

Being the biggest among scientific units of Polish Academy of Sciences in Northern Poland and the second largest in the country.

IMP PAN hires over 200 employees. Its main scientific task is concentrated on energy conversion in flows and constitutes its fundamental research field. However, during the last decade IMP PAN gradually changed its scientific policy, in line with the altering world trends and developed a new scientific specialization - small-scale distributed energy generation systems based on RES, including waste utilization technologies. Modern thematic laboratories create a unique opportunity for researchers in this field to perform investigations of variously configured waste management and utilization systems, modelled by means of a number of modern energy devices available in the facility, including biogas installations, hydrothermal lysis system, chemical analyses lab, etc.

Lead Partner of the WASTEMAN project
Adress: Fiszera 14 st., 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland