The PIV method based on the scattering of laser light on the particles following the flow has been introduced to measuring the flow velocity fields in large cross-sections of the flow. This method gives the unique possibility to measure the velocity field in the flow with a high electrical field, especially in turbulent flows and vortical structures.

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for 3D-PIV flow velocity field measurements
PIV system consist of double Nd:YAG laser with pulse energy of 140 mJ, optics for transmission and formation a laser beam, two CCD cameras (Kodak MegaPlus ES-1.0 and FlowSense M2), PIV processor Dantec Timer DAQ 6601 and PC computer. The maximum measured area is 0.5 m2 and flow velocity in the range of 0-300 m/s.

Fig. 2. Experimental set-up for micro-PIV flow velocity field measurements
micro-PIV system consist of double Nd:YAG 532 nm laser, a CCD camera Dantec FlowSense M2 8bit, PIV processor Dantec Timer DAQ 6601, PC computer with Flow Manager software and a Nikon Eclipse TS100-F microscope.

So far, the PIV measurements were carried out in hydrodynamic and transonic ducts, corona discharge reactors, electrostatic precipitator models and a microwave torch discharge reactor in The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk. The PIV system was used also for the measurements of the velocity fields round the hull of the ship model in The Ship Design and Research Centre in Gdansk.