Project aiming to promote and increase the sustainable use of bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region

Economy in brief
  • In comparison to the rest of the country, the Pomorskie Voivodeship's economy is good, but its economic growth
    does not help to eliminate intra-regional disparities;
  • There is relatively little investment activity;
  • High value and dynamics of exports;

Agriculture and forestry in brief
  • The region has extensive forest areas of high environmental, recreational and ecological value; The forest cover indicator
    in the Voivodeship (36%) exceeds the national average value (30%) as well as European average value (32%);
  • The region's agricultural space is well positioned for ecological and high-yield farming, because of its good environmental
    and soil assets as well as economic and social conditions, including the fact that there are numerous small and
    medium-sized family farms;

Energy outlook in brief
  • Pomorskie Voivodeship is a significant energy/electricity importer at the national scale;
  • Pomorskie Voivodeship has significant sources of renewable energy;
  • Pomorskie Voivodeship needs to improve its security of energy supply;
Renewable energy sources, biomass and wind in particular, constitute an opportunity for the region to improve its security of energy supply. Among all the renewable energy sources, biomass plays the most important role. There exists a number of installations
utilizing solid biofuels ( mainly wood, waste wood and straw ) in the Pomorskie Voivodeship. Interestingly, 4 biogas-fueled CHP
plants were built recently in the west-southern area of the Voivodeship.

Heat production from RES in the Pomorskie Voivodeship

The annual heat demand in Pomorskie Voivodeship is shown in the figure below (on the left). Heat is produced from coal (70%),
natural gas (16,5%), oil (6,9%), electricity (1,2%) and renewable sources (primarily biomass) in 5,4%. The utilization of biomass
for heat production is gradually increasing, as shown in the figure below (on the right):

Fig. Annual heat demand in Pomorskie Voivodeship [TJ]
Source: Office of the Marshal of Pomorskie Voivodeship,
  Fig. Biomass utilization in heating sector [TJ]
  Source: Office of the Marshal of Pomorskie Voivodeship,

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