V Baltic Biogas Forum was finished

  The goal of the Baltic Biogas Forum was to highlight the importance of energy safety in Baltic cross-border regions through raising awareness in the sustainable management of existing biomass and biogas sources (both agricultural and municipal wastes)
  Forum was provide an opportunity to face-to-face meetings between various biomass market actors (the direct contact with investors and providers of the biomass/biogas related technologies).

  Presentations for download

  Conference gallery  

  Key presentations :

Bo H. Svensson , Biogas Research Center, Linkoping University - "Hydrolysis and the trace element limitations - challenges top overcome for enhancement of biogas production from organic waste"

Guenter Busch , prof. em. Cottbus University - "Direct biological methanation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen"

Janusz Gołaszewski, University Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn - "Chemurgy - a strategic alliance between chemical industry and agriculture in the rationalization of biomass use"

Bruno Mattheeuws , OWS nv, Gent - "The dry anaerobic dranco technology applied to the organic fraction of MSW"

Randy Mott , PBA - "Developments in the New System for Support of Biogas in Poland"

Fredrik Noren , Marine Biogas AB - "Marine Biogas - producing renewable energy and organic fertilizers from the sea"

Francesco Ometto , Scandinavian Biogas Fuels AB, Stockholm - "Seaweed in anaerobic digestion: challenges and possibilities"

Jan Reistad , HRA Waste Management Company - "Practical conclusions from longterm menagement of biogas installation using substrate from municipal waste in HRA Waste Management Company: waste pretreatment and membrane technology enrichment of biogas"

Jochen Grossmann , GICON Dresden - "Optimized production of microalgae – a way to a sustainable production of food, feed and energy"

Anna Sikora, Institute Biochemistry and Biophysics - "Fermentation of sugar beet"

Andrzej Białowiec, Wojciech Piesik, Dariusz Wiśniewski , Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences - "Okresowy Bioreaktor Beztlenowy jako instalacja przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych"

Other interesting presentations

Autor:   witcen@imp.gda.pl
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