Publications of the staff
To view a publication, click its title (in blue).
- R. Barbucha
Laserowe usuwanie izolacji z drutów nawojowych
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 1-2/2019, s.6-8
- R. Barbucha
Mikroobróbka laserowa metali
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 7-8/2018, s.6-7
- A. Berent, M. Tański, J. Mizeraczyk
Controlled generation of single Trichel pulses and inherent EHD particle flow structures in a two-phase fluid (air and smoke particles)
Journal of Electrostatics 92/2018, s.38-44
- R.Barbucha
Możliwości światłowodowych wycinarek laserowych
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 3-4/2018, s.71-72
- R.Barbucha
Przegląd maszyn do wycinania laserowego
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 11-12/2017, s.58-65
- R.Barbucha
Układ optyczny do prowadzenia wiązki lasera CO2 wzdłuż ramienia robota spawalniczego
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 9-10/2017, s.58-61
- M. Tański, A. Berent, J. Mizeraczyk
Direct and indirect studies of the gaseous charged species in surface dielectric barrier discharge in plasma actuator
STAL, Metale & Nowoczesne Technologie, 9-10/2017, s.58-61
- M. Tański, J. Mizeraczyk
Parametric studies on the nanosecond laser micromachining of the materials
Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection with Seminar Applications of Superconductors (ELMECO & AoS) IEEE, 3-6 Dec.2017, 10.1109/ELMECO.2017.8267737
- J. Podliński, K. Garasz, A. Berendt, J. Mizeraczyk
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Evolution in a Narrow Wire-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 93, 2 (2017) 214-218
- E. Iordanova, G. Yankov, K. Garasz
Surface modification of different materials by fs-laser irradiation,
Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 44 (2017) 133-144
- S. Kanazawa, S. Kanda, S. Matsuo, S. Akamine, R. Ichiki, K. Yoshihara, Y. Hirayama, K. Tominaga, K. Higashiyama, M. Kocik
Detection of OH Radicals Produced by Atmospheric Pressure Non-thermal Plasmas Using a Functional Hydrogel
Int. Symp on Electrohydrodynamics, ISEHD 2017, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-3
- I. Balchev, N. Minkovski, K. Dimitrov, M. Shipochka, R. Barbucha
Ultraviolet laser treatment of titanium surface
Journal of Physics Conference Series 682(1):012033 , 2016, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/682/1/012033
- R. Barbucha, J. Mizeraczyk
Recent progress in direct exposure of interconnects on PCBs
Circuit World 02/2016; 42(1):42-47. DOI:10.1108/CW-10-2015-0050
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, M. Tański, K. Garasz, T. Petrov, Cz. Radzewicz
Femtosecond laser system for micromachining of the materials
Proc. SPIE, 9447, 18th International School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, 94470J, doi:10.1117/12.2086473
- K. Garasz, R. Barbucha
Precise micromachining of materials using femtosecond laser pulses
Proc. SPIE 9520, Integrated Photonics: Materials, Devices, and Applications III, 952008, doi:10.1117/12.2182427
- R. Barbucha, M. Tański, M. Kocik
Multi-diode laser system for UV exposure of the photoresists
Proc. SPIE 9520, Integrated Photonics: Materials, Devices, and Applications III, 95200P, doi:10.1117/12.2177568
- Katarzyna Garasz, Marek Kocik, Mateusz Tański, Robert Barbucha, Jerzy Mizeraczyk, Michał Nejbauer, Czesław Radzewicz
A prototype femtosecond laser system for MEMS fabrication
Electron Technology Conference 2013, Ed. Pawel Szczepanski, Ryszard Kisiel, Ryszard S. Romaniuk, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8902, 89021S, doi: 10.1117/12.2030552
- Mateusz Tański, Marek Kocik, Robert Barbucha, Katarzyna Garasz, Jerzy Mizeraczyk, Jarosław Kraśniewski, Maciej Oleksy, Aneta Hapka, Włodziemierz Janke
A System for Cooling Electronic Elements with an EHD Coolant Flow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 494 (2014) 012010, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/494/1/012010
- M. Tański, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, M. Oleksy, J. Kraśniewski, A. Hapka, W. Janke
System for liquid cooling of electronic elements with EHD pumping mechanism
Int. Symp. on Electrohydrodynamics, Okinawa, Japan, 2014, Book of Abstracts, p. 80
- M. Kock, M. Tański, K. Garasz, M. Sawczak
Production of gold nanoparticles using femtosecond and nanosecond laser pulses
2nd Int. Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies, Korea Aerospace University, Seoul, Korea, 2014, p. 19
- M. Kocik, K. Siuzdak, M. Sawczak, A. Cenian
Semitransparent films of titania nanotubes modified with platinum
2nd Int. Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies, Korea Aerospace University, Seoul, Korea, 2014, p. 53
- T. Izdebski, M. Dors, M. Kocik
Influence of gas bubbles on water remediation in electrohydraulic spark discharge
2nd Int. Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies, Korea Aerospace University, Seoul, Korea, 2014, p. 54
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, M. Tański, K. Garasz, T. Petrov, C. Radzewicz
Femtosecond laser system for micromachining of the materials
18th int. School on Quantum Electronics, Laser Physics and Applications, Book of Abstracts, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2014, p. 38-39
- Mirosław Dors, Tomasz Izdebski, Mateusz Tański, Jerzy Mizeraczyk
The influence of H2S and configuration of a DBD reactor powered with nanosecond high voltage pulses on hydrogen production from biogas
European Chemical Bulletin, 3, 8 (2014) 798-804
- M. Tański, R. Barbucha, M. Janke, K. Garasz, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Zastosowanie nanosekundowej mikroobróbki laserowej do wykonywania metalowych elementów urządzeń MEMS
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 86, 11a, 211-213, 2010
- R. Barbucha, M. Janke, K. Garasz, M. Kocik, M. Tański, J. Mizeraczyk
Urządzenie laserowe do bezpośredniego naświetlania gęsto upakowanych schematów obwodów elektrycznych na płytkach drukowanych
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2010
- S. Kanazawa, M. Hirao, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Time Resolved Imaging of Pulsed Streamer Discharge at the Air/Water Interface,
J. Plasma Fusion Res. Series, 8, 615-618, 2009
- J. Podlinski, A. Niewulis, J. Mizeraczyk
Electrohydrodynamic flow in a wire-plate non-thermal plasma reactor measured by 3D PIV method,
Eur. Phys. J. D, 54, 153-158, 2009
- M. Kocik, J. Podliński, J. Mizeraczyk, J.-S. Chang
Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Wire-nonparallel Plates Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump
IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 16, 2, 312-318, 2009
- M. Kocik, J. Podliński, J. Mizeraczyk, J.-S. Chang, K. Urashima
Flow Distribution Measurement in Wire-nonparallel Plate Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump by a Particle Image Velocimetry
IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 16, 3, 601-607, 2009
- A. Niewulis, J. Podliński, J. Mizeraczyk
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Patterns in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal or Transverse Wire Electrode
J. Electrostatics, 67, 123-127, 2009
- J. Podlinski, A. Niewulis, J. Mizeraczyk
Electrohydrodynamic Flow and Particle Collection Efficiency of a Spike-Plate Type Electrostatic Precipitator J. Electrostatics, 67, 99-104, 2009
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Laserowa metoda odwzorowania schematu połączeń obwodów elektrycznych o wysokiej gęstości upakowania na płytkach drukowanych,
Elektronika, 11, 52-54, 2008
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, M. Tański, J. Mizeraczyk
Urządzenie laserowe do mikroobróbki folii metalowych,
Elektronika, 11, 40-42, 2008
- D. Brocilo, J. Podliński, J.S. Chang, J. Mizeraczyk, R.D. Findlay
Electrode geometry effects on the collection efficiency of submicron and ultra-fine dust particles in spike-plate electrostatic precipitators,
Institute of Physics: Conference Series, 142, 012032, 2008
- J. Podliński, E. Metel, M. Dors, J.Mizeraczyk
Bubble Flow Measurements in Pulsed Streamer Discharge in Water Using Particle Image Velocimetry,
Institute of Physics: Conference Series, 142, 012036, 2008
- M. Kocik, J. Podliński, A. Niewulis, J. Mizeraczyk, H. Tsubone, J.-S. Chang
Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Wire-nonparallel Plate Induction Fan Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump,
Institute of Physics: Conference Series, 142, 012061, 2008
- J. Podliński, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Measurements of EHD Flow Patterns in ESP with DC+Pulsed Voltage Hybrid Power Supply,
Institute of Physics: Conference Series, 142, 012037, 2008
- S. Kanazawa, Y. Abe, Y. Kihara, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Time Evolution of Pulsed Streamer Discharge in Water,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 36, 4, 922-923, 2008
- J. Podliński, A. Niewulis, J. Mizeraczyk, P. Atten
ESP Performance for Various Dust Densities,
J. Electrostatics, 66, 246-253, 2008
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J.Mizeraczyk
Zastosowanie matryc DMD do bezpośredniego naświetlania obrazu ścieżek elektrycznych o wysokiej gęstości upakowania na płytkach drukowanych,
Elektronika, 1, 52-53, 2008
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Laser Direct Imaging System for High Density Interconnects on PCB,
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, R. 84, 3, 54-56, 2008
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Urządzenie do laserowej mikroobróbki materiałów,
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, R. 84, 3, 51-53, 2008
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, G. Kozioł, J. Borecki
Laser Direct Imaging of tracks on PCB covered with laser photoresist,
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, Electronics, 56, 1, 17-20, 2008
- S. Kanazawa, H. Tanaka, A. Kajiwara, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, J.S. Chang
LIF Imaging of OH Radicals in DC Positive Streamer Coronas,
Thin Solid Films, 515, 9, 4266-4271, 2007
- Y.N. Chun, J.S. Chang, A.A. Berezin, J. Mizeraczyk
Numerical modeling of near corona wire electrohydrodynamic flow in a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator,
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 14, 1, 119-124, 2007
- A. Niewulis, J. Podliński, M. Kocik, R. Barbucha, J. Mizeraczyk, A. Mizuno
EHD Flow Measured by 3D PIV in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinally-to-flow Wire Electrode and Smooth or Flocking Grounded Plate Electrode,
J. Electrostatics, 65, 728–734, 2007
- J.S. Chang, D. Brocilo, K. Urashima, J. Dekowski, J. Podliński, J. Mizeraczyk, G. Touchard
On-Set of EHD Turbulence for Cylinder in Cross Flow Under Corona Discharges,
J. Electrostatics, 64, 569-573, 2006
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, G. Kozioł, J. Borecki, J. Mizeraczyk
Laboratoryjne urządzenie do bezpośredniego naświetlania laserowego,
Elektronika, 11, 35-37, 2006
- M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo
LIF Observation of Ground-State OH Radicals in DC Nozzle-to-Plane Positive Streamer Corona,
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 9, 144-149, 2006
- R. Barbucha, M. Kocik, G. Kozioł, J. Borecki, J. Mizeraczyk
Laboratoryjne urządzenie do bezpośredniego naświetlania laserowego,
Elektronika, 11, 35-37, 2006
- J.S. Chang, D. Brocilo, K. Urashima, J. Dekowski, J. Podliński, J. Mizeraczyk, G. Touchard
On-Set of EHD Turbulence for Cylinder in Cross Flow Under Corona Discharges,
J. Electrostatics, 64, 569-573, 2006
- J. Podliński, J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk, D. Brocilo, K. Urashima, J.S. Chang
EHD Flow in a Wide Electrode Spacing Spike-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator under Positive Polarity,
J. Electrostatics, 64, 498-505, 2006
- Y.N. Chun, J.S. Chang, A.A. Berezin, J. Mizeraczyk
Numerical Modeling of Near Corona Wire Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Wire-plate Electrostatic Precipitator,
IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 13, 726-732, 2006
- J. Podliński, M. Kocik, R. Barbucha, A. Niewulis, J. Mizeraczyk
3D PIV Measurements of the EHD Flow Patterns in a Narrow Eectrostatic Precipitator with Wire-plate or Wire-flocking Electrodes,
Czech. J. Phys., 56, B1009-B1016, 2006
- J. Podliński, J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk, D. Brocilo, J.S. Chang
Electrohydrodynamic Gas Flow in a Positive Polarity Wire-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator and the Related Dust Particle Collection Efficiency,
J. Electrostatics, 64, 259-262, 2006
- T. Ohkubo, S. Kanazawa, Y. Nomoto, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk
Characteristics of DC Corona Streamers Induced by UV Laser Irradiation in Non-Thermal Plasma,
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 8, 2, 218-225, 2005
- M. Kocik, J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk
Particle precipitation efficiency in an electrostatic precipitator,
J. Electrostatics, 63, 761-766, 2005
- S. Kanazawa, T. Sumi, N. Sato, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, J.S. Chang
Wide Range Two-dimensional Imaging of NO Density Profiles by LIF Technique in a Corona Radical Shower Reactor,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 41, 1, 200-205, 2005
- S. Shimamoto, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, J. Mizeraczyk, J.S. Chang
Flow visualization and current distribution for a corona radical shower reactor,
J. Electrostatics, 61, 3-4, 223-230, 2004
- M. Kocik, M. Dors, J. Mizeraczyk, J. Podliński, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo, J.S. Chang
Transport of NH4NO3 Aerosols in a Corona Radical Injection Reactor,
Journal of the Institute of Electrostatics Japan, 28, 224-29, 2004
- J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk, M. Kocik, M. Dors, J. Podliński, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo, J.S. Chang
Electrohydrodynamic Flow and its Effect on Ozone Transport in Corona Radical Shower Reactor,
IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci., 32, 2, 370-379, 2004
- S. Kanazawa, T. Sumi, S. Shimamoto, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, M. Kocik, J. Mizeraczyk, J.S. Chang
Diagnostics of NO Oxidation Process in a Nonthermal Plasma Reactors: Features of DC Streamer-Corona Discharge and NO LIF Profile,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 32, 1, 25-31, 2004
- J. Mizeraczyk, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo
Progress in the Visualization of Filamentary Gas Discharges. Part2: Visualization of DC Positive Corona Discharges,
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 7, 1, 20-30, 2004
- J. Podliński, M. Kocik, J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk, J.S. Chang
Measurement of the flow velocity field in multi-field wire-plate electrostatic precipitator,
Czech. J. Phys., 54, Suppl. C, 922-930, 2004
- J. Dekowski, J. Mizeraczyk, T. Ohkubo, S. Kanazawa, J.S. Chang
Measurement of Flow Velocity Field in Corona Discharge Radical Shower Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor,
Czech. J. Phys., 54, Suppl. C, 948-957, 2004
- S. Kanazawa, Y. Shuto, N. Sato, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, J. Mizeraczyk,
J.S. Chang
Two-dimensional Imaging of NO Density Profiles by LIF Technique in a Pipe with Nozzles Electrode During NO Treatment,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 39, 2, 333-339, 2003
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Dekowski, J. Podliński, M. Kocik, T. Ohkubo, S. Kanazawa
Laser Flow Visualization and Velocity Fields by Particle Image Velocimetry in an Electrostatic Precipitator Model,
Journal of Visualization, 6, 2, 125-133, 2003
- J. Mizeraczyk, T. Ohkubo, S. Kanazawa, M. Kocik
Application of LIF Technique for the Space- and Time-Resolved Monitoring of Pollutant Gas Decomposition in Non-Thermal Plasma Reactors,
Acta Agrophysica, 80, 181-193, 2002
- S. Kanazawa, T. Ito, Y. Shuto, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, J. Mizeraczyk
Characteristics of laser-induced streamer corona discharge in a needle-to-plate electrode system,
J. Electrostatics, 55, 343-350, 2002
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Podliński, M. Dors, M. Kocik, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo, J.S. Chang
Electrohydrodynamic Transport of O3 Molecules in a Corona Radical Shower Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor,
Czech. J. Phys., 52, Suppl. D, D413-D420, 2002
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Podliński, M. Dors
Flow Velocity Field in Flow Stabilized Hollow Needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Air,
Czech. J. Phys., 52, Suppl. D, D769-D776, 2002
- J. Podliński, J. Dekowski, M. Jasiński, Z. Zakrzewski, J. Mizeraczyk
Influence of the gas flow on the microwave torch plasma flame structure,
Czech. J. Phys., 52, Suppl. D, D736-D742, 2002
- T. Ohkubo, T. Ito, Y. Shuto, S. Akamine, S. Kanazawa, Y. Nomoto, J. Mizeraczyk
Streamer Corona Induced by Laser Pulse During LIF Measurements in a DC Non-thermal Plasma Reactor for NO Oxidation,
J. of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 5, 2, 129-134, 2002
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Dekowski, J. Podliński, M. Dors, M. Kocik, J. Mikielewicz, T. Ohkubo, S. Kanazawa
Images of EHD Flow Velocity Field in a DC Positive Polarity Needle-to-Plate Non-thermal Plasma Reactor,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 3rd Triennial Special Issue “Images in Plasma Science”, 30, 164-165, 2002
- S. Kanazawa, T. Ito, Y. Shuto, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, J. Mizeraczyk
Two-dimensional Distrubution of Ground-State NO Density by LIF Technique in a DC Needle-to-Plate Positive Streamer Corona During NO Removal Processing,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 37, 1663-1667, 2001
- J. Mizeraczyk, M. Kocik, J. Dekowski, M. Dors, J. Podliński, T. Ohkubo,
S. Kanazawa, T. Kawasaki
Measurements of the Velocity Field of the Flue Gas Flow in an Electrostatic Precipitator Model Using PIV Method,
Journal. of Electrostatics, 51-52, 272-277, 2001
- M. Grozeva, M. Kocik, J. Mentel, J. Mizeraczyk, T. Petrov, P. Telbizov, D. Teuner, N. Sabotinov, J. Schulze
Laser Capabilities of CuBr Mixture Excited by RF Discharge,
European Physical Journal D, 277-286, 2000
- P. Telbizov, T. Petrov, M. Grozeva, N. Sabotinov, J. Mentel, D. Teuner, J. Mizeraczyk
Capacitively Coupled Radio-Frequency Excited Infrared He-Cd Laser,
Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 25, 193-200, 1997
- T. Adamowicz, M. Kocik, J. Mentel, J. Mizeraczyk
Infrared Laser Properties of Sputtered He-Cu Mixtures Excited by Radio-Frequency and Hollow-Cathode Discharges,
Kwartalnik Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji (Electronics and Communications Quarterly, Poland),1, 43, 99-108, 1997
- J. Mentel, N. Reich, J. Schulze, M. Grozeva, N. Sabotinov, J. Mizeraczyk
Radio-Frequency Excited CW Gas Ion Lasers,
Transactions of IEE of Japan, 116-A, 11, 1996
- J. Mizeraczyk, N. Reich, J. Mentel, E. Schmidt
Performance of the Hollow-Cathode Discharge CW Multicolour He-Cd+ Laser,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 28, 840-848, 1995
- N. Reich, J. Mentel, J. Mizeraczyk
CW Radio-Frequency Excited White-Light He-Cd+ Laser
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol.1, 11,1902-1909, 1995
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Mentel, E. Schmidt, N. Reich, C. Carlsson, S. Hard
A Hollow-Cathode Discharge CW Multicolour He-Cd+ Laser Module,
Measurement Science and Technology, 5, 936-941,1994
- N. Reich, J. Mentel, G. Jakob, J. Mizeraczyk
A CW He-Kr+ Laser with Transverse Radio-Frequency Excitation,
Appl. Phys. Letters, 64, 4, 397-399, 1994
- J. Mizeraczyk, G. Jakob, E. Schmidt, J. Mentel
Absorption of the 441.6 nm He-Cd+ Laser Line by the He-Cd Positive Column Utilized in Cataphoretic Confinement,
J. Appl. Phys., 73, 11, 7180-7183, 1993
- J. Mizeraczyk, C. Carlsson, S. Hard
Spectroscopic Study of Cataphoresis in He-Cd Mixtures: Cd Source-Anode Region,
J. Appl. Phys. 72, 2, 384-394, 1992
- J. Bergmann, J. Konieczka, J. Mizeraczyk, M. Schubert
Comparison of Radial Helium Emission Line profiles in Transverse and Longitudinal Hollow-Cathode Discharges,
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 31, 4, 411-421, 1991
- J. Mizeraczyk, F. Howorka, K. Rozsa
Radial Distributions of the Charged Particles in He-Kr Hollow-Cathode Discharge,
Optics Commun., 77, 23, 192-195, 1990
- J. Mizeraczyk
Electron Energy Distribution Function (0-40eV Range) in Helium in a Longitudinal Hollow-Cathode Discharge Used for Lasers,
Z. Naturforsch., 42a, 587-592, 1987
- J. Mizeraczyk
Axial Distribution of Plasma Parameters of a Longitudinal Discharge in Helium in Hollow-Cathodes Used for Lasers,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 20, 429-437, 1986
- J. Mizeraczyk, M. Neiger, J. Steffen
Comparison of He-Cd+ White-Light Laser Oscillations in Longitudinal and Transverse Hollow-Cathode Tubes,
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, QE-20, 11, 1233-1235, 1984
- J. Mizeraczyk
Electron Energy Distribution Function (0-40eV Range) in Helium in a High-Voltage Discharge in Hollow-Cathode Used for Lasers,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 17, 1647-1656, 1984
- J. Mizeraczyk, M. Neiger
On the High-Voltage Regime of the Discharge in Hollow-Cathode Tube,
Appl. Phys. B, 33, 17-21, 1984
- D. Venzke, J. Mizeraczyk, H. Szczepańska, E. Korn
On the Rotational Distribution of N2 in the Ar-N2 Discharge, The O-O-Band of the Second Positive System,
Beitr. Plasmaphys., 23, 2, 145-151, 1983
- J. Mizeraczyk, W. Urbanik
Electron Energy Distribution function (0-40eV Range) in Helium in Transverse Hollow-Cathode Discharge Used for Lasers,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 16, 2119-2133, 1983
- J. Mizeraczyk
Investigations of Longitudinal Hollow-Cathode Discharge,
Acta Physica Hungaricae, 54, 1-2, 71-95, 1983
- H. Szczepańska, D. Venzke, J. Mizeraczyk
On a Transverse Abnormal Glow Discharge Between Two Cylindrical Electrodes in Nitrogen,
Acta Physica Hungaricae, 50, 3, 263-273, 1981
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Konieczka, J. Wasilewski
High-Voltage Hollow-Cathode He-Cd+ Laser,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXIX, 5-6, 25-27, 1981
- N. Sabotinov, J. Konieczka, J. Mizeraczyk, N. Vutchkov
A Dipolar He-Cd Hollow-Cathode Laser,
Kvantovaja Elektronika (Quantum Electronics, USSR), 5, 7, 1603-1605, 1978 (in Russian)
- T. Goto, H. Kano, N. Yoshino, J. Mizeraczyk, S. Hattori
Construction of a Practical Sealed-off He-I+ Laser Device,
J. Phys. E.: Sci. Instr., 10, 3, 292-295, 1977
- J. Mizeraczyk, T. Goto, S. Hattori
An Approach to Quantitative Description of He-Cd+ Laser Power Output,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXIV, 1, 16, 1976
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Ziemann
Experimental Studies of Uniformity of Positive Column of He-Cd+ Laser Discharge,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXIII, 12, 129-132, 1975
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Konieczka, Z. Rozkwitalski, J. Ziemann
0.615 *m CW Laser Action in a Positive Column He-Hg+ Laser with Mercury Cathode,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXIII, 2, 15-18, 1975
- J. Mizeraczyk
Plasma Parameters in the Positive Column He-Cd+ Lasers,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXIII, 5, 43-48, 1975
- J. Mizeraczyk
On Saturation Mechanisms in PC He-Cd+ Lasers,
IEEE J. Quantum-Electronics, QE-11, 5, 218-220, 1975
- J. Mizeraczyk
A Simple Method of Determination of Electron Density in Positive-Column He-Metal Laser Discharges,
J. Appl. Phys., 16, 4, 1847-1848, 1975
- T. Kopiczyński, J. Mizeraczyk, Z. Zakrzewski
On Probe Measurements of Plasma Parameters in Ion Metal Vapour Lasers,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXII, 12, 105-111, 1974
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Chojnacki
Influence of Parabolical Gain Distribution of a Medium with Gain Saturation on Laser Modes,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXII, 12, 113-125, 1974
- J. Chojnacki, J. Mizeraczyk
Influence of Discharge Current Stabilization on Stability of PC He-Cd+ Laser Power Output,
Elektronika, 6, 259-260, 1974 (in Polish)
- J. Mizeraczyk, J. Konieczka
Two-Anode He-Cd+ Laser,
Bull. L'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech., XXII, 3, 19-20, 1973
- J. Mizeraczyk
Equivalence Relations for Laser Resonator with a Lens-Like Medium -Approximation Resulting from the Huygens-Fresnel Principle,
Acta Phys. Pol., A 42, 147-154, 1972
- J. Mizeraczyk
System of Integral Equations and Equivalence Parameters of an Optical Resonator with Inhomogeneous Medium - Approximation Resulting from Quasi-Geometric Optics,
Bull. l'Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Tech. XX, 4, 39-48, 1972
- A. Zastawny, J. Mizeraczyk
Gas Gain in Proportional Counter Filled with Argon and Nitrogen,
Nucleonics, XI, 9, 685-690, 1966 (in Russian)