Publications in Journals


Lackowski M., Krupa A., Jaworek A.,
Corona discharge ion sources for fine particle charging.
European Physical Journal D 56 (2010), 377-382


Jaworek A., Krupa A.,
Phase-shift detection for capacitance sensor measuring void fraction in two-phase flow.
Sensors and Actuators A 160 (2010) 78-86


Sobczyk A.T., Jaworek A.,
Carbon deposit formation in normal-pressure electrical discharges in hydrocarbons.
Acta Physica Polonica A 116 (2009), Suppl. 1, 136-138


Krupa A.,
Back discharge in multipoint-plane geometry in flue gases.
European Physical Journal D 54 (2009), 265-270


Czech T., Lackowski M., Krupa A., Sobczyk A.T., Jaworek A., Rajch E.,
Spectroscopic investigation of back-corona discharge on the fly-ash layer.
European Physical Journal D 54 (2009), 425-432


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Lackowski M., Sobczyk A.T., Czech T., Ramakrishna S., Sundarrajan S., Pliszka D.,
Nanocomposite fabric formation by electrospinning and electrospraying technology.
Journal of Electrostatics 67 (2009), No. 2-3, 435-438


Sobczyk A.T., Jaworek A., Sozańska M.,
Carbon fiber formation in electrical discharges in hydrocarbons.
Journal of Electrostatics 67 (2009), No. 2-3, 275-279


Krupa A.,
Laboratory investigations of back discharge in multipoint-plane geometry in flue gases.
Journal of Electrostatics 67 (2009), No. 2-3, 291-296


Sundarrajan S., Pliszka D., Jaworek A., Krupa A., Lackowski M., Ramakrishna S.,
A novel process for the fabrication of nanocomposites membranes.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (2009) No. 7, 4442-4447


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Lackowski M., Sobczyk A.T., Czech T., Ramakrishna S., Sundarrajan S., Pliszka D.,
Electrospinning and electrospraying techniques for nanocomposite non-woven fabric production.
Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe 17 (2009), No.4, 77-81


Jaworek A., Sobczyk A.T.,
Electrospraying route to nanotechnology. An overview.
Journal of Electrostatics. 66 (2008), No.3-4, 197-219


Jaworek A.,
Electrostatic micro- and nanoencapsulation and electroemulsification. A brief review.
Journal of Microencapsulation 25 (2008), No. 7, 443-468


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Sobczyk A.T., Lackowski M., Czech T., Ramakrishna S. Sundarrajan S., Pliszka D.,
Electrospray nanocoating of microfibres.
Solid State Phenomena 140 (2008), 127-132


Sobczyk A.T., Jaworek A., Rajch E., Sozańska M.,
Formation of carbon fibres in high-voltage low-current electrical discharges.
Solid State Phenomena 140 (2008), 103-108


Pliszka D., Sundarrajan S., Jaworek A., Krupa A., Lackowski M., Ramakrishna S.,
Optimization of electrospray process by PIV in nanostructured membrane preparation.
Advances in Science and Technology 60 (2008), 117-122


Jaworek A.
Micro- and nanoparticle production by electrospraying.
Powder Technol. 176 (2007), No. 1, 18-35


Jaworek A.
Electrospray droplet sources for thin film deposition.
J. Materials Sci. 42 (2007), No. 1, 266-297


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Czech T.
Modern electrostatic devices and methods for exhaust gas cleaning. A brief review.
J. Electrostatics 65 (2007), No. 3, 133-155


Jaworek A., Balachandran W., Krupa A., Kulon J., Lackowski M.
Wet electroscrubbers for gas cleaning. State of the art.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 (2006), No. 20, 6197-6207


Krupa A., Lackowski M., Czech T.
Visualization of dust particles motion in back-discharge.
Environ. Protection Eng. 32 (2006), No.4, 53-58


Czech T., Krupa A., Lackowski M., Rajch E.
Dust components identification by emission spectroscopy in back-discharge.
Environ. Protection Eng. 32 (2006), No.3, 55-62


Sobczyk A. T., Jaworek A., Rajch E., Sozanska M.
Formation of carbon fibers in electrical-discharge plasma.
Czech. J. Phys., 56 (2006), Suppl. B, B1339-B1344


Rajch E., Jaworek A., Sobczyk A.T., Krupa A.
Comparative studies of dc corona and back discharges in different gases.
Czech. J. Phys., 56 (2006), Suppl. B, B803-B808


Jaworek A., Lackowski M., Krupa A., Czech T.
Electrostatic interaction of free EHD jets.
Exp. Fluids 40 (2006), No.4, 568-576


Jaworek A., Czech T., Rajch E., Lackowski M.
Laboratory studies of back-discharge in fly ash.
J. Electrostatics 64 (2006), No.5, 326-337


Jaworek A., Balachandran W., Lackowski M., Kulon J., Krupa A.
Multi-nozzle electrospray system for gas cleaning processes.
J. Electrostatics 64 (2006), No.3-4, 194-202


Jaworek A., Rajch E., Krupa A., Czech T., Lackowski M.
Studies of low current back discharge in point plane geometry with dielectric layer.
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 812 (2005), 325-328


Lackowski M., Krupa A.
Measurement methods of size and charge of charged aerosol particles.
Turbulence 11 (2005), 181-192


Lackowski M., Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Charging and motion of aerosol particles in electric field.
Turbulence 11 (2005), 169-180


Jaworek A., Czech T., Rajch E., Lackowski M.
Spectroscopic studies of electric discharges in electrospraying.
J. Electrostatics 63 (2005), No.6-10, 635-641


Krupa A., Jaworek A., Lackowski M., Czech T., Luckner J.
Efficiency of particle charging by an alternating electric field charger.
J. Electrostatics 63 (2005), No.6-10, 673-678


Rajch E., Jaworek A., Czech T., Lackowski M.
Spectroscopic studies of back-discharge.
Czech. J. Phys., 54, (2004), Suppl.C, 772-777


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Trela M.
Capacitance sensor for void fraction measurement in water/steam flows.
Flow Meas. Instrum., 15 (2004), No.5-6, 317-324


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Gas/liquid ratio measurements by rf resonance capacitance sensor.
Sensors Actuators A: Phys., 113 (2004), No.2, 133-139


Lackowski M., Jaworek A., Krupa A., Czech T.
Simulation of electrostatic charging of aerosol particles by alternating electric field charger.
J. Aerosol Sci. 34 (2003), Suppl.1, 1275-1276


Lackowski M., Adamiak K., Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Electrostatic charging of particulates by ionic current in alternating electric field.
Powder Technol. 135-136 (2003), 243-249


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Adamiak K.
Dust particles removal by a novel two-stage electrostatic precipitator.
ELECTROSTATICS 2003, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No.178, 2003, 343-348


Jaworek A., Balachandran W., Krupa A., Kulon J., Machowski W.
Electrohydrodynamic atomization of viscous liquids.
ELECTROSTATICS 2003, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No.178, 2003, 181-186


Krupa A., Jaworek A., Czech T., Lackowski M., Luckner J.
Dust particles removal by wet-type electrostatic scrubber.
ELECTROSTATICS 2003, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No.178, 2003, 349-354


Balachandran W., Jaworek A., Krupa A., Kulon J., Lackowski M.
Efficiency of smoke removal by charged water droplets.
J. Electrostatics 58 (2003), No.3-4, 209-220


Lackowski M., Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Current-voltage characteristics of alternating electric field charger.
J. Electrostatics 58 (2003), No.1, 77-89


Jaworek A., Adamiak K., Balachandran W., Krupa A., Castle G.S.P., Machowski W.
Numerical simulation of scavenging of small particles by charged droplets.
Aerosol Sci. Technol 36 (2002), No.6, 913-924


Lackowski M., Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Aerosol charging in alternating electric field.
J. Aerosol Sci. 32 (2001), Suppl.1, 951-952


Adamiak K., Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Deposition efficiency of dust particles on a single, falling and charged water droplet.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 37 (2001), No.3, 734-750


Jaworek A., Adamiak K., Krupa A., Castle G.S.P.
Trajectories of charged aerosol particles near a spherical collector.
J. Electrostatics 51-52 (2001), 603-609


Lackowski M.
Unipolar charging of aerosol particles in alternating electric field.
J. Electrostatics 51-52 (2001), 225-231


Balachandran W., Krupa A., Machowski W., Jaworek A.
Smoke precipitation by charged water aerosol.
J. Electrostatics 51-52 (2001), 193-199


Jaworek A., Smigielski J.
Efektywność osiadania kropli przy opływie brył przez ośrodek dwufazowy.
(Collection efficiency of droplets flowing around an obstacle in two-phase flows).
Inz. Chem. Proc.21 (2000), No.4, 783-799


Śmigielski J., Jaworek A.
Uogolniona charaktrystyka sondy elektrostatycznej do wyznaczania strumienia objetosci fazy ciekłej w ośrodku dwufazowym.
(Generalized characteristics of an electrostatic probe for measurement of liquid content in two-phase flows).
Inz. Chem. Proc.21 (2000), No.4, 753-768


Jaworek A., Adamiak K., Krupa A., Castle P.
Experimental Investigations of Charged Aerosol Particle Deposition on a Spherical Collector.
J. Aerosol Sci. 30 (1999), Suppl.1, 673-674


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Dynamic Processes in Electrospraying.
J. Aerosol Sci. 30 (1999), Suppl.1, 549-550


Krupa A., Jaworek A.
Spherical Probe for Measuring Aerosol Mass Flow Rate.
J. Aerosol Sci. 30 (1999), Suppl.1, 377-378


Jaworek A., Adamiak K., Krupa A., Castle P.
Studies of Aerosol Deposition on a Charged Spherical Collector.
ELECTROSTATICS 99, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No.163, 1999, 425-428


Jaworek A., Machowski W., Krupa A., Balachandran W.
Viscosity Effect on Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Spraying of Liquids.
ELECTROSTATICS 99, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No.163, 1999, 109-114


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Classification of the Modes of EHD Spraying.
J. Aerosol Sci. 30 (1999), No.7, 873-893


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Nowe elektrostatyczne metody oczyszczania gazów.
(New electrostatic methods of gas cleaning).
Wiadom. Elektrot. 67 (1999), No.2, 70-77 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Spherical Probe for Measuring Flow Rate of Liquid in Two-Phase Flows.
Trans. Inst. Fluid Flow Mach. 105 (1999), 101-113


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Jet and Drop Formation in Electrohydrodynamic Spraying of Liquids. A Systematic Approach.
Exp. Fluids 27 (1999), No.1, 43-52


Śmigielski J., Jaworek A.
Elektrische Messmethode zur Bestimmung der Fluessigkeitsdurchflussintensitaet in Zweiphasenstroemung.
Tech. Mess. tm 65 (1998), No.10, 354-360


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Adamiak K.
Submicron Charged Dust Particle Interception by Charged Drops.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 34 (1998), No.5, 985-991


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Studies of the corona discharge in ehd spraying.
J. Electrostatics 40+41 (1997), 173-178


Jaworek A., Adamiak K., Krupa A.
Deposition of aerosol particles on a charged spherical collector.
J. Electrostatics 40+41 (1997), 443-448


Smigielski J., Jaworek A.
Elektrostatyczna metoda pomiaru natężenia przepływu fazy ciekłej w mieszaninie dwufazowej.
(An electrostatic method of measurement of the volume flow rate of liquid phase in two phase flow).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 44 (1997) Nr 5, 138-141 (in Polish)


Krupa A., Jaworek A., Czech T.
Rozkład zanieczyszczeń gazowych za pomocą wyładowania wstecznego.
(Degradation of gaseous pollutants by back-corona discharge).
Ochrona Srodowiska 64 (1997) Nr 1, 23-26 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Adamiak K.
Obliczanie sprawności osadzania cząstek pyłu na naelektryzowanym kolektorze kulistym.
(Calculating of efficiency of particulate deposition on a charged spherical collector).
Ochrona Srodowiska 64 (1997) Nr 1, 29-32 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Spherical Probe for Measuring Charge on a Single Airborne Particle.
Trans. Inst Fluid Flow Mach. 100 (1996), 37-54


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Rozpylanie cieczy metodą elektrohydrodynamiczną.
(Spraying of liquids by electrohydrodynamic method).
Inz. Aparat. Chem. No.4, 1996, 21-24 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Forms of the Multijet Mode of Electrohydrodynamic Spraying.
J. Aerosol Sci. 27 (1996) No.7, 979-986


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Generation and Characteristics of the Precession Mode of EHD Spraying.
J. Aerosol Sci. 27 (1996) No.1, 75-82


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Corona Discharge from a Multipoint Electrode in Flowing Air.
J. Electrostatics 38 (1996) No.3, 187-197


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Czech T.
Decomposition of NO2 in Oxygen-Free NO2:N2 Gas Mixture by Back-Corona Generated Plasma.
Contrib. Plasma Phys. 36 (1996) No.5, 619-629


Jaworek A., Krupa A., Czech T.
Back-Corona Generated Plasma for Decomposition of Hydrocarbon Gaseous Contaminants.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29 (1996), 2439-2446


Jaworek A.
Limiting trajectories of dust particles approaching a charged spherical collector.
Trans. Inst Fluid Flow Mach. 99 (1995), 113-123


Jaworek A., Mizeraczyk J., Krupa A., Czech T., Karpinski L., Jakubowski J.
Removal of NOx from NO2:NO:N2 Mixture by a Pulsed and DC Streamer Corona in a Needle-to-Plane Reactor.
Czech. J. Phys. 45 (1995), No.12, 1049-1061


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Electrical Characteristics of a Corona Discharge Reactor in Multipoint-to-Plane Geometry.
Czech. J. Phys. 45 (1995), No.12, 1035-1047


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Corona Discharge in Multipoint - to - Plane Geometry.
ELECTROSTATICS 95, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 143, Bristol, 1995, 289-292


Adamiak K., Krupa A., Jaworek A.
Unipolar Particle Charging in an Alternating Electric Field.
ELECTROSTATICS 95, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 143, Bristol, 1995, 275-278


Jaworek A.
Modelowanie ruchu cząstek pyłu w pobliżu naelektryzowanego kolektora kulistego w skruberowaniu elektrostatycznym.
(Modeling of Dust Particle Trajectories in the Vicinity of a Charged Spherical Collector in The Charged-Droplet-Scrubbing).
Prace IMP PAN 97 (1994), 77-92
Trans. Inst Fluid Flow Mach. 97 (1994), 77-92 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Pojemnościowa metoda pomiaru zawartości faz w przepływie dwufazowym.
(A Capacitive Method for Measuring Void Fraction in Two-Phase Flows).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 40 (1994), Nr 11, 258-60 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Wytwarzanie naelektryzowanego aerozolu metodą elektrodynamiczną.
(Generation of Charged Aerosol by Electrodynamic Method).
Inz. Chem. Proc. 15 (1994) Nr 1, 101-113 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Ring Probes for the Measurement of Charge on a Single Airborne Particle.
Trans. Inst. Fluid Flow Mach. 95 (1993), 131-146


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Sonda kulowa do pomiaru ładunku naelektryzowanych kropli lub cząstek pyłu.
(Sphere Probe Measuring Charge on Charged Droplets or Dust Particles).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 38 (1992) No 9, 201-203 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Morphological Studies of Electrodynamic Spraying of Water.
Trans. Inst. Fluid Flow Mach. 94 (1992), 155-172


Jaworek A.
Błędy pomiarowe detektorów fazoczulych spowodowane napięciami i prądami niezrównoważenia.
(Input Offset Current and Voltage Effect on Measuring Errors of Phase-Sensitive Detectors).
Kwart. Elektron. Telekom. 38 (1992) No 2-3, 405-417 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Odpowiedź czasowa układu wzmacniacza operacyjnego na skokowo zmiane wartosci immitancji w jego obwodzie.
(Time Domain Response of an Operational Amplifier to Step Changes in the Immittance in its Circuit).
Kwart. Elektron. Telekom. 38 (1992) No 2-3, 305-314 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Charakterystyki sondy do pomiaru ładunku cząstek naelektryzowanych aerozoli.
Properties of a Probe Measuring Charge on Aerosol Particles.
Prace IMP PAN 93 (1991), 195-209
Trans. Inst. Fluid Flow Mach. 93 (1991), 195-209 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Wpływ parametrów wzmacniacza pomiarowego na pomiar składowych immitancji dwojników za pomocą detektorów fazoczułych.
(Influence of Operational Amplifier Parameters on Results of Measurement of a Two-Terminal Immittance Components by Means of Phase-Sensitive Detectors).
Kwart. Elektron. Telekom. 37 (1991) No 1-2, 117-139 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Pomiar immitancji dwojników biernych za pomocą detektorów fazoczułych.
(Measurement of Immittance Components with the aid of Phase-sensitive Detectors).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 36 (1990) Nr 9, 180-183 (in Polish)


Krupa A., Jaworek A.
Sonda cylindryczna do pomiaru ładunku naelektryzowanych cząstek aerozoli.
(A Cylinder Probe Measuring the Charge Borne on Aerosol Particles).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 36 (1990) Nr 8, 156-158 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Dynamiczne właściwosci fazoczułych metod detekcji składowych immitancji dwojników biernych.
(Dynamic Properties of Phase-Sensitive Methods of Detecting the Immittance Components of Passive Two-Ports).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 36 (1990) Nr 2-3, 42-44 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Detektory fazoczułe w pomiarach składowych immitancji dwojników.
(Phase-Sensitive Detectors in Measurements of Immittance Components of a Two-Terminal).
Kwart. Elektron. Telekom. 36 (1990) No 3-4, 553-574 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Elektryczne metody badania aerozoli.
(Electrical Methods of the Investigations of Aerosols. A Review).
Kwart. Elektron. Telekom. 36 (1990) Nr 1, 149-170 (in Polish)


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Principles of Charged Droplet Scrubbing.
Materials Sci. 16 (1990) No 1-3, 33-38


Krupa A., Jaworek A.
Charge Detector for Airborne Particles.
J. Electrostatics 25 (1990), No.2, 185-199


Jaworek A., Krupa A.
Airborne Particle Charging by Unipolar Ions in AC Electric Field.
J. Electrostatics 23 (1989), 361-370


Krupa A., Jaworek A.
A Method for Aerosol Particle Charge Measurements.
J. Electrostatics 23 (1989), 283-292


Jaworek A.
Sposób szybkiego pomiaru składowych immitancji dwojników metodą próbkowania odpowiedzi.
(Fast Measurement of the Immittance Components of the Two-Terminal Network by a Sampling Method).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 33 (1987) Nr 5, 102-103 (in Polish)


Jaworek A.
Pomiar skladowych impedancji dwojnikow.
(Measurement of Impedance Components of Two-Terminal Networks).
Pom. Autom. Kontr. 33 (1987) No 2, 38-39 (in Polish)


Krupa A.
Ładunek elektryczny czastek aerozolu elektryzowanego indukcyjnie.
Arch.Elektrotechn. 35 (1986), No.3-4, 899-907.


Jaworek A.
Elektryzowanie aerozolu wodnego w obszarze wyladowania ulotowego.
(Charging Water Aerosol in a Corona Discharge).
Prace IMP PAN 89 (1985), 127-34, Trans. Inst. Fluid Flow Mach. 89 (1985), 127-134 (in Polish)

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