WP3 Kick-off meeting in Denmark
WP3 Initial Meeting was organized on 11th December in Copenhagen by Stig Hirsbak (PP AAU) and HC Holmstrand (PP Bofa) from Resourcelab
Bornholm (a collaborative between the PP’s AAU and Bofa).
The first part of session focussed on mapping the present ISWM situation. As part of WP3 partners from Poland, Lithuania and Denmark (Bornholm)
will map the present situation accordingly to the ISWM approach, and knowledge partners will prepare a desk study that present on state of art
and green technology trends with special emphasis on collection of up to five fractions in old down town areas and old village with lack of space
for collection bins. The ISWM model was presented and is was discussed how the mapping task could be conducted and included as part of the Project Handbook.
The second part of session focussed on preparing Cross Border activities like study tours, workshop on e.g.
food waste management in the waste food loop, and other
activities that strengthen the capacity to same level of understanding at all partners.