Volume 67-68 (1975)


1975, Zeszyt 67-68

Wykorzystanie metody wibracyjnej do oceny zniszczenia kawitacyjnego


Employment of the Vibratory Method for the Determination of the Cavitation Damage 

The vibratory method is generally appiicable for the classification of materials with regard to the, resistance to cavitation damage.

Since 1932, the year of the application of this method for the first time, a non-stop improvement of the construction of vibratory sets is observed in connection with the simultaneous optimization of their parameters of work. It is expressed in the uniformity of the damage of the examined surface as well as in the high repeatability of results.

The now applied vibratory sets are characteristic of a great variety of working parameters. It is the main reason of differences in the absolute determination of the cavitation damage to the specific materials.

The first attempt to receive the conformity of the determination of the cavitation damage in different laboratories resolved into a formal settlement of identic parameters for the vibratory sets. In the present day opinion the sense of standardization of the vibratory method lies in the settlement of correct and uniform interpretation of the results of researches. The solution to this problem needs a cooperation, of all home laboratories that conduct research into cavitation damage.

This paper informs at the same time on the manner of registering the results and determining the cavitation damage in the ITMMS-laboratory. 


cavitation damage, vibratory sets, ITMMS-laboratory


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