We are able to develop customized machine control software for Windows operation systems. Our software can control multiple additional equipement such as: PLC controller, CCD camera, laser, scan head.
Our new version of control sofware is Matrix Scan. It is designed for special application. It utilized hardware communication with 4 different external equipment:
PLC controller (Fatek FBs20MCJ2-D24 with FBs-16XYJ extension),
Scan head with USB controller (Sino-galvo JD2207 and Eastern Logic UMC4),
UV DPSS laser (Coherent Matrix 3555-50).

Fig. 1 User interface of Matrix Scan
To take advantage of our offer, please contact Dr Robert Barbucha: email: brobert@imp.gda.pl, tel. 506 310 086
To learn more about Matrix Scan software please read PDF Manual