Volume 133 (2016)


No. 133, 2016, 91–108

Mathematical surge modeling based on the pressure oscillations in the stable operation range of the compressor
Andrzej Jaeschke, Grzegorz Liśkiewicz


Prevention of surge phenomenon is a very active field of research in last decades. The Greitzer model is the most widely applied mathematical model describing the surge phenomenon. Two parameters that characterize the given compressing system: the Helmholtz oscillator frequency and the so-called B parameter have to be given as the input to Greitzer model. Although those parameters are easy to determine for simplified compressor models, they are extremely hard to predict in case of real industrial compressors. Moreover, in most cases it is impossible to analyse compressor unstable work, which makes this prediction even more speculative. Therefore the method that determines the parameters basing on the compressor stable operation is indispensable. In paper the regularly perturbed Greitzer model based method of predicting the behaviour of a compressor in the unstable operation basing on signals from its stable operation is proposed and discussed.


Radial compressors, Surge, Greitzer model


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