
Project office adress:
The Szewalski Institute
of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences
Fiszera street 14
80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
Fax: 0048 58 341 61 44

Mgr Renata Opieka
Tel.: 0048 58 699 53 25

E-mail: ropieka@imp.gda.pl

Head of the project:
Wiesław Ostachowicz PhD, DSc, Professor
Head of the Centre for Mechanics of Machines
Head of the Laboratory of Active Materials and Smart Structures
Tel.: 0048 58 699 52 85

E-mail: wieslaw@imp.gda.pl

Tasks leader:
Marek Krawczuk PhD, DSc, Professor
Tel.: 0048 58 6995 206

E-mail: mk@imp.gda.pl