We offer

Laser micromachining

This system is multifunctional laser cutting system for micromachining of many different materials like: metal foils from copper, bronze, brass, aluminium, stainless steel and also materials like: ceramic, diamond and graphite. But according to its application, this system was designed especially for producing metal stencils in stainless steel foils used for applying solder paste during PCB manufacturing process in SMT technology. Thicknesses of these foils are varied between 80-200 um), which depends on pads dimensions (the smaller pad the thicker metal foil is used). This system is based on new generation DPSS Nd:YAG laser (l=532 nm) which generates laser beam with average output power of 12 W. This allow to cut metal foils with thicknesses amount to even 0,5 mm.


PIV measurements

The PIV method based on the scattering of laser light on the particles following the flow has been introduced to measuring the flow velocity fields in large cross-sections of the flow. This method gives the unique possibility to measure the velocity field in the flow with a high electrical field, especially in turbulent flows and vortical structures.


CO2 1kW laser cutting with industrial robot

We have developed a robotic laser system where a laser is integrated with industrial robot arm. To make it afordable, it is a most popular welding robot type. The system consist of a number of mirrors integrated with robot arm to pass a laser beam form lasers head into robot cutting tool. We have developed a complete robot cage with ventilation and security systems ready for industrial application. The system allows cutting of the materials, such as: PP (Polipropylen), PE (Polietylen), ABS (poli(akrylonitryl-co-butadien-co-styren)) polymers. They are widely used in automotive industry, household appliances, sport equipement, furniture, photography and in toys manufacturing.


High resolution 3D printing

We offer a 3D printing service of industrial grade quality samples made of nylon-12 polymer. We print on Farsoon FS251P industrial printer. We are ready for cooperation for high volume priting.


Software development

We are able to develop customized machine control software for Windows operation systems. Our software can control multiple additional equipement such as: PLC controller, CCD camera, laser and scan head. We specialized mostly in laser scanning application using Scanlab and Sino-Galvo scanners. Our main point of interest is UV laser micromachining for multiple industial applications.
