Volume 108 (2001)


In Memoriam

No, 108, 2001,47-58

Coupled non-linear vibrations in multi-supported rotors founded on slide bearings


The Paper contains a study of mutual interactions, which occur between lateral, torsional and axiai vibrations in multi-supported rotors operating in the non-linear range. The object of investigations is a rotor founded on three slide bearings.

Presented have been the methods of modelling of the rotor cracks and bearings misalignment. These defects have been regarded as the factors generating the coupled forms of vibrationŚ, In the ,work presented has been a part of work devoted to the influence of location of the angle of rotor crack on tńe system dynamical response. Applicability of phase vibration spectra analysis in diagnostics of such kind of d-efects has been indicated. 

The Paper presents the analysis of non-linear vibrations of real rotors carried out using a 3D heat lransfer model of journal bearings. The method is adequate to describe the oil film prdperties and enables the use of the equations of motion for the entire system and thereby the description oi instability behaviour of such objects. 

In the work indicated are the capabilities of computer analysis in optimisation and diagnostics of technical objects such as power industry turbosystems. In the work presented is also a generańiscussion on.the constraints emerging from modelling and mathematical description of differentlb;ects, not only of the power industry type. 


mutual interactions, rotor cracks


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