Project targets
The project involves 6 partners from 3 Member States countries: DK, PL, LT and 4 associated partners. The partners represent sectors: scientific and research institutions (Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Science, Aalborg University), waste management companies (Bofa and Ekodolina), communes and municipalities (Administration of Taurage District Municipality, Nowa Karczma Commune). The overall idea of the project is to facilitate the transition of the waste management sector from linear to circular economy by implementation of Integrated Sustainable Waste Management System (ISWMS). Therefore, it will decrease the pollution from the waste management sector and at the same time ensures the effective recycling of municipal waste resources.
About project
The project’s activities are arranged in three core work packages: WP3-preparation, WP4-implementation, WP5-evaluation and future guidance on Integrated Waste Management System. The outputs delivered are Design Manual for co-design of ISWMS, User Applications, Management Toolbox. Additionally, a pilot investment in LivingLabs – a specialized container supplied in laboratory equipment dedicated to waste studies with a biogas installation for common use of biodegradable waste and an Educational Path. The main target groups are municipal stakeholders of the waste-services (municipal solid waste management organizations), waste companies, local politicians and authorities and the knowledge organizations directly involved in waste management as well as citizens, producers of goods and services, SMEs, housing associations, municipalities, NGOs, cultural heritage organizations.
Information about the WASTEMAN project
07/2018 – 06/2022
1 511 550,00 €
Lead Partner
Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych
im. Roberta Szewalskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IMP PAN), Poland