Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster (BEEC) Regional Network Point on Bioenergy

BEEC Regional Network Point on
Bioenergy has its seat in the
Institute of Fluid- Flow Machinery Polish Academy
of Sciences (
IFFM PASci, in Polish: IMP PAN ), in Gdańsk.
  Since IMP PAN is a Leader and legal representative of the
Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster ( BEEC ), which exists
since June 2007, the Regional Network Point, created under Bioenergy Promotion project, was built into the already existing network,
with the aim of enhancement of further networking and assistance to all the actors of bioenergy market
in the Pomorskie Region. The Regional Network Point on Bioenergy is thus an added value to the already existing
BEEC cluster, and thus is established as
BEEC Regional Network Point on Bioenergy.
Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster, BEEC was established as a common initiative of Marshals and Self-Governments
of the Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeships, the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy
of Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury, Gdansk University of Technology, Koszalin University of Technology,
as well as the economic units and associations having their seats in those voivodeships. BEEC is currently
the biggest eco-energy cluster in Poland (see figure on the left) and it associates
almost 50 partners
representing academia, local government bodies, as well as businesses sector.
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