Volume 67-68 (1975)


1975, Zeszyt 67-68

Badania modelowe zespołów przepływowych pomp wirowych do transportu hydruaulicznego rozdrobnionych ciał stałych o własnościach silnie ścierających


Model Testing of Flow Units in Impeller Pumps Handling Suspensions of Solids of Strong Abrasive Properties

A method of testing the influence of material charaeteristics on the distribution and form of experimental impeller wear in a model pump is presented. In the structural diagram for the types of the material surface wear (Fig. 1) such process types were selected which occur with favourable phenomena in the flow units of pumps handling suspensions of solids of strong abrasive properties.

It was demonstrated that the erosive-abrasive action of the suspension was decisive for the occurring wear processes. The resulting wear phenomena were divided into the surface and local ones (Figs 5 and 6). 

A diagram of the experimental stand was included (Fig. 2). The positioning of the stand provides a continuous supply of fresh suspension and the measuring system makes a periodical pump operation possible when deliver in3 both the mixture (to obtain the wear effect) and fresh water (to determine thę changes in the.characteristics). The range and method of measuring the changes in suspension properties vs. time were given. 


impeller pump, suspensions of solids


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