.
In: Shell-Like Structures, ed. By H. Altenbach and V.A. Eremeyev, 441-452; Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2011. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On exact expressions of the bending tensor in the non-linear theory of thin shells.
Appl. Math. Modell. 36 (2012), 4, 1821-1824
- Material symmetry group of the non-linear polar-elastic continuum.
Int. J. Solids & Structures 49 (2012), 14, 1993-2005 (with V.A. Eremeyev).
- Phase transitions in thermoviscoelastic shells.
In: Encyclopedia of Thermal Stress, ed. by R.B. Hetnarski, pp. 3667-3673. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Editorial. Refined theories of plates and shells.
J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 94 (2014), 1-2, 5-6. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Material symmetry group and consistently reduced constitutive equations of the elastic Cosserat continuum.
In: Generalized Continua as Models for Materials, ed. by Altenbach et al., Chapter 5, pp.77-90. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2013. (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- On jump conditions at non-material singular curves in the resultant shell thermomechanics.
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 3, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and J. Górsk,, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2014, ISBN 978-1-138-00082-7, pp. 117-120, (with V. Konopińska)
- On refined constitutive equations in the six-field theory of elastic shells.
In: Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Vol. 3, ed. by W. Pietraszkiewicz and J. Górski, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2014, ISBN 978-1-138-00082-7, pp. 137-140, (with V. Konopińska)
- Drilling couples and refined constitutive equations in the resultant geometrically non-linear theory of elastic shells.
Int. J. Solids & Structures 51 (2014) 2133-2143. (with V. Konopińska)
- Singular curves in the resultant thermomechanics of shells.
Int. J. Engng Science 80 (2014) 21-31. (with V. Konopińska)
- Junctions in shell structures: A review.
Thin-Walled Structures 95 (2015) 310-334.
(with V. Konopińska)
- Material symmetry group and constitutive equations of multipolar anisotropic elastic solids.
Math. Mech. Solids 21 (2016), 2, 210-221.
(with V.A. Eremeyev)
- The resultant linear six-field theory of elastic shells: What it brings to the classical linear shell models?
J. Appl. Math. Mech. – ZAMM 96 (2016), 8, 899-915.
- On a description of deformable junction in the resultant nonlinear shell theory.
In: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Marerials and Structures,
ed. by K. Naumenko and M. Assmus, pp. 457-468, Springer Media, Singapore 2016.
- On the resultant six-field linear theory of elastic shells.
In: Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues,
Ed. by M. Kleiber et al., pp. 473-477, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, London 2016.
- On constitutive relations in the resultant non-linear theory of shells.
In: Statics, Dynamics and Stability of Structures,
ed. by Z. Kołakowski and R.I. Mania, Ch. 13, pp. 298-318, Łódź University of Technology, 2016. (with. S. Burzyński, J. Chróścielewski, K. Daszkiewicz, A. Sabik, B. Sobczak, W. Witkowski)
- Surface geometry, elements
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Thin elastic shells, linear theory
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Thin elastic shells, Lagrangian geometrically non-linear theory
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Elastic shells, resultant non-linear theory
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Elastic shells, material symmetry group
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed.by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018 (with V.A. Eremeyev)
- Junctions in irregular shell structures
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Shell thermomechanics, resultant non-linear theory
in: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Section: Shells, ed. by H. Altenbach and A. Őchsner, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2018
- Nonlinear resultant theory of shells accounting for thermodiffusion. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 33(2021), 893-909. (with V.A. Eremeyev)