Volume 134 (2016)


No. 134, 2016, 45–62

Changes in aerodynamic parameters for 5-stage steam turbine during warming and gradual start-up to nominal operating parameters
Michal Hoznedl, Lukáš Bednář, Ladislav Tajč


The results of experiments on the 5-stage steam turbine are presented. The parameters of individual stages as well as the whole turbine are observed during the gradual start-up to nominal operating parameters. The pressures and temperatures are shown at stages in idling, heating up the experimental turbine and during the transition to operating speed. A greater attention is devoted to three selected operational conditions with different processed enthalpy drops. Problems with efficiency and enthalpy drops measurement during warming are described. The attempts to measure flow parameters quickly and without time for heating of turbine casings and other parts are often in the experimental research caused byprice of the survey. This contributionÞs task is to inform about these situations and to avoid confused and untrue results obtained by somewhat hasty measurements due to reduction and optimisation of costs.


Steam turbine, Experimental measurement, Warming, Start-up, Efficiency


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